Trading Places For A Day

Alexia Dark

Warrior Princess
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
If you could trade places with someone for a day (an actual, living person, not a fictional character), who would you pick, and why? Keep in mind you could not do something like choose a billionaire and have them give you all of their money. :p

I choose Sharon den Adel. Not only would I give a kick-ass concert of my favourite songs in a fantastic outfit, but I would be bilingual and ridiculously beautiful. I would know what it's like to be a successful singer and mother, and have all of the life experiences of someone who helped create some of the most epic, universal and yet heartfelt songs that I have ever heard.

Your turn. would be fun



And yes I imagine Diddy does these things every day
I would be Mitt Romney and destroy his campaign.
The richest person in the world who has the hottest wife and best house. would be fun


And yes I imagine Diddy does these things every day
I find it funny that out of all that money he has, he just happens to have a $1 bill in there somewhere.
Look at that look he's giving it, though... "A $1?! How the **** you get in there?" right before he wads it up and throws it in the trash.

Now, on topic... I don't know. Maybe Henry Cavill. Just so I could walk around naked all day and have people marvel at me. Same for Kate Upton, exept in her case, I wouldn't leave the house. I'd just need a giant mirror. :o
Look at that look he's giving it, though... "A $1?! How the **** you get in there?" right before he wads it up and throws it in the trash.

Now, on topic... I don't know. Maybe Henry Cavill. Just so I could walk around naked all day and have people marvel at me. Same for Kate Upton, exept in her case, I wouldn't leave the house. I'd just need a giant mirror. :o
And a video camera?
I would be Prince Harry and just classy up the place. Plus shopping. Lots of it.

And the other stuff that happens after sunset of course.
I would be Michael Fassbender, and just do every woman in America.

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