The Dark Knight Two-Faces's scars


Forever guarding Gotham
Apr 1, 2006
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what do you think Two-Faces scrareing should look like?.
Brutal. Realistic, but brutal. Not pink like in BF. They should be deep red with shades of black. I'd also like to see flesh removed from around his eye. There was a Joaquin Phoenix manip that looked near perfect.
Man you sure like making topic threads partner. I say the more realistic they portray the scarring and the scars the more the audience will get "wrapped up in" Harvey's emotional transformation and tragedy as well as Bruce's and Gordon's through the movie.
Kinda like what Nick Cage's face looked like in Face/Off, when he had no face (I know they barely showed it) ...only a little less so.
myname said:
Man you sure like making topic threads partner. I say the more realistic they portray the scarring and the scars the more the audience will get "wrapped up in" Harvey's emotional transformation and tragedy as well as Bruce's and Gordon's through the movie.

it's what i do best.
Freddy Kruger-esq on halve of the face. No colouring. It needs to look realistic, a total opposite to his good-looking side.
Like that guy Gavin Rossdale played on Constantine.
i dont want the scarring, directly spilt down the centre of his face like in BF either, realisticly the scarring line wouldn't be straigh
here's a manip of what i would like to see Two-Face look like...i did this a while back...
good stuff. maybe if u darken the scarred side more itll pop and look better.:up:
DorkyFresh said:
here's a manip of what i would like to see Two-Face look like...i did this a while back...

dude that is fantastic!
DorkyFresh said:
here's a manip of what i would like to see Two-Face look like...i did this a while back...

Nice manip! classic! Perfect scarring also.....not over the top fake but realistic looking......perfect! :up:
i personally iike this look but that is a great manip:

(not mine a freind of mines)
i personally iike this look but that is a great manip:

(not mine a freind of mines)
^The Worst Manip Of All Time! Did an elephant use paint it?
DorkyFresh said:
here's a manip of what i would like to see Two-Face look like...i did this a while back...

Perfecto! I think the halve and havle suit is not even needed, it's too "comic booky". Maybe leave the two-face suit for the final scene?
DorkyFresh said:
here's a manip of what i would like to see Two-Face look like...i did this a while back...

Not bad! I'd like to see less lip tissue, though, and barely any nose on that side . . . also, it would add to the freaky factor if his eye tissue was lessened, so that it bugs out a little . . .
Does anybody watch any Beat Takeshi movies? He has half of his face paralyzed, and it twitches every once and a while. I think it would be really cool if they incorporated some twitching into Harvey's scarred-half.
i, unfortunatly, recently saw Seed of Chucky. There's a scene where a paparazzi gets acid spilled on the side of his face and it eats away at his flesh. It was very Freddy Kruger like, only slightly more realistic looking. Me and my friend Noah looked at eachother and went "TWO FACE SCARS!!" It looked really cool.
DorkyFresh said:
here's a manip of what i would like to see Two-Face look like...i did this a while back...

I think his scars should look similar to what Mel Gibson has in "A Man without a Face". That scars on Mel's face remind me of Two-Face, so I think they should use that look. But more hidious & brutal. Something that look like it would fit in a R movie.
but it has less time to i would imagine would be quite horrific.

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