Ultimate Avengers 2 Review Thread!!

Begin credits

Ultimate Avengers 2

Shield headuqarters.

Fury: Rogers, yo. You need to work your feelings of sexual frustration.
Captain America: I'm fine.
Fury: Here's Black Widow to help you out with that.
Black Widow: Steve I am just like you, tovarrrrrrisch. I feel cold and empty inside like a baby seal in Siberrrria.
Captain America: leave me Alone.

Banner: *snore*

The Pym's Place
Janet: You can shrink! I've seen you!
Hank: It was cold in that pool!

Captain America's flat
Captain America: You. What are you doing in my room? Did Fury send you to help me work out my sexual frustrations?
Black Panther: Baby, I ain't suffering from that kind of jungle fever. There is trouble in Africa.
Captain America: Trouble? What kind of trouble?
Black Panther: I gotta go. Just DON'T come to Wakanda.
Captain America: Oki doke. I'll cya there.

The avengers fly to Wakanda. Meanwhile Thor sees some creepy stuff while on an acid trip.

Captain America: Oh. We're in Africa.
Wasp: Look. It's some villagers.
Giant Man: There must be like... 5 of them!
Iron Man: *swallows bottle of vodca* And they got... shpearsh and arrowsh.

Back in the States.

Banner: *Snore* *wakes up* Hey what about... *falls back to sleep* *snore*

Giant Man: You checking out my wife? She's in a coma. Only I can check her out when she's in a coma.
Captain America: Dude, I wasn't...
Giant Man: Get out before I throw you out you pervert.

Shield headquarters. Thor appears.
Fury: What's up, hippie.
Thor: There's a big spaceship in the sky gonna kill us all.
Fury: Ensign, turn the satelite around. Well what do you know. There's a big spaceship in the sky gonna kill us all.



Captain America: What do these aliens want?
Black Panther: They want our precious vibranium which we use the most advanced technology to refine and melt and use... to make spears and arrows!

Elsewhere in Wakanda.

Giant Man: I'm a big boy now. I can fight aliens.
Iron Man: *gulps down tequila* HIC! Yeah, watcheya shaid. Letsh kick they ashes.
Giant Man: Do they have asses?
Iron man: What da ya care? HIC! You're gonna be dead in five minutsh.

Black Panther: Meow.
Captain America: Dude, that's so not gonna scare him.
Black Panther: I know! Let's drown him in liquid s@$t.

Betty Ross: hey look.
Wasp: The ship is explo....
Betty Ross: Shut up b@#$h! You think because your man died you get to steal my line. That ship exploded cause of me!!! Cause of me dating that freak. So I get to say the line. Hey look, that ship exploded.
Wasp: But an asteroid is headed for that city.
Captain America: Can't do much about that.
Iron Man: HIC! I'll change the trackajectemory.
Captain America: But you're drunk... and you could die.
Iron man: Perfect combination.

Way up
Iron Man: HIC! Computer! Set my ass on fire and stop this thing.

Iron man falls to the ground uncouncious. Thor kneels over him, having woken up from his beauty sleep, and zaps him. A chorus sings in the background.
Wasp: he couldn't have done this crap like 5 minutes earlier.
Betty Ross: Shhhhh. I can't hear the cool choir.
And iron man is back.

The States
People frowning over Giant Man's picture.
Betty places her hand over Janet's. all is well.

People schmoozin and boozin now.
Captain America: Ok. Giant Man is dead. Time to f**k.
Black Widow: Alrrrright.

Fury: It's about time that boy got some tail.
Thor: Tail? I know tail... let me tell you about the time I f**ked a whale.

The end.

Roll credits.
I loved the first. :) So that means I'll love this one too!
LadyVader said:
Begin credits

Ultimate Avengers 2

Shield headuqarters.

Fury: Rogers, yo. You need to work your feelings of sexual frustration.
Captain America: I'm fine.
Fury: Here's Black Widow to help you out with that.
Black Widow: Steve I am just like you, tovarrrrrrisch. I feel cold and empty inside like a baby seal in Siberrrria.
Captain America: leave me Alone.

Banner: *snore*

The Pym's Place
Janet: You can shrink! I've seen you!
Hank: It was cold in that pool!

Captain America's flat
Captain America: You. What are you doing in my room? Did Fury send you to help me work out my sexual frustrations?
Black Panther: Baby, I ain't suffering from that kind of jungle fever. There is trouble in Africa.
Captain America: Trouble? What kind of trouble?
Black Panther: I gotta go. Just DON'T come to Wakanda.
Captain America: Oki doke. I'll cya there.

The avengers fly to Wakanda. Meanwhile Thor sees some creepy stuff while on an acid trip.

Captain America: Oh. We're in Africa.
Wasp: Look. It's some villagers.
Giant Man: There must be like... 5 of them!
Iron Man: *swallows bottle of vodca* And they got... shpearsh and arrowsh.

Back in the States.

Banner: *Snore* *wakes up* Hey what about... *falls back to sleep* *snore*

Giant Man: You checking out my wife? She's in a coma. Only I can check her out when she's in a coma.
Captain America: Dude, I wasn't...
Giant Man: Get out before I throw you out you pervert.

Shield headquarters. Thor appears.
Fury: What's up, hippie.
Thor: There's a big spaceship in the sky gonna kill us all.
Fury: Ensign, turn the satelite around. Well what do you know. There's a big spaceship in the sky gonna kill us all.



Captain America: What do these aliens want?
Black Panther: They want our precious vibranium which we use the most advanced technology to refine and melt and use... to make spears and arrows!

Elsewhere in Wakanda.

Giant Man: I'm a big boy now. I can fight aliens.
Iron Man: *gulps down tequila* HIC! Yeah, watcheya shaid. Letsh kick they ashes.
Giant Man: Do they have asses?
Iron man: What da ya care? HIC! You're gonna be dead in five minutsh.

Black Panther: Meow.
Captain America: Dude, that's so not gonna scare him.
Black Panther: I know! Let's drown him in liquid s@$t.

Betty Ross: hey look.
Wasp: The ship is explo....
Betty Ross: Shut up b@#$h! You think because your man died you get to steal my line. That ship exploded cause of me!!! Cause of me dating that freak. So I get to say the line. Hey look, that ship exploded.
Wasp: But an asteroid is headed for that city.
Captain America: Can't do much about that.
Iron Man: HIC! I'll change the trackajectemory.
Captain America: But you're drunk... and you could die.
Iron man: Perfect combination.

Way up
Iron Man: HIC! Computer! Set my ass on fire and stop this thing.

Iron man falls to the ground uncouncious. Thor kneels over him, having woken up from his beauty sleep, and zaps him. A chorus sings in the background.
Wasp: he couldn't have done this crap like 5 minutes earlier.
Betty Ross: Shhhhh. I can't hear the cool choir.
And iron man is back.

The States
People frowning over Giant Man's picture.
Betty places her hand over Janet's. all is well.

People schmoozin and boozin now.
Captain America: Ok. Giant Man is dead. Time to f**k.
Black Widow: Alrrrright.

Fury: It's about time that boy got some tail.
Thor: Tail? I know tail... let me tell you about the time I f**ked a whale.

The end.

Roll credits.

LOL!:D :up:
im sorry, but when i went ot the premire at wizard world, i walked out it was so boring
Watched it over the weekend. Definitely more viloence and action than the first....but that action was even less interesting than the first. Glad I didn't buy it. In fact, I sold my copy of Ultimate Avengers to the used video store and turned around to use that credit to rent Ultimate Avengers 2. I'll be renting Iron Man and Doc Strange too.
Don't take my review too seriously because I'm a cartoon-****e and I like many things most people hate, but I really liked it. The gag reel alone is worth the price to me. The movie was really good, IMO. The violence was much better, and I liked the pace. Kind of shocked about the Hulk's screentime, but he got plenty in the first one I guess. I'm glad I bought it and I've watched it a few times already. It's not for everyone, but eh, I like it.
The movie is allright. The characterizations are pretty bland and the animation reminds me of the Jesus cartoons I used to run into on Sunday mornings - cheap looking. I hate the pans where a character just stays in the same spot, they look bad. UA2 just seems like its made for little kids but its slightly violent. I like the House of Ribs though..

Im going to rent the Iron Man and Strange first also though those both look like they'll be better.
what are the Iron Man and Dr Strange featurettes like? can anyone gte them onto youtube or somethin i would like to see them but these dvds will never come over to the UK
Come on people, Was the first one really a good movie? It was entertaining but far below most DC cartoons.
Just got done watching UA2...I liked it...when are the Iron-Man and Dr. Strange movies coming out anyone know?
i would think dr stange would be out around halloween
Iron man is coming out before dr strange.. I think beginning of 07
My review of UA2 :down

The first had major mistakes and those awful Ultimate costumes, but at least the action at times was still worth it, but number 2 it pretty much a waste of time and money, I recommend for anyone who want to see this to rent, because you might not want to see this one ever again

"spoiler warning"
Henry Pym Giant-Man is made into a total jerk and die in the end
"end of spoiler warning"

On the other hand future Marvel animation with Dr Strange and Iron Man might be something to look forward to according to those trailers

The way Henry Pym was written into a total jerk was annoying too
As I expected, UA2 was put on YouTube, so I saw it there. I've said before that I disliked the first one (too bland), but this was an improvement. Attempts at characterization, less Fury, better action, more Thor. Only dislikes were too little Hulk, seeing how he was publicized as an Avenger; and why
couldn't Thor revive Pym like he did Tony? They were right by each other
Thor doesn't like Hank.

Neither does the Captain by the way he macks his girl over his ceremony.
bored said:
As I expected, UA2 was put on YouTube, so I saw it there. I've said before that I disliked the first one (too bland), but this was an improvement. Attempts at characterization, less Fury, better action, more Thor. Only dislikes were too little Hulk, seeing how he was publicized as an Avenger; and why
couldn't Thor revive Pym like he did Tony? They were right by each other
hanks powers come from a biochemical reaction not electricty the buttons giant man pushes only activate his suits health sensors
Thankfully the two next movies are regulars and not ultimates, Ultimate Avengers was a compromise where Iron Man was pretty much all regular. In future Marvel animations I would like to see a more regular Captain America WW2 & modern regular designs with side-wings and no shoulder patches, and regular Thor with his real hammer, helmet and cape on, rather then the lame ultimate Village People design

That would be a definitively improvement

Future Marvel animation should overlook and go around Ultimates as much as possible and stick with the original universe as much as possible

The next animated Avengers movie should have a title like The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes or Avengers Assemble with zero ultimate reference and that movie written in as based on Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, and not that hack Millar

My ultimate Avengers 2 DVD is already in the garbage after only one viewing, it's that bad, and bonus features showing Millar & Quesada didn't help either, it just gave me more reason to throw it out :down

Hopefully Marvel Films never bring that level of nonsense and ultimate-like hack to live movies or they're going to ruin one franchise after an other shooting themselves in the foot
wow, you people are harsh. You know, you could've just sold it to somebody.... that you really dislike. :)
LadyVader said:
wow, you people are harsh. You know, you could've just sold it to somebody.... that you really dislike. :)
I would hate to see anyone thinking the Avengers to be so lame when the real concept is not. I do a better service to all by simply throwing it out, and Marvel would have done a better service to themselves and much more fans be sticking with the regular Avengers and leave Quesada and Millar out of interviews
I seen this movie the other day...and this is not the ulimate avengers in the ultimate universe that I read...Tell me agains why they are battling aliens again....this reminds me of the JL Pilot episode,but that was much better.....I fine the characters to be boring and uninteresting...but much better than the first.....jan and giant was new but it was resolved with bad voice acting and unconving emotional scene..and the plot is so obvious and to me redundant...The action was bland and wasn't convincing at all.....what happen to the gritty captain america from UU....What is that stupid music that plays when thor's around?....but the bright spot like the first movie was the hulk...I give it a 4/10, 2 out 4,..Lucky this was a burned copy
Mike059jig said:
I seen this movie the other day...and this is not the ulimate avengers in the ultimate universe that I read...Tell me agains why they are battling aliens again....this reminds me of the JL Pilot episode,but that was much better.....I fine the characters to be boring and uninteresting...but much better than the first.....jan and giant was new but it was resolved with bad voice acting and unconving emotional scene..and the plot is so obvious and to me redundant...The action was bland and wasn't convincing at all.....what happen to the gritty captain america from UU....What is that stupid music that plays when thor's around?....but the bright spot like the first movie was the hulk...I give it a 4/10, 2 out 4,..Lucky this was a burned copy
ithe animated continuity is a COMPOSITE of 616 and ultimate and the music is thors theme music i thinkits very good
3dman27 said:
ithe animated continuity is a COMPOSITE of 616 and ultimate and the music is thors theme music i thinkits very good
Ok..but I don't like the music that plays when thors always around and I think they are tryin to make the music amplify his god personna...the music is over doin it a little too much...or probably the music isn't driving the scene with him...

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