Ultimate Doom/Marvel Zombies!


May 25, 2006
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Ok, in UFF they sent Doom over to the Zombieverse and in Ultimate Power he is the villian.

I have been out of the loop for awhile but have they explained anything that happened to him?
Well, if my memory isn't too bad, the Dr. Doom we saw in Ultimate Power it's not really Doom, it's a Doombot
more than likely doom's kicked that universe's ass

there's no way they can infect him with his shell and he;s crazy poweful..

heck, i could simply read a whole arc of him kicking continual ass and taking over that world for his own, completely unrivalled, taming everyone and restoring it to some sense of glory...

new latveria!!!
By the time he got to the Marvel Zombies universe the zombies had already eaten Galactus and moved away from earth.
By the time he got to the Marvel Zombies universe the zombies had already eaten Galactus and moved away from earth.
No, the very last panel showed him on zombie earth at the same time the zombies were eating Galactus.

they were certainly still there when he got there
No, the very last panel showed him on zombie earth at the same time the zombies were eating Galactus.

they were certainly still there when he got there

Yeah, eating galactus, and too busy to worry about him. My guess is he simply walked over to the Baxter and sent himself back.

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