Ultimate wolverine vs hulk 3?


Apr 3, 2006
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Is this out yet? The wait for this series is KILLING me....if anyone has seen it, what happens this ish? Hopefully it's not a bloody flashback again and gets back on the trail of Logan finding his legs and resuming his quest to fight the Hulk.
I don't know what's going on with this series. It's supposed to be bi-monthly, yet I don't think the number 4 has even been solicted. If it has, I sure missed it. :(
I suspect that the #3 will be late since as far as I know, the #4 hasn't even been solicited. I wonder if we will even see the completion of this series. That would be a shame since I've been enjoying it. :(
WTF is up with Ultimate titles anyway. Do they think it's cool to be late?
It's a really cool way to kill a series. :down. The only thing that keeps me interested is the art is awesome and so far I really like the storyline. If this was an ongoing, it would be worse.
Yeah I don't get the point of starting a series if you can't work to a decent schedule, especially hollywood types who seem to think it does'nt apply to them. I don't give a crap about Lost, damn it, just get back to writing this comic and quit with the flash backs and dragging it out.

I've loved the first two issues, but it has kinda dragged out to the point where I just want to get back to wolverine's search for his missing legs and fight 2.
This mini-series is too empty and too slow to be interesting, especially since issues 12 and 13 of the Ultimates 2, when Hulk and Wolverine return to save America, will be out before, issue 13 itself being released in November latest. But we might have to wait until January or February 2007 until Ultimate Wolverine versus Hulk part 6 comes out. :eek: :rolleyes:
Colossal Spoons said:
WTF is up with Ultimate titles anyway. Do they think it's cool to be late?

Ultimate Wolvie VS Hulk takes a long ass time because the guy who writes it serves as a writer/producer/creator on LOST.

Ultimates 2 is obviously because of Hitch.

Those are the only 2 Ultimate titles that are shipping late I think.
Doesnt surprise from one of the people from Lost that it be this late.
I wouldn't mind so much if I didn't find lost empty and boring.
Horrorfan said:
I wouldn't mind so much if I didn't find lost empty and boring.

Pretty much, they dont move anything a long, and havent revealed anything.
Darthphere said:
Pretty much, they dont move anything a long, and havent revealed anything.
Thats why I stopped watching it just went in circles.
TheSumOfGod said:
This mini-series is too empty and too slow to be interesting, especially since issues 12 and 13 of the Ultimates 2, when Hulk and Wolverine return to save America, will be out before, issue 13 itself being released in November latest. But we might have to wait until January or February 2007 until Ultimate Wolverine versus Hulk part 6 comes out. :eek: :rolleyes:

You think that's what's gonna happen? I don't see Bruce being to quick to help america out after what they did to him.

GNR4Life said:
Ultimate Wolvie VS Hulk takes a long ass time because the guy who writes it serves as a writer/producer/creator on LOST.

Well he cant' do anything on time then :rolleyes:
Colossal Spoons said:
Well he cant' do anything on time then :rolleyes:

Apparently not since that show is on hiatus every other week.
this series has to come to some sort of conclusion before ultimates vol 3 hits. drawings done by joe mad showed he did do a hulk drawing to show his take on him. i would hope if they do include hulk in the next vol, they would patch this story up before then. most likely tying the two togeather.
squeekness said:
The only thing that keeps me interested is the art is awesome and so far I really like the storyline.
The only thing? Um . . . what else COULD you possibly be interested in? This is, after all, a comic book. Perhaps the lettering? That must be it. I know that when I find a good letterer, I stick with their books till the very end.
Bullsear said:
The only thing? Um . . . what else COULD you possibly be interested in? This is, after all, a comic book. Perhaps the lettering? That must be it. I know that when I find a good letterer, I stick with their books till the very end.
Bwahahaaha!!! ....oh, wait. :mad:

Ah, sarcasm, always a personal favorite. :rolleyes: I've seen so many books start out with a bang and peter out towards the end. Or have a great story and suck butt art or the other way around. This book so far seems to have both. So sorry that I hadn't made that clear enough for you.
I understand that Lindelof made commitments to Lost first. He co-created and writes basically every episode. Shows take some serious work to keep going, whether people think the show sucks or not, it's still a lot of work to keep even the suckiest of shows on the air. I personally like Lost, and think that the episodes that aren't going anywhere are more character-driven so that we get more in-depth with each person and learn more about them, thus adding more to the overall story. You can do that with a tv show, in comics, people seem to get too angsty when all you get is filler flashbacks.

While I wish this series came out on schedule, I understand where it's coming from.
Nick Eastwood said:
I understand that Lindelof made commitments to Lost first. He co-created and writes basically every episode. Shows take some serious work to keep going, whether people think the show sucks or not, it's still a lot of work to keep even the suckiest of shows on the air. I personally like Lost, and think that the episodes that aren't going anywhere are more character-driven so that we get more in-depth with each person and learn more about them, thus adding more to the overall story. You can do that with a tv show, in comics, people seem to get too angsty when all you get is filler flashbacks.

While I wish this series came out on schedule, I understand where it's coming from.

You have a point, but if you have other commitments, what's the point of taking on another one if you can't give it the time it needs? At least wait untill you can give it the time and attention it deserves.
Horrorfan said:
You have a point, but if you have other commitments, what's the point of taking on another one if you can't give it the time it needs? At least wait untill you can give it the time and attention it deserves.

Or marvel could wait until it has the enitre series in the can and then publish it.

But no publishing RIGHT AWAY TO GET THE BIG NAME BUZZ (tm) worked so well in the past with kevin smith that it had to be published right away.
Colossal Spoons said:
You think that's what's gonna happen? I don't see Bruce being to quick to help america out after what they did to him.

That's what the description of Ultimates 2 issue 12 says. You can even see Hulk and Wolvie on the cover with everyone else coming to save the day.

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