Unpopular Comic Book Opinions

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Veritas veritatum
Feb 18, 2001
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The Unpopular Movie Opinions thread has been interesting, so why not have a similar thread for comics? State your unpopular opinions here. Need I say be respectful of the opinions posted here? I'll go first.

Watchmen is one of the most overrated comics ever. I found the story to be long, winding and disorganized. The character bios were unnecessary, as was the story of the Black Freighter.

Ultimate Spider-Man is good but it hasnt been great since about issue 50, more or less.

I'm still happy that Norman Osborn was revealed to be behind the Clone Saga. He has become a much better villain, imo, after his resurrection than before.

The Clone Saga was bad but not as bad as the 1998-2001 reboot or BND. There were genuinely interesting moments between Peter and Ben, while the reboot and BND have been pandering to those that just want senseless action.
Why is that? Is he just over powered? I kinda agree with that.
Captain America can come off as a perfectionist. I'm still ass-bitter about that flashback in Fallen Son - Spider-Man where Cap had to come in and save Spider-Man by taking down the Hulk himself. He's not flippin' Superman, writers! He can fail sometimes!
Why is that? Is he just over powered? I kinda agree with that.
Yes, when they changed him from a "super man" into a god, he lost pretty much all of his appeal in my opinion.
Oh, and I also didnt like The Dark Knight Returns. I found the story overdone and the art to be ass ugly. The parts that make people go "Oh, Miller turned Batman into such a badass!" make me roll my eyes. It just seems like such a 14 year old boy kind of book. I dont mean to be down on DC as I do love a lot of their characters.
Actually, I disliked TDKR very much as well. Others I know, too. Maybe this is a popular unpopular opinion.
-Watchmen is an excellent work, but it's far from Moore's best piece. I mean it is back there, man, soooo far back there. Still good, though

-Speaking of which, I would probably say his best work would be a toss up between his Swamp Thing run and his Promethea series. Those are so rich and beautifully done, in different ways of course, but they just bleed of fine craftsmanship.

-I didn't like Nightwing taking over as Batman. Personally, I felt that basically threw away a good level of progression and cemented him as nothing but an adult sidekick to Batman, and honestly, I really don't think it's going to be a good move for his character when all is said and done. After B&R they should just kill him off or deage him to wear the Robin suit. Apparently that's what writers and fans want him to be.

-So, on that note, I think Tim should have taken over the role of Batman. To me, that's what the role of sidekick should be (not a hero who was a sidekick thirty years ago). Sure, he is fairly young for the role, but that could have been an interesting dynamic in my opinion. Much better than this Red Robin stuff they've spun him into anyway.
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Promethia was so pretentious it made my corneas vomit. :down
- I'm starting to prefer Eddie as Anti-Venom and don't see him ever being Venom again. In fact, becoming Venom after his evolution into AV would only guarantee the character's destruction.

VERY unpopular opinion with Venom fans (almost as much as claiming Gargan-Venom is the better Venom :mad:)
- I'm starting to prefer Eddie as Anti-Venom and don't see him ever being Venom again. In fact, becoming Venom after his evolution into AV would only guarantee the character's destruction.

VERY unpopular opinion with Venom fans (almost as much as claiming Gargan-Venom is the better Venom :mad:)

I havent been a serious Venom fan in years but I really miss the old look. The big white eyes were awesome. I dont care for the "eye in an eye" idea.
Sorry to hear that you think a book was looking down on you. I hope your self-esteem improves :csad:
a : making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing)
b : expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature

Enjoy! :yay:
- Venom is a one-note character and much of the "outside the box" stuff done with him (like the whole Lethal Protector deal) just made that more obvious.

- Batman is the only modern superhero that actively cultivates a distinct persona (or two) between his civilian and superhero identities. Superman/Clark Kent, Spider-Man/Peter Parker, and just about all others are the same person regardless of what they wear. However, certain aspects of their personalities are more freely shown in certain clothes than others, like Spider-Man's wit showing more while under the mask. This is different from a new persona due to the fact that this is the case for everyone. You feel that you can act more freely if no one knows who you are.
EDIT: On second thought, I'm just going to cut off any potential argument that will come of this. Had this argument too many times in the past with other people over various things, and it's not worth the time it will waste to address yet again.

Anyway, one last unpopular opinion for the night:

-I'm not a fan of Alex Ross's art. I appreciate that he's able to capture people in a 'life like' sense, but I personally am not all that fond of it for comic
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There aren't any current superhero comics that I enjoy. They all read the same, in that they're simply building up for the yearly mega crossover, and then you have to buy other titles just to find out what the hell is going on, then rinse and repeat. I'm content reading the stuff by Vertigo or other non-superhero comics in a similar vein
Agreed. I got out of Spider-Man comics because I was tired of all the crossovers. I started reading Batman, hoping that DC wouldnt do so many mega-events. Little did I know, thats exactly what I was buying.
EDIT: On second thought, I'm just going to cut off any potential argument that will come of this. Had this argument too many times in the past with other people over various things, and it's not worth the time it will waste to address yet again.

Anyway, one last unpopular opinion for the night:

-I'm not a fan of Alex Ross's art. I appreciate that he's able to capture people in a 'life like' sense, but I personally am not all that fond of it for comic

I completely agree. I've said this before. He's very technically sound and I was struck by that when he first started working but now I see it in actual comics and I cringe. There's absolutely no life to it, it's posed because, well, it's posed. I find it incredibly boring and a lot of his characters look the same because he uses the photo reference too much.
I love Dark Knight Strikes Again and have it in my top five favorite Batman stories.

I don't care about mutants. If the X-Men franchise disappeared today I won't care. The only time I did care about them was during Morrison's run and Milligan's X-Force/X-Statix

I was never a fan of the changes Byrne brought to Superman. Give me mad scientist Lex, dorky Clark, Lexor, and all that goofy fun that disappeared.
Super-heroes should kill more :o
I don't care about mutants. If the X-Men franchise disappeared today I won't care. The only time I did care about them was during Morrison's run and Milligan's X-Force/X-Statix

Pretty much me too. Though I liked some of them before hand, Morrison's New X-Men was the last I really cared about them. Hell, even then I was beginning to lose interest.

Wolverine & Deadpool aren't used enough...

You liked that one? How about...

"I can't wait for the REAL Avengers to return! Loeb should handle that!"

[cheapshot]LOEB! :awesome:[/cheapshot]
Watchmen is one of the most overrated comics ever. I found the story to be long, winding and disorganized. The character bios were unnecessary, as was the story of the Black Freighter.

Oh, and I also didnt like The Dark Knight Returns. I found the story overdone and the art to be ass ugly. The parts that make people go "Oh, Miller turned Batman into such a badass!" make me roll my eyes. It just seems like such a 14 year old boy kind of book. I dont mean to be down on DC as I do love a lot of their characters.
Here's my unpopular comic book opinion. People need to stop acting like they're somehow different for not liking Watchmen or TDKR. EVERYONE says the same exact things about both of them (overrated, crap, childish, stupid, etc)... you'd think that people would eventually notice that their 'unpopular' opinion is actually very popular and shared with many people.
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