Superman Returns Vague History - merged


Aug 26, 2005
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Taken from Wizard magazines Mega movie issue:

Wizard: There's been some confusion on how this film relates to the first two films. Theres a vague continuity, right?

Bryan Singer: Yes. This essentially, for lack of a better term, a sequal to the second movie without any mention of the outlaws from krypton or any of that. We know he came to Earth. He was known as Superman. He was responsible for putting Lex Luthor in prison and then he left. Lois Lane's theory is he took off in a futile effort to find his home.
Pretty much confirming that it is somewhat of a sequel. Thanks for posting though.
No mention of 3 outlaws at all, then. Not even a news report.

Hum, no mention of the outlaws for the sake of future sequels?
I would have liked to see Lex find Zod's body in the fortress.

Nah, not really...
Bryan Singer said:
Bryan Singer: Yes. This essentially, for lack of a better term, a sequal to the second movie without any mention of the outlaws from krypton or any of that. We know he came to Earth. He was known as Superman. He was responsible for putting Lex Luthor in prison and then he left. Lois Lane's theory is he took off in a futile effort to find his home.

Is he saying they are ignoring the fact Superman faced Zod, Non and Ursa? :eek: :mad:
Showtime029 said:
I would have liked to see Lex find Zod's body in the fortress.

Nah, not really...

The n you have not seen the Donner cut of Superman 2 then ?

The 3 outlaws are lead away by police handcuffed out of the fortress.

If the Donner cut is coming out, then it would contradict.
thats what i have been thinking. but what about the sex and teh kiss?????????????
Captain Villa said:
The n you have not seen the Donner cut of Superman 2 then ?

The 3 outlaws are lead away by police handcuffed out of the fortress.

If the Donner cut is coming out, then it would contradict.

Of course I haven't seen the Donner Cut. That is unfortunate. I like them dead.

Now it doesn't matter either way. I don't think they would use them anyway, maybe Zod.
dark_b said:
thats what i have been thinking. but what about the sex and teh kiss?????????????

:eek: Dude.....seriously...........I'm not interested in you.
Showtime029 said:
Of course I haven't seen the Donner Cut. That is unfortunate. I like them dead.

Now it doesn't matter either way. I don't think they would use them anyway, maybe Zod.

They shouldn't have ignored the central point of the story's plot. A mention would've been nice.
Captain Villa said:
:eek: Dude.....seriously...........I'm not interested in you.
ithought about the sex and the kiss from superman 2. will singer use this or not?

i still think that the amnesia kiss was a dumb scene. and i think that singer doesnt want to use this. this was lesters and singer loves doneers take on superman.
Showtime029 said:
Of course I haven't seen the Donner Cut. That is unfortunate. I like them dead.

If they died, Superman would be a killer.

Having them imprisoned is fine for me.
I always prefer the villains to live at the end, that way they can still co-exist in the comic book world.

Villains' deaths are one of the serious flaws with the Spider-Man movies.

Yeah, this picking and choosing which elements you're going to use from the original movies is kinda...unsettling.
So ..............and doesn't it seem every peice of info leads to this................Where does that leave the kid?
SolidSnakeMGS said:
I always prefer the villains to live at the end, that way they can still co-exist in the comic book world.

Villains' deaths are one of the serious flaws with the Spider-Man movies.

Burton started it and Ill never understand why?
Kane said:
If they died, Superman would be a killer.

Having them imprisoned is fine for me.

It worked fine for me when I was watching Superman 2, because you don't actually know if they "died".
Showtime029 said:
Of course I haven't seen the Donner Cut. That is unfortunate. I like them dead.

Now it doesn't matter either way. I don't think they would use them anyway, maybe Zod.

No one has seen the Donner cut as it really doesn't exist.
There is surviving footage that he shot and there is a shooting script, but there is no existing film to see.
SolidSnakeMGS said:
I always prefer the villains to live at the end, that way they can still co-exist in the comic book world.

Villains' deaths are one of the serious flaws with the Spider-Man movies.

Yeah, this picking and choosing which elements you're going to use from the original movies is kinda...unsettling.

It's like those Choose Your Own Adventure novels.
afan said:
No one has seen the Donner cut as it really doesn't exist.
There is surviving footage that he shot and there is a shooting script, but there is no existing film to see.

That's why I said "of course I haven't."
SolidSnakeMGS said:
Hum, no mention of the outlaws for the sake of future sequels?
I really DON'T want Zod in the sequal. Give me Braniac, Metallo, Doomsday...just not a freakin' REHASH.
Isn't the Donner Cut the one to be released later this year with the other Special Edition Reeve Films?
Bad Superman said:
They shouldn't have ignored the central point of the story's plot. A mention would've been nice.

I meant they wouldn't use them in sequels or actually feature them in movies, except for Zod maybe.

I agree that if you are going to branch of into a "vague sequel" from two you would have to mention Zod. That was the "action story" from Superman 2, it seems they are only following the "emotional story" from Superman 2.
Bad Superman said:
Isn't the Donner Cut the one to be released later this year with the other Special Edition Reeve Films?

That is the plan.

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