Warframe: From the Developers of The Darkness II


May 6, 2003
Reaction score

Darkness Developers Return With Shooter About ‘Space, Shooting, Swords & Suits’

Digital Extremes, the studio most recently behind The Darkness II, have unveiled a new third-person shooter called WARFRAME. Their caps, not mine.

The good news is that art direction looks great. The bad news is it's a free-to-play game, so yeah. There's a closed beta out sometime this Fall.



Warframe, The Next Game From The Darkness II’s Developers, Looks Interesting

In case you missed it last time, Warframe is a "cooperative 3rd-person action free-to-play game" from Digital Extremes, the team behind The Darkness II.

I'm still sceptical, because free-to-play shooters require a balance only a select few developers can manage, but for something with an art style that looks this cool, I'll keep an open mind about things.

You can sign up for Warframe's beta here.

UPDATE - Reader Gary let us know that Warframe's look is inspired by the developer's original, long-forgotten pitch in 2004 for Dark Sector, a shooter they eventually released in 2008.



Beta Sign Up
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Thread title is wrong. Darkness 2 not Darksiders
hmmm I read up about this on game informers site . I thought it was only being made for the pc. Has that changed to include other systems now?
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Thread title is wrong. Darkness 2 not Darksiders

I know I made a goof. Already contacted Hunter.

hmmm I read up about this on game informers site . I thought it was only being made for the pc. Has that changed to include other systems now?

Whenever I'm not sure, I post it in the Misc section.
Looks pretty cool.
So, it's a third person shooter? With swords, and kickass exoskeletal armored suits? The mere premise of this game gives me a *****.
Thanks to Immortalfire, the Thread title is finally corrected.

So, it's a third person shooter? With swords, and kickass exoskeletal armored suits? The mere premise of this game gives me a *****.

It's got me intrigued too. Looking forward to try out the Beta when it starts. Already got on the list for the Closed Beta.
I hope this game will come to the PS# some day. I don't have a PC capable of gaming, so unless that happens, I won't be able to play. :(
it's a few days old but show a lot on the game
  1. Play Video

    Now Playing: Warframe

    Jonathan Toyad blasts through the solar system in this sneak peek at the upcoming free-to-play third-person shooter, Warframe
  2. source:Game spot
Warframe hosts open beta weekend

(21 hours ago)
Betas, Sci-fi, Free-to-play, MMOFPS

Dude, you have a futuristic pistol that can probably sever a building in half. Do you really need a sword as well? In any case, Mr. "Can't Make Up My Mind" up there and practically everyone in the universe is invited to checking out Warframe this weekend for the open beta.

The open beta event begins on Friday the 15th at 12:00 p.m. EST and goes all the way until Tuesday the 19th at 9:00 a.m. Anyone can check it out during this timeframe provided that he or she registers on the official site (which is common sense, really).

As a bonus incentive to seeing the marvel that is Warframe, all players who participate in the open beta will have access to an exclusive Braton Vandal weapon in the game's marketplace.

Play Video
Video | about 9 hours ago | 31
Free of Charge - Warframe

On this episode of Free of Charge, Jonathan and Randy flip out and kill people in Digital Extremes' latest third-person space ninja-filled

source:Game spot

The open beta started a little while ago and it's up on steam now for those that want to try the new frames.
I've been playing it but already getting a little bored. The environments are pretty repetitive.


Warframe (PC)

Steve and Raju become space ninjas in Warframe.

synopsis: steve and Raju played war Frame a decent free to play game that both looks and plays great but it does become preparative.

Raju 's score 8.0 Steve's score 7.5
Warframe update boosts ninja quotient with clan Dojos and new weapons

at 10:11pm May 28 2013

A new content update to Warframe adds blades, buildings, and more to the Digital Extremes third-person action title. Update 8.0 Rise of the Warlords brings new locations to the game universe for clan and coop play, and also introduces—for the first time—some rusted-out, enemy-packed Grineer starships to explore.

source: Pc gamer
Man I really want the darkness 3

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