Was concerned about the film


Jun 8, 2013
Reaction score
I'll admit that I started having my doubts about this movie, when they talking about reshoots, this is typically a bad sign, what do you guys think?
Most big movies have reshoots. I wouldnt be concerned at all.
I guess it would depend on what kind of reshoots they're doing. If they're fixing little problems, then it's no big deal, obviously. If it's something where Marvel isn't happy with Alan Taylor and asking someone else to do the reshoots, then that could be a problem. We won't really know until we see the movie.
reshoots are pretty normal. almost all movies have them
I think the reshoots were of Jamie Alexander, who suffered a pretty severe injury during the beginning of production. Everything I've heard/seen about this film suggests it will at least be competent and not a dud; hopefully it will be f****** awesome! Only worry: the disagreements of Taylor/Marvel on the runtime. Marvel forced TIH to be shrunk down to under two hours, and the film really suffered because of it.
Yeah, sounds good. Typically reshoots no bueno, but hey they are coming and saying reshoots were absolutely the best thing for World War Z! So maybe it doesn't always turn out bad!
TIH... I liked aspects, disliked some... Really liked the showing of super soldier blonsky vs hulk. Liked that they tease the creation of the Leader and hopefully someday they pick up on that trail. All the Marvel movies could've probably used a little run time to flesh out the ideas a little more especially Cap.
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With some big films, "re-shoots" or "pick-ups" are actually scheduled as a normal part of production.

No matter the script, often when they are cutting the film together they find things that aren't working or things that need something extra, or think a new scene or alternate scene would work better. Lesser films just work with what they have. Some of the better planned ones schedule in time to do these "pick-ups" a few months after principle photography has wrapped.

This was common practice on The Lord of the Rings films, for example.

Of course, the problems during the production of World War Z was a different type of thing.
My concern is with the visuals.I was suprised at how tv looking the trailer was-I am not a fan of Taylors new look for the realms but Ill reserve my judgement
Wow the "looks like a tv" complaint rears it's ugly head again.
i thought they did not play movies on tv, just tv looking things
Wow the "looks like a tv" complaint rears it's ugly head again.
Not even sure what that means anymore since TV shows are starting to get an infusion of movie production techniques that don't make them look so cheap anymore. If it's about the CGI, then that's bogus as well since we've yet to see extended clips/trailers to accurately judge the quality.
If they're making movies look like the TV shows of today I don't have many complaints, like Webfoot said, today's TV is pretty darn good when done right. I don't understand the "looks like TV" argument very much i guess lol.
Tv has definitely gotten more cinematic the last 10 years. Thor 2 doesn't look like a tv production, maybe back that up with some substance...
Wow the "looks like a tv" complaint rears it's ugly head again.

Yep Im back.I hope Im not chased away again by rapid Thor fns who wont take any critcism of the film.
As for the reported reshoots,I cld care less about-Im not worried.:oldrazz:
Well you also have to remember there might have been something that needed resot because Jamie was out for a bit
after watching Superman MOS, Marvel is reshooting all of the fight scenes to give Thor the ability to speed blitz
If they are doing significant reshoots they should be including Hemsworth, and I think we'd hear about if he had to bulk up again.

Yep Im back.I hope Im not chased away again by rapid Thor fns who wont take any critcism of the film.
As for the reported reshoots,I cld care less about-Im not worried.:oldrazz:
Criticism is just fine. The TV look one is a particularly odd one though. I've yet to hear any good analysis of why it supposedly looks like TV so it's hard to take it seriously (the last time I spoke to someone about it Spartacus was mentioned, which was hilarious). If a high budget movie looks like TV there should be plenty of crystal clear examples of it's failings to use.

I'm not a bigger fan of anything than I am of A Song of Ice and Fire and as much as I'd want GoT to be perfect I can't say that it looks as good as some of the shots the Thor 2 teaser. Of course other shots look the same as GoT has more effort put into scenery and costume than most fantasy movies, but that's naturally a case of where GoT looks like cinema rather than the contrary.

I can only imagine that the TV criticism against the teaser would have to do with cinematography, and it would be interesting to hear what kind of breakdowns you'd do of the short glimpses of scenes we see.
Mjölnir;26199715 said:

Criticism is just fine. The TV look one is a particularly odd one though. I've yet to hear any good analysis of why it supposedly looks like TV so it's hard to take it seriously (the last time I spoke to someone about it Spartacus was mentioned, which was hilarious).

Ive posted why I think this to you before-gave a detailed post,you for the most part were snidely implying im just here to bash.....when this this is literary my one criticism......
With some big films, "re-shoots" or "pick-ups" are actually scheduled as a normal part of production.

No matter the script, often when they are cutting the film together they find things that aren't working or things that need something extra, or think a new scene or alternate scene would work better. Lesser films just work with what they have. Some of the better planned ones schedule in time to do these "pick-ups" a few months after principle photography has wrapped.

This was common practice on The Lord of the Rings films, for example.

Of course, the problems during the production of World War Z was a different type of thing.

Yes indeed. Smart planning is to book time for reshoots/pick ups far in advance so your cast and crew will be available if you need them.

In this case since Alexander injured herself she missed over a month of shooting IIRC. And since she's the one who tweeted about hitting the gym to prep for reshoots, I don't think we have anything to worry about.

Ive posted why I think this to you before-gave a detailed post,you for the most part were snidely implying im just here to bash.....when this this is literary my one criticism......
Sorry, I forgot that it was you. It wasn't meant as a snide remark, in case it came off like that.

Unfortunately I can still not say that I don't find the comparison of the Thor 2 teaser to this funny. I usually try to see other points of view than my own as I find that to be very educational but here I just can't do it at all. I don't care if people other than me like a movie I like either. I wouldn't bet against that Thor 2 doesn't do great with the critics and I was myself pretty unsure about the first Thor movie until I saw it (I didn't follow the filming very closely that time).

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