Wash Your Nasty-Ass Hands!!11!

Dan doesn't wash his hands :(

Seriously, not washing your hands is gross. Even if its only a number one.

It is recommended that you wash your hands after every visit to the bathroom. Not once a day, not only when your hands touch your penis, but EVERY TIME you go to the toilet.

The excuses I hear are pathetic. It's GROSS! Plain and simple. It spreads germs around! It kills old ladies and babies!!
killgore, that was some hilarious and truthful stuff.
When ever I dont want to touch hands with someone, I tell them that my hands are wet.
So did you or did you not shake the hand of filth?

It was obvious that dude did not recognize me at all...he probably didn't get a good look at me since I was at the urinal. So out of the interest of not being rude (this was an important deal we were embarking on with this firm) I shook the dirty old man's hands. My skin...crawled. :csad:

However, immediately afterward, I excused myself and went back to the restroom across the corridor. It still smelled like Sick Buffalo Ass. As I held my breath and washed my hands again, an old tune by the Cranberries popped in my head:

Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger?


@ this thread

But if I was in your shoes, I would shake his hand, because if you don't, you won't really make much of an impact at work... people will question your not shaking his hand, and if you told them "He didn't wipe his ass" then people will think you're weird as hell.

I know people that would say that, in this situation.
you caved?? Damn, I dont care how important something is. I'm not touching another man's stank-ass hands, he probably had sh1t splashes on his hand. Yuck!
Oh Lighting. :( That's awful.
It was obvious that dude did not recognize me at all...he probably didn't get a good look at me since I was at the urinal. So out of the interest of not being rude (this was an important deal we were embarking on with this firm) I shook the dirty old man's hands. My skin...crawled. :csad:

However, immediately afterward, I excused myself and went back to the restroom across the corridor. It still smelled like Sick Buffalo Ass. As I held my breath and washed my hands again, an old tune by the Cranberries popped in my head:

Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger?



:dry: :csad: .
I would have shaken his hand and then IMMEDIATELY excused myself back to the restroom to wash my hands. Dirty bastard.

I had something similar happen to me this morning, actually. The stench was so bad that it literally gave me dry heaves. Horrid. The downside is that I was home alone in my own bathroom. :(

Oh Lighting. :( That's awful.

I know. :csad: I wanted to cry, but the stench from his smoldering ass made my eyes water for different reasons.

Mr 7000+ said:
you caved?? Damn, I dont care how important something is. I'm not touching another man's stank-ass hands, he probably had sh1t splashes on his hand. Yuck!

Yeah man...I gave into peer pressure. I mean, my director was staring at me and I couldn't think of a lie quickly enough to get out of it. I did pause though to see if my hesitation would snap his memory. He just kept smiling at me. I was like, "Aw hay-ell man....you're gonna make me do this...."

I did tell my director later though. He too was disgusted but he commended me for being professional about it despite my personal misgivings.

jaguarr said:
I had something similar happen to me this morning, actually. The stench was so bad that it literally gave me dry heaves. Horrid. The downside is that I was home alone in my own bathroom.

Well got-dayuuummmm Jag. What did you eat dude? :wow: And did the stench shock and scare you?
I've emptied out houses. Toy not with my bowels, for they devour planets.
Well got-dayuuummmm Jag. What did you eat dude? :wow: And did the stench shock and scare you?

Well, my protein intake is really high, so that doesn't help matters. But, I think it was the last rumblings of the corned beef & cabbage and the bangers & mash I ate on St. Patty's Day, all washed down with several black & tan's. :ninja:

Well, my protein intake is really high, so that doesn't help matters. But, I think it was the last rumblings of the corned beef & cabbage and the bangers & mash I ate on St. Patty's Day, all washed down with several black & tan's. :ninja:


Say no more. That combination just smells ****ty. LOL
Well, my protein intake is really high, so that doesn't help matters. But, I think it was the last rumblings of the corned beef & cabbage and the bangers & mash I ate on St. Patty's Day, all washed down with several black & tan's. :ninja:


That's why there's Febreze.
I would have shaken his hand and then IMMEDIATELY excused myself back to the restroom to wash my hands. Dirty bastard.

I had something similar happen to me this morning, actually. The stench was so bad that it literally gave me dry heaves. Horrid. The downside is that I was home alone in my own bathroom. :(

I thought evolution made it impossible to dry heave at your own work.
I wouldn't shake his hand and I always wash my hands after using the bathroom and even use hands sanitizers when I get back to work, especially use them when I shake hands with people. I never know what the hell they been doing :(
Best. Thread. Ever!

I dislike using public bathrooms to ****, too, but sometimes it's just unavoidable; however, I always wash my hands afterwards, and if I don't there's a damn good reason why. I mean, I sometimes wash my hands when there's no reason to do so (I have a medium case of OCD). And I'm especially weary of germs right now because I've been sick (cold, sore throat) since Thursday (as I type this on a public laptop).

Anyway, seriously, this is just disgusting, but you did the right, professional thing by shaking his hand. This thread is hilarious, though, especially since I'm a huge fan of toilet humor.

By the way, I just took a **** in a public bathroom. What's funny is that the person in the stall next to the one I was in was making a lot of noise.:(
I use so much hand sanitizer at work my hands bleed by the end of the day. :csad: I think it also may have leeched into my blood. :csad: :csad:

But I deal with the public in my job, and money is exchanged. And there is no knowing what the heck these people were doing with their hands just before they deal with you.

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