weird crowd reactions


Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I don't really like seeing crowds shots in Spidey 3. Of course, you needed them. You can't tell me that a huge fight between Spidey,Venom,Sandman and New Goblin wouldn't attract a crowd? But,did anyone notice that throughout the film there were alot of strange overacting by some of the extras in the film? Like that goofy lady during the Spidey celebration? She's on Gwen's right and after Gwen introduces Spidey she really acts like an idiot(if you see her then you'll know what I mean). There's also that hot blonde lady standing next to Jameson during the end fight when he ask that little girl for her camera. Jeez. Some of the worst overacting I've ever seen. lol I don't remember any other examples and I wonder if the previous films have horrible acting concerning extras?
there's a scene early in SM2 where they focus briefly on one woman after Spidey saves a crowd from getting hit by a bus. She yells "Go Spidey Go!" in the corniest way.:down
there's a scene early in SM2 where they focus briefly on one woman after Spidey saves a crowd from getting hit by a bus. She yells "Go Spidey Go!" in the corniest way.:down
no offense to anyone but i doubt a black chick would ever say something like that
I don't anyone would've said that in that situation, especially the way she said it.
the whole rus and tumble at the jazz club or whatever cheesy resturant they called it in the movie, really brought an unneeded ooh and awe from the crowd. gwen stacy in it made things worse when she just walked out.
the whole rus and tumble at the jazz club or whatever cheesy resturant they called it in the movie, really brought an unneeded ooh and awe from the crowd. gwen stacy in it made things worse when she just walked out.

Yeah,it's kinda funny to think that once Peter started dancing and such that no one said a word or went,"What the hell is he doing?" They all just made a path for him and starting cheering and stuff. lol Just like real life.
Yeah,it's kinda funny to think that once Peter started dancing and such that no one said a word or went,"What the hell is he doing?" They all just made a path for him and starting cheering and stuff. lol Just like real life.

Reed Richards had a scene like that in FF2, when he took the dance floor everyone stood back & let him strut his stuff.

They probably just thought that he was this lively all the time. Insecure Peter Parker always wanted to be the star of the party/the hit of the show so the symbiote allowed Peter to release his inhibitions & become the dancing fool that he is.:woot: At least they didn't have Peter do a dance move that everyone in the club started copying. Just imagine how much more cornier it would have been if he had started doing Spidey moves as a dance & everyone started copying him.
Yeah,it's kinda funny to think that once Peter started dancing and such that no one said a word or went,"What the hell is he doing?" They all just made a path for him and starting cheering and stuff. lol Just like real life.
Like you hang out in jazz clubs. That happens every Tuesday.
Oh man...these reaction shots at the final battle...HORRIBLE!!!
And why in hell is the police letting the crowd SO CLOSE to the battle!
These reaction shots is something that took me totally out of the movie.
wicked, cool had to be the worse lines in the movie
There's also that hot blonde lady standing next to Jameson during the end fight when he ask that little girl for her camera. Jeez. Some of the worst overacting I've ever seen. lol I don't remember any other examples and I wonder if the previous films have horrible acting concerning extras?

This particular scene is the only one I noticed and it completely ruined the overall final battle scene. I couldn't help but think that nothing was going on, except the extras facing a loud speaker, where random sounds of explosions were being made...and yes, the acting was so lame.:csad:
no offense to anyone but i doubt a black chick would ever say something like that

Thats a little ignorant. So you know how all black women speak??:huh:

Spider-Man is an amazing attraction, he's a well known hero who does "god-like" things. Naturally, in the real world, people will say and act different to how you think they normally would act.
Yeah,it's kinda funny to think that once Peter started dancing and such that no one said a word or went,"What the hell is he doing?" They all just made a path for him and starting cheering and stuff. lol Just like real life.

I suppose its better than those teen flicks where one person starts doing a dance at the school prom and then everyone else somehow becomes professional dancers and can do the same dance routine in sync.
Oh man...these reaction shots at the final battle...HORRIBLE!!!
And why in hell is the police letting the crowd SO CLOSE to the battle!
These reaction shots is something that took me totally out of the movie.

Thats a little ignorant. So you know how all black women speak??:huh:

Spider-Man is an amazing attraction, he's a well known hero who does "god-like" things. Naturally, in the real world, people will say and act different to how you think they normally would act.
Thats a little ignorant. So you know how all black women speak??:huh:

Spider-Man is an amazing attraction, he's a well known hero who does "god-like" things. Naturally, in the real world, people will say and act different to how you think they normally would act.

I have to agree with 7000 on this one. I think a normal reaction especially when your adrenaline is pumping that hard would be something along those lines, "yeah!" or "go spidey!"

The cop the camera passes after Pete and Harry save MJ, he like rolls his eyes and TOTALLY overacts the part. The weird crowd reactions in the previous two didn't bother me. The girl who screams in '2' when Ock is climbing the wall, and when he kidnaps MJ, who screams obnoxiously used to annoy me, but I've gotten used to it.
This particular scene is the only one I noticed and it completely ruined the overall final battle scene. I couldn't help but think that nothing was going on, except the extras facing a loud speaker, where random sounds of explosions were being made...and yes, the acting was so lame.:csad:

I found Jameson funny as always,but that moment was kinda out of nowhere. You've got this huge battle going on and we all wanna see that. It kinda feels like Raimi just threw that scene in there to get his daughter some screen time.It didn't need to be in there. Although,I didn't mind her as much compared to his sons and their "wicked cool!" comment.
What's missing during crowd reaction is a lot of cursing and people dying as a result of Venom, Sandman, Spidey, GG2's chaos. It's like seeing the two planes hit the World Trade building and someone yelling out "garsh darnit" and nobody dies amongst the carnage. Seriously, how can you have such a battle and no one on the streets even walk away with a scratch?

Those people acted and said what was written for them the way the director/producers/studios wanted them to. This comes from writing knowing you also have toys to sell to kids. In short, comic book movies lack balls, especially the icon characters (which is why I'll never name an icon movie, the best comic book movie ever). It's why you can have a being as powerful as the Silver Surfer, yet not one person dies from his destruction. Or the streets of Gotham City not seem gritty and dangerous, with real drugs and prostitutes.

Everything has been *****-fied for the sake of children. It's the reason one feels differently when you're watching such a crowd reaction scene in The Bourne movies, nothing is *****-fied, it's raw, so you feel the danger.
I'm not defending the movies in this post...

But seriously 3 movies in and 7 years later you'd think people would realize Sam Raimi's movies are not shot in a real/natural world setting in a realistic way.. ****, to this day Batman Begins and Singer's X-Men movies are the only superhero movies to go for that kind of naturalism.
I found Jameson funny as always,but that moment was kinda out of nowhere. You've got this huge battle going on and we all wanna see that. It kinda feels like Raimi just threw that scene in there to get his daughter some screen time.It didn't need to be in there. Although,I didn't mind her as much compared to his sons and their "wicked cool!" comment.

You are aware that there was no fighting going on while the camera was on JJ and the girl, right? That there is nothing to miss because if it's not filmed then it never "happened".
What's missing during crowd reaction is a lot of cursing and people dying as a result of Venom, Sandman, Spidey, GG2's chaos. It's like seeing the two planes hit the World Trade building and someone yelling out "garsh darnit" and nobody dies amongst the carnage. Seriously, how can you have such a battle and no one on the streets even walk away with a scratch?

Those people acted and said what was written for them the way the director/producers/studios wanted them to. This comes from writing knowing you also have toys to sell to kids. In short, comic book movies lack balls, especially the icon characters (which is why I'll never name an icon movie, the best comic book movie ever). It's why you can have a being as powerful as the Silver Surfer, yet not one person dies from his destruction. Or the streets of Gotham City not seem gritty and dangerous, with real drugs and prostitutes.

Everything has been *****-fied for the sake of children. It's the reason one feels differently when you're watching such a crowd reaction scene in The Bourne movies, nothing is *****-fied, it's raw, so you feel the danger.

Bourne is an adult movie based on books for adults.

Spider-Man is an all-ages movie based on comic books that appeal to all ages.

There is no comparison.

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