I disagree, I do not think Spiderman 2, in anyway compares with Spiderman 1, I have even thought sometimes Spiderman 2's only purpose is to bridge the gap between 1 and 3. In saying that, I still really like Spiderman 2 as a movie, I do not see it as a dissapointment, but I do not consider it a better movie then its predessecor.
Now, on SR, it's clearly not half the movie its predessecors where, but in saying that, it didn't have to be for me to like it, it just had to pass the minimun bar, that is it had to entertain me for X amount of time (among other things but that is the minimum I expect from a movie). Now, I am 100 percent behind expecting TDK to be superior to its sequel, much in the same respects Empire is a better movie (imo), or Two Towers is a better movie (imo), or Aliens is a better movie, it is completely fair to think that. If by chance it isn't a better movie, but sill entertains me, and is a good movie, I will not be dissapointed, I will just view it like I view Spiderman 2, a good movie, just not as good as its original.