What do you think of Marvel's four choices of Netflix shows?

They seriously have to do Blade and Punisher next.. Netflix is the perfect place for those guys.
Don't Marvel have to introduce Jessica Jones as a superhero first in the MCU before she becomes washed up and gives up her career as one? Otherwise she will appear to have just come out of nowhere and audiences won't appreciate her loss and situation as much. Why has no-one seen or heard about her in the MCU so far? Maybe she needs to be introduced in Daredevil for an episode or two and then shown as a spin off in her own series.

that's good thinking
i hope these netflix shows will come as DVD or Bluray. There are lot country that dont have NetFlix.i am little angry for that

Netflix has released all their original shows on DVD after the season, same as any other network, so I expect that to still be the case.

Obviously, there's a longer wait, though.
I couldn't have chosen better. Keep in mind that I can see Moon Knight, Hawkeye, Punisher, She-Hulk and Runaways TV shows as well. The former 4, I'd put on Netflix starting with Moon Knight and Punisher first, then She-Hulk and Hawkeye second, Runaways can be put on ABC Family since that's a teen series.

So there are only around five more TV shows that I can see happening. If Black Widow or Blade can wind up being a TV series, I can see those either going on Netflix or A+E since I can see both of those having a bit more mature content and darker themes but they'd also both work on a TV budget. And once you consider that Blade is about a personal relationship to his antagonists like Dracula, Deacon Frost and Lucas Cross and has a VERY large supporting cast like Frank Drake, Rachel Van Helsing, Whistler, Hannibal King, Taj Nital etc a TV series is probably for the best.

The only properties left that need a film budget left for Marvel to mine are Ghost Rider, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Inhumans and Eternals.
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I don't really see Scarlett Johanssen and Jeremy Renner committing to a TV series, even a 13-episode one.

I think Spider-Woman could work very well as a TV show. It could be in the vein of Angel crossed with Alias. The only problem is that she might not work on a TV budget.

Mockingbird could also work as TV show. Wasn't there once talk of a series for her? Maybe she'll show up in AOS.
I don't really see Scarlett Johanssen and Jeremy Renner committing to a TV series, even a 13-episode one.

I think Spider-Woman could work very well as a TV show. It could be in the vein of Angel crossed with Alias. The only problem is that she might not work on a TV budget.

Mockingbird could also work as TV show. Wasn't there once talk of a series for her? Maybe she'll show up in AOS.

Who knows, more and more actors are, not only willing to, but actively look for TV work now that the quality can be so high.

Hawkeye isn't likely to get his own film, so for Renner a season as the character would be rewarding. A lot of actors (including Renner) say they want to really explore and flesh out these characters, and often they get limited in doing it if they aren't the "star".

Four years ago I'd agree whole heartedly, nowadays I don't think it's that far-fetched.

Yea they announced Mockingbird is going to be in AoS season 2
I think Spider-Woman could work very well as a TV show. It could be in the vein of Angel crossed with Alias. The only problem is that she might not work on a TV budget.

This, she was my favorite Marvel super heroine growing up and her book was a lot of fun. I would love to see a Spider Woman show with Hydra Morgan Le Fay and other villains from the comics.
This, she was my favorite Marvel super heroine growing up and her book was a lot of fun. I would love to see a Spider Woman show with Hydra Morgan Le Fay and other villains from the comics.

A lot of it would cross into the supernatural/ Midnight Sons/ Dr Strange territory admittedly. There are characters like Nekra, Brothers Grimm, Gypsy Moth, Werewolf by Night, the Shroud, the Needle, Hangman, Daddy Longlegs etc. And of course, Morgan Le Fay. Some real weirdos for sure. The kind of spooks you'd see on shows like Angel.

It was a great comic, and my favourite Marvel heroine too.
I couldn't have chosen better. Keep in mind that I can see Moon Knight, Hawkeye, Punisher, She-Hulk and Runaways TV shows as well. The former 4, I'd put on Netflix starting with Moon Knight and Punisher first, then She-Hulk and Hawkeye second, Runaways can be put on ABC Family since that's a teen series.

Once the existence of superheroes in the MCU becomes mundane, and is accepted to be part of life by regular people on earth, that is when you do a great f***ing She-Hulk series.

The Incredible Hulk, Aka Jessica Jones, The Punisher, Mockingbird and Cloak and Dagger. Only one of those proposed series was green lit, while Hulk stayed in the movies (as he should be). TIH TV series would not have worked, as even in the movies they don't have enough of a budget to keep him the Hulk for very long.

I'm guessing the Punisher could appear in DD, and Mockingbird will show up in AOS. Mockingbird's premise sounded like Alias (the TV series).
thanks fixxer you've lived up to your name

Wouldn't Blade be more likely for a movie? It did well as a movie last time. I would think after Dr Strange introduces the supernatural to the MCA we might see Blade.

As for the Punisher Yes please! And Moon Knight.



They seriously have to do Blade and Punisher next.. Netflix is the perfect place for those guys.

Wouldn't Blade be more likely for a movie? It did well as a movie last time. I would think after Dr Strange introduces the supernatural to the MCA we might see Blade.

As for the Punisher Yes please! And Moon Knight.



Movie landscape has changed a bit, mid tier movies don't get made as much.
Nowadays TV/Netflix has proven to be the place for that kinda stuff.

Blade could probably do well as a movie again relatively speaking, but would be much better off on Netflix. Where it could be what it should be.
what order should the shows be in?
Movie landscape has changed a bit, mid tier movies don't get made as much.
Nowadays TV/Netflix has proven to be the place for that kinda stuff.

Blade could probably do well as a movie again relatively speaking, but would be much better off on Netflix. Where it could be what it should be.
True, but my inkling is that Marvel wants to consolidate their supernatural characters into a Midnight Sons movie. Essentially just follow the Avengers model with Dr. Strange in the Tony Stark role.

So, they might want to build up the likes of Blade and Ghost Rider in the solo (or two character team-up) movies so that they can drop them into the grand Midnight Sons movie.

For Blade specifically, moving seamlessly from TV to movies and back could prove to be a logistical issue. Yes, Marvel has done the "characters popping in and out across multiple properties" thing better than anyone in recent memory, but something like this would prove quite a bit more challenging.

If they can work it out though, a Blade Netflix show would certainly be something. If not, I wouldn't be too upset if we got a Blade movie.
I'm not a show guy unless it's comedy really. I loved the first four seasons of Dexter only to suffer through the last four as each one got progressively worse. Shows run their course and usually die terrible deaths. I would prefer to see all these characters get their own movies to wrap things up in a nice and tidy fashion, but I will definitely give them a chance, especially Daredevil. But I want to see their classic comic enemies in these shows and not just random mobsters or made-up characters.

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