What Fanboy are you???


Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
just a little poll to see how many are in the nintendo, sony, and microsoft camp! Or are you middle of the road..........or are you still a sega and atari kiddie at heart..........and if you post give a little reason why you picked one or the other:woot:
Starting a poll and not even mentioning your preference? Blasphemy!!! Jk, we all know you love Nintendo. I'm pro-Sony myself, but I'm one of those poor gamers, unlike alot of people on here here who have more than one nextgen console. Hell, I'm still pimping out my PS2 til she dies. I got a PS1 first, and then almost got an Xbox on account of Halo 2, but DMC, FF, RaC, Jak II and all the others were too hard to resist. I'll get a PS3 next, but I want a 360 for Mass Effect, Gears, Gears 2, Condemned(I know the sequel will be on the PS3, but I like to play every game in the series if I can), Fable 2, Bioshock, and Halo 3.
I lean towards Microsoft. I play alot of FPS games and i like the control setup the 360 has over the PS3. With that said tho, if a system has a game im interested in playing then ill go with that.
I have all three next gen systems. I bought my 360 first, then the Wii and PS3. I play all three about the same, but I have always been a nintendo freak. I probably play my DS more than any other console, and with Zelda and Phoenix Wright, I will be playing it much more.
phoenix wright is an awesome game........by the way edgeworth and phoenix are the best characters............is this possible cookiva and i have something in common........the end of the world is closer than we think ;)

i need a new ds my back up back up ds phat is on its last leg.......the new ds for nintendogs and zelda look awesome.......i'll probably go pink.......cause i love the color pink.......
I have Hitler-levels of passion for the Xbox. PS3 = 4D crap @ 120fps. Xbox power. Wii = kiddie crap @ 500mhz. Xbox power.

Heil Xbox. Xbox ist Frei!

I used to love Nintendo, but then the Gamecube was the worst console of all time. Wii really didn't help either. What the hell.
I have Hitler-levels of passion for the Xbox. PS3 = 4D crap @ 120fps. Xbox power. Wii = kiddie crap @ 500mhz. Xbox power.

Heil Xbox. Xbox ist Frei!


i dont know whether to laugh or to diial a number so someone can cart you off to the insane asylum:woot:
i dont know whether to laugh or to diial a number so someone can cart you off to the insane asylum:woot:

The only numbers to speak of will be the one tattooed on your left arm for your... processing. Xbox power. Enjoy Rayman Raving Rabbids 2. Xbox power.
microsoft accepts souls as payment now........cause i believe WHF is missing his :)

NIntendo accepts joy, happiness, laughter, and 249.99 and 129.99 respectively...........
So does that mean you have no joy, happiness and laughter?

You got a lousy deal.
I also have no joy, happiness, or laughter SupahSaiyangirl. I feel your pain :csad:
That's because you haven't become the Xbox. Xbox will treat you well and give your life meaning. Join the allfather. Or die. You will not regret improving your life. Xbox power.
i love both because i have both, but i kinda prefer the 360 for now, might change later.
I have Hitler-levels of passion for the Xbox. PS3 = 4D crap @ 120fps. Xbox power. Wii = kiddie crap @ 500mhz. Xbox power.

Heil Xbox. Xbox ist Frei!


the sad thing is..........you're not joking.

get bill gates dick outta your mouth.

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