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what if there is an X4 ? (spoilers of X3)


Dec 5, 2005
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i was thinking that making a new x4 is probably gonna happen and this "that is the last one" thing is just a advertisement thingy anyway knowing what happens in x3 : ( cyclops fate, xavier desintegration and resurrection, etc etc) i came up with an idea that i thing fox will use to bring bacxk people from the death.

1- since they didnt show cykes demise nor they confirm it i would think that cyke is alive but just lost his memory and was wandering around.

2- xavier teleported his mind to the body in muir island and they didnt show the face which i bet was aclone made by xavier and moira which means xavier will comeback to his look alike body in x4 and he will locate scott.

3- the cure to my understanding seems to have a limited time effect, since magneto started regaining his powers at the end of x3 meaning rogue will find out that she is mutant again and she will comeback if not in x4 it will be on x5.

What do you guys think? i know its kinda cheap but i feel that this is the option that fox has in order to make an x4.
and lets hope cyke will be the leader and will shine in the next movie.
xavier in his twin sister evil body. Ms. Nova.
Cyclops coming back. Jean staying dead. Emma being introduced. Gambit making his uncanny debut. No Wolverine. Rogue returning with ms marvel powers. the cure temporary and giving mutants secondary mutations. peace.
Mar420x said:
xavier in his twin sister evil body. Ms. Nova.
Cyclops coming back. Jean staying dead. Emma being introduced. Gambit making his uncanny debut. No Wolverine. Rogue returning with ms marvel powers. the cure temporary and giving mutants secondary mutations. peace.

they should make it that the cure was actually sinister and acopocolpses doing, and that everyone who was cured is now under their control, but truely not cured, they can introduce gambit too that way...... have rogue on their team, ms marvel shows up to fight them, rogue takes her powers

they could always bring jean back, do that hole madyln pryor thing, phoenix was a clone or something, they can bascially do anything
yea the can do anything in the world of marvel's x-men the possibilities are endless. it cant stop with just the 1st trilogy. peace.
I'm thinking an X4 would come off a bit silly.
If there were no Wolverine I don't know what I'd say. I mean sure I like all of the other characters I'd probaly go see it any ways, but I'd be more excited to see The Wolverine movie if that were the case. But sounds like Wolverine will be in it.
BMM said:
I'm thinking an X4 would come off a bit silly.

not if they do it right, just imagine that the cure was just a hoax, that a guy named sinister was behind it, every mutant that took the cure is only temporarly cured, when in fact, they are actually being controlled by sinister, you could intorduce gambit that way, he's working for sinister, (have the mutant massacre happen in the begininng), have some mutant try to stop sinister, and rogue takes her powers completly, now she can fly and has super strength, they find out that sinister was behind the phoenix, that the Jean from X3 was a clone of her, the real Jean grey is still missing, and Scott was never killed by her, he was actually captured by sinster because he is one of the only mutants that can stop him, sinister won't kill him though, because he's a scientist and wants to experiment on him. Llater gambit helps Rogue excape, they both return to the x-men mansion, inform the others on what's going on. Have magneto Join the x-men, he takes over for the proffessor while he's assumed dead. they go on a rescue mission to get back cyclops, they succeed but angel is captured, sinister turns him into archangel. Have another big battle, sinister is defeated, but it turns out he is just a pawn, the age of apocolpse is upon them... something like that, IDK
JokerNick said:
not if they do it right, just imagine that the cure was just a hoax.
It doesn't need to be a hoax. It could just be a mistake. They thought the cure was permanent, and it wasn't.
Avalanche said:
It doesn't need to be a hoax. It could just be a mistake. They thought the cure was permanent, and it wasn't.

having it be a mistake would be bad, now having an alterior motive for the cure, hmmmmmm

maybe hoax was the wrong term, maybe a trick, remember the animated series when angel thought he was being cured, but apocolpse was behind it, do something like that..... Rogue turning bad (steels the powers of multiple mutants, therefor she gets super strength and can fly), meets Gambit......
Rogue getting superstrength and flying is so out of character for her in the movie world. And I'm sorry but I don't think Anna could pull it off either.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Rogue and I sometimes wish they had gone with her superstrength and flight from the start. But they chose not to. :(
Celestio said:
Rogue getting superstrength and flying is so out of character for her in the movie world. And I'm sorry but I don't think Anna could pull it off either.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Rogue and I sometimes wish they had gone with her superstrength and flight from the start. But they chose not to. :(

well that's why they should wait a few years, till she gets older and more mature, she's what, in her early twenties now, wait till the last 20's

plus, don't have it be like she's a female superman, they could do this very dramitically, dealing with slavery, kidnapping, brainwashing, having rogue be more distraute, like she can't control the flying, her strength isn't overpowering, but just anoying, have iceman become jealous of her, how she wanted to be cured, but now she has more powers then him, plus adding Gambit into the love triangle.... it could be done well, if done seriously..........
they could also have the mutants she killed by asorbing their powers, haunting her mind, causing nightmares and personality changes
... Jean a clone in X3? ... eeh...confusion. Just what we and the general audiences need...

Though I wouldn't mind the whole Madelyn pryor...Famke can easily pull it off... -snickers and goes back to walking around in the forum-
DarknessOfDeath said:
... Jean a clone in X3? ... eeh...confusion. Just what we and the general audiences need...

Though I wouldn't mind the whole Madelyn pryor...Famke can easily pull it off... -snickers and goes back to walking around in the forum-

that's true tho, to much false jean deaths for a franchise, just get rid of jean, bring in Emma Frost....... new instructor at the school, later movie it tunrs out she's part of the hellfire club.......
Dark Phoenix could find her way in there...if done right... -shrugs- gods... or Madelyne Pryor... -raises eye brow- whoa... deja vu
DarknessOfDeath said:
Dark Phoenix could find her way in there...if done right... -shrugs- gods... or Madelyne Pryor... -raises eye brow- whoa... deja vu

they waisted the pheonix story IMO, X3 should have been about the cure, and left a cliff hanger of the Dark Phoenix, or they should of just had Jean come back in this one, then have her go bad at the end, but anyways, the only way to go IMO in the age of Apocalypse:up:
I want everyone except Logan and Jean to return. Logan cuz of the fact that he is a story hog and Jean cuz her coming back makes her death cheap.
I'd liek to see Cyclops return and the development of the Blue Team and the Gold Team :)
The arrival of Appocalypse...I kinda liked how they approached the story in X-Men evolution...it would fit in with the realistic settings of the movieverse.
ororoandme said:
I want everyone except Logan and Jean to return. Logan cuz of the fact that he is a story hog and Jean cuz her coming back makes her death cheap.
I'd liek to see Cyclops return and the development of the Blue Team and the Gold Team :)
The arrival of Appocalypse...I kinda liked how they approached the story in X-Men evolution...it would fit in with the realistic settings of the movieverse.

how did they do that???
JokerNick said:
not if they do it right, just imagine that the cure was just a hoax, that a guy named sinister was behind it, every mutant that took the cure is only temporarly cured, when in fact, they are actually being controlled by sinister, you could intorduce gambit that way, he's working for sinister, (have the mutant massacre happen in the begininng), have some mutant try to stop sinister, and rogue takes her powers completly, now she can fly and has super strength, they find out that sinister was behind the phoenix, that the Jean from X3 was a clone of her, the real Jean grey is still missing, and Scott was never killed by her, he was actually captured by sinster because he is one of the only mutants that can stop him, sinister won't kill him though, because he's a scientist and wants to experiment on him. Llater gambit helps Rogue excape, they both return to the x-men mansion, inform the others on what's going on. Have magneto Join the x-men, he takes over for the proffessor while he's assumed dead. they go on a rescue mission to get back cyclops, they succeed but angel is captured, sinister turns him into archangel. Have another big battle, sinister is defeated, but it turns out he is just a pawn, the age of apocolpse is upon them... something like that, IDK

I like this idea
JokerNick said:
not if they do it right, just imagine that the cure was just a hoax, that a guy named sinister was behind it, every mutant that took the cure is only temporarly cured, when in fact, they are actually being controlled by sinister, you could intorduce gambit that way, he's working for sinister, (have the mutant massacre happen in the begininng), have some mutant try to stop sinister, and rogue takes her powers completly, now she can fly and has super strength, they find out that sinister was behind the phoenix, that the Jean from X3 was a clone of her, the real Jean grey is still missing, and Scott was never killed by her, he was actually captured by sinster because he is one of the only mutants that can stop him, sinister won't kill him though, because he's a scientist and wants to experiment on him. Llater gambit helps Rogue excape, they both return to the x-men mansion, inform the others on what's going on. Have magneto Join the x-men, he takes over for the proffessor while he's assumed dead. they go on a rescue mission to get back cyclops, they succeed but angel is captured, sinister turns him into archangel. Have another big battle, sinister is defeated, but it turns out he is just a pawn, the age of apocolpse is upon them... something like that, IDK
I love it! True to the comics. But I think that wouldn't fit in to well with the tone of the other movies. What if we create a new movie series?

I will write the future X-men (movie) Series. And it will be better then ever. With Appocalypse!!! And the REAL Pheonix.

X-Men: Children of the Attom-> There is a struggle on Sentinels and all. And Jean will die at the end. The sentinels will be terminated. Featuring; Beast, Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm and prof X and Jean. Young characters barely seen; Jubilee, Iceman, Kitty and Rogue. Magneto and brotherhood (Plague is Briefly shown in Mutant Massacre) (Shadow cat and Iceman Dating and break up in end)

X-Men: The Dark Pheonix Saga-> Jean returns as the Pheonix. The entire film revolves arround her. Iceman and Kitty and Rogue join the X-Men. Wolverine doesnt let Jubilee come. Jean finaly realizes her destiny and bursts into flames and the flame blastsoff to the sun. Cyclops is Lonely. Then in the end. It hints at Appocalypse. Characters: Prof X, Wolverine, Pheonix, cyclops, beast, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Iceman, ShadowCat Magneto and half of Brotherhood (Mystique, Pyro, Colossus, Gambit) (Shadow Cat and Nightcrawler Flirt like crazy and kiss in end) Storm (Storm and Wolverine develop romance) Angel. Younger people; Jubilee

X-Men: Age of Appocalypse-> A great evil is Rising. Appocalypse. Wolverine Calls on his old friend Kieros whom he fought with in the Vietnam war. The X-men prepare for distruction arround the globe. Autumn from the younger children at Xiavier's School For the Gifted Youngsters is taken in by Appocalypse as a Horsemen. He also takes Angel gives him new and better wings, and Plague and Kieros. The X-Men must fight for the world's future. Rogue, storm and jubilee go looking for more muntants. They find Callisto. She helps them track down a child nammed leech who can shut off mutants powers. Rogue takes his abbility briefly and she and other x-men fight appocalypse in his pyramid. They come in the pyramid while he is using an earlier version of cerebro to turn every human into a mutant slave of his. When he awakens his powers are almost none. They battle him ( the four horsemen become allies of the X-men again) Magneto, Xiaver and appocalypse are in a battle of their own now. A greater energy comes down now. A Fiery bird. It weakens Appocalypse to 0% energy now and Xiaver knocks him back into tomb (by using energy waves sent to his brain) and Magneto shuts the tomb magnetically. It is over. The world is saved.
Characters; Magneto, brotherhood (Mystique, Pyro) Xiavier, X-men (Wolverine, Storm, Callisto, Leech, Cyclops, Rogue, Shadow Cat, Nightcrawler, Beast, everyone else I mentioned bassically) appocalypse and the four horsemen.

Now that is how it should be! Also the storyline can continue still!
In that rumored Xavier and Moira scene, is it Patrick Stewart's voice that calls out to her?

Honestly, I think that scene is stupid and ridiculous. I'm hoping they'll replace it with a Scott scene.

I think if there is an X4, they MUST bring Scott back. We never saw him die, and if Logan's movie tanks, none of us should see that, and we make a big enough stand about Scott in X3, they will bring him back.

I'd like to see Sinister having Scott held captive, maybe he even has Jean's dead body (Famke cameo, YAY) and he is playing around with their DNA. Then maybe he could create Madelyn Prior. Meanwhile, have Angel kidnapped and at the end transformed into ArchAngel with maybe Apocalypse appearing in shadow or silhouette at the end.

Maybe the X-Men discover Scott is alive and Storm leads the rescue operation...meanwhile after X3, Sentinels have been sent out to capture mutants... This is a storyline that would encompass several plots and utilize the characters well. When Cyclops is freed, the team splits up with Scott leading some and Storm the others (Blue and Gold).

Or they could use Sinister to thrust OUR Cyclops into the Age of Apocalypse universe. Then we'd have a new beginning. Logan would still be visible, but we'd be experiencing the world through Scott's eyes!
taintedFB said:
In that rumored Xavier and Moira scene, is it Patrick Stewart's voice that calls out to her?

Honestly, I think that scene is stupid and ridiculous. I'm hoping they'll replace it with a Scott scene.

I think if there is an X4, they MUST bring Scott back. We never saw him die, and if Logan's movie tanks, none of us should see that, and we make a big enough stand about Scott in X3, they will bring him back.

I'd like to see Sinister having Scott held captive, maybe he even has Jean's dead body (Famke cameo, YAY) and he is playing around with their DNA. Then maybe he could create Madelyn Prior. Meanwhile, have Angel kidnapped and at the end transformed into ArchAngel with maybe Apocalypse appearing in shadow or silhouette at the end.

Maybe the X-Men discover Scott is alive and Storm leads the rescue operation...meanwhile after X3, Sentinels have been sent out to capture mutants... This is a storyline that would encompass several plots and utilize the characters well. When Cyclops is freed, the team splits up with Scott leading some and Storm the others (Blue and Gold).

Or they could use Sinister to thrust OUR Cyclops into the Age of Apocalypse universe. Then we'd have a new beginning. Logan would still be visible, but we'd be experiencing the world through Scott's eyes!

yep, that's what I was getting at

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