JokerNick said:
not if they do it right, just imagine that the cure was just a hoax, that a guy named sinister was behind it, every mutant that took the cure is only temporarly cured, when in fact, they are actually being controlled by sinister, you could intorduce gambit that way, he's working for sinister, (have the mutant massacre happen in the begininng), have some mutant try to stop sinister, and rogue takes her powers completly, now she can fly and has super strength, they find out that sinister was behind the phoenix, that the Jean from X3 was a clone of her, the real Jean grey is still missing, and Scott was never killed by her, he was actually captured by sinster because he is one of the only mutants that can stop him, sinister won't kill him though, because he's a scientist and wants to experiment on him. Llater gambit helps Rogue excape, they both return to the x-men mansion, inform the others on what's going on. Have magneto Join the x-men, he takes over for the proffessor while he's assumed dead. they go on a rescue mission to get back cyclops, they succeed but angel is captured, sinister turns him into archangel. Have another big battle, sinister is defeated, but it turns out he is just a pawn, the age of apocolpse is upon them... something like that, IDK
I love it! True to the comics. But I think that wouldn't fit in to well with the tone of the other movies. What if we create a new movie series?
I will write the future X-men (movie) Series. And it will be better then ever. With Appocalypse!!! And the REAL Pheonix.
X-Men: Children of the Attom-> There is a struggle on Sentinels and all. And Jean will die at the end. The sentinels will be terminated. Featuring; Beast, Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm and prof X and Jean. Young characters barely seen; Jubilee, Iceman, Kitty and Rogue. Magneto and brotherhood (Plague is Briefly shown in Mutant Massacre) (Shadow cat and Iceman Dating and break up in end)
X-Men: The Dark Pheonix Saga-> Jean returns as the Pheonix. The entire film revolves arround her. Iceman and Kitty and Rogue join the X-Men. Wolverine doesnt let Jubilee come. Jean finaly realizes her destiny and bursts into flames and the flame blastsoff to the sun. Cyclops is Lonely. Then in the end. It hints at Appocalypse. Characters: Prof X, Wolverine, Pheonix, cyclops, beast, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Iceman, ShadowCat Magneto and half of Brotherhood (Mystique, Pyro, Colossus, Gambit) (Shadow Cat and Nightcrawler Flirt like crazy and kiss in end) Storm (Storm and Wolverine develop romance) Angel. Younger people; Jubilee
X-Men: Age of Appocalypse-> A great evil is Rising. Appocalypse. Wolverine Calls on his old friend Kieros whom he fought with in the Vietnam war. The X-men prepare for distruction arround the globe. Autumn from the younger children at Xiavier's School For the Gifted Youngsters is taken in by Appocalypse as a Horsemen. He also takes Angel gives him new and better wings, and Plague and Kieros. The X-Men must fight for the world's future. Rogue, storm and jubilee go looking for more muntants. They find Callisto. She helps them track down a child nammed leech who can shut off mutants powers. Rogue takes his abbility briefly and she and other x-men fight appocalypse in his pyramid. They come in the pyramid while he is using an earlier version of cerebro to turn every human into a mutant slave of his. When he awakens his powers are almost none. They battle him ( the four horsemen become allies of the X-men again) Magneto, Xiaver and appocalypse are in a battle of their own now. A greater energy comes down now. A Fiery bird. It weakens Appocalypse to 0% energy now and Xiaver knocks him back into tomb (by using energy waves sent to his brain) and Magneto shuts the tomb magnetically. It is over. The world is saved.
Characters; Magneto, brotherhood (Mystique, Pyro) Xiavier, X-men (Wolverine, Storm, Callisto, Leech, Cyclops, Rogue, Shadow Cat, Nightcrawler, Beast, everyone else I mentioned bassically) appocalypse and the four horsemen.
Now that is how it should be! Also the storyline can continue still!