Orko Is King said:Well, he's supposedly in peak physical condition, so I'd wager he can bench 250-300.
explode7 said:I know Batman is no where near spiderman's strength level but what would you say his strength level is and what is the most heaviest thing he have ever lifted comic book/cartoon/movie wise?
boyscouT said:i read somewhere that Batman can bench press 700 pounds. it was on the DC website with all their superhero stats, etc.
Mister J said:I'm not sure exactly, but it's way more than 300. Somewhere around 700 sounds right, maybe a little less.
boyscouT said:im confident its 700 pounds.
like someone else said, they can bench ~200 @ 165. im 150 and i can bench ~190.
there are a few NFL players who can bench 500-600 pounds, and one that benched 700 pounds. think about it, NFL players aren't even in tip-top shape. they are brute mass / muscle.
Batman is in tip top shape, nearly all muscle.
Mister J said:I was agreeing with you as much as I could without actually having something to verify it by. His condition has always been 'near or at physical perfection', it's just hard to quantify that. I remember something along the lines of 700, but that was before DC's website re-organized their character info listings to mere copies of what's in the DC Encyclopedia. If you say you saw it at 700, I can't say you didn't. I just wished stuff like that was more readily accessible.
boyscouT said:FOUND IT....
' He may bench press approximately 725 pounds and is the near-equal or equal of the world's best athlete in any Olympic event.'
boyscouT said:now i wanna know what spidermans strength is ^^
Mister J said:Spidey is Class 10 (able to lift/press 10 tons)
(gotta scroll down a bit)
boyscouT said:WHAT!!??
hmmm... has spidey shown this strength in the movies yet?
*tries to think of some examples*
Mister J said:Not even close. The most impressive things he's done strength-wise were holding the trolley at the end of SM1 and keeping that steel girder from crushing MJ in Doc Ock's lab in SM2 (and maybe stopping the train, but that was inertia and resistance as opposed to brute strength).
I hate the fact that he's depowered like that. I mean, 10 tons is a lot of damn weight. They've yet to fully show his strength.