What other Marvel TV specials do you want?

Dark Raven

It's not about what you deserve...
Apr 2, 2010
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After Werewolf by Night, what other Marvel TV specials do you want to see?

Or which properties do you think should only be done as a TV special and not a series or movie?

I'd like to see Man Thing (although I would like him showing up elsewhere).

I don't think someone like Deathlok would deserve anything more than a special.

Maybe Howard the Duck?
I'd like to at least see this monster corner expanded a bit. Get a bit more info on Man-Thing for example and maybe expand it with someone like Manphibian or N'Kantu the Living Mummy.

Howard the Duck would be fun.

I think historical specials could be a great way to expand on the Marvel world in ways that don't immediately tie into current meta plots of the MCU.
  • Indeed a Western special could have the likes of Two-Gun Kid, Kid Colt, Rawhide Kid, Red Wolf, the Phantom Rider, maybe even the return of Salma Hayek as Ajak.
  • Maybe an Arthurian Legend special which has Sir Percival of Scandia and the Ebony Blade and things like Morgan le Fay, Merlyn, the Celtic sorceress who would go on to become "The Ancient One", Otherworld, etc.
  • A World War II special with golden age heroes and the potential return of Peggy Carter, The Howling Commandos, etc.
  • A special about Bashenga, the first Black Panther.
Rumor has it next years Halloween special will be about Man Thing.
I wonder if there’ll be another Holiday special? Last year we had Hawkeye. This year the first Holiday special. We definitely need another christmassy MCU project next year.
Maybe a yule special set in New Asgard
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The way WbN was a throwback to the old Universal Monsters and creature feature.
I would want a heavy martial arts xploitation / grindehouse era 70s style Sons of the Tiger!


(though I would update the cast (as several have obviously moved on) from back when I posted it 2012:wow:) - Cast The Sons of the Tiger movie



I would go straight to the source, none of the revisionist crap, pick up right where 70s Deadly Hands left off... Where they go off in pursuit of forming the full team. "...Until we find the Fifth and are whole once more."

Where the last panel promised, the Sons would rise again, as four, ,,, than five!
With Abe and Bob reunited, Hector (officially) joining, the search for Lin open ended, joined by Lotus
The Tigers becoming "Whole Once More!" The set up was all there!

Hector becoming the final fourth Son/claw, and moving towards Angela/orAva the new White Tiger.
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Rumor has it next years Halloween special will be about Man Thing.
I wonder if there’ll be another Holiday special? Last year we had Hawkeye. This year the first Holiday special. We definitely need another christmassy MCU project next year.
Maybe a yule special set in New Asgard

I'd be happy for more Man Thing. I felt Werewolf by Night was the least interesting character out of him, Elsa and Ted. It was almost more of a showcase for the others.

Although they should make the special 3 hours long so they can justify calling it Giant Sized Man Thing. Can't really do that with only 52 minutes.
Heavy martial arts xploitation / grindehouse era 70s style Sons of the Tiger!
from way back (though I would update the cast from then) - Cast The Sons of the Tiger movie

I would pick up right where Deadly Hands left off... Where they go off in pursuit of forming the full team. "...Until we find the Fifth and are whole one more."

Ooh that's a good one too. And it still allows for Ava to become the modern White Tiger in the current day MCU.

You could even do specials for other "older generation" characters if you're willing to recast some as younger.
Hank Pym & Janet van Dyne, t'Chaka, Mar-Vell, the Ravagers, etc.
I think a 60 minute documentary about Department K and them detailing the Weapon X project and how he escaped would make for an interesting special.
Yeah I'm not interested in a documentary especially Weapon X.
Let's find a way to bring the MCU TV characters back involved in the current MCU. I want to see the Runaways return, Quake and Cloak & Dagger.
Big time yes on quake!! Only seen cloak and dagger in the cartoons but I give them 2 thumbs up!! Never watched the runaways but I could be persuaded
Hmm for me, the only benefit of bringing back the actors from those tv shows is those shows wouldn't feel like a waste of time, if they are officially invited back by Marvel Studios.

But I honestly don't mind if they start fresh and make an origin adaptation for Runaways and Cloak & Dagger again. Quake, I don't care.
As I said in the Werewolf by Night thread, an in universe documentary. Now that may be boring to some people but it could work. First, there wouldn't be any complaints about CGI because it would be a documentary within the MCU, and we know that documentaries don't use CGI and instead uses photos, newspaper or TV clips and documents. Second it would fill the gaps. I had three ideas for this type of format:

1. Man Thing when he was Ted Sallis. He was a scientist and probably a famous one, so you can show in the in universe documentary his various TV appearances before his transformation. Could also bring back Stephanie Shoztak as Ellan Brandt before she joined AIM.
2. Monica Rambeau from the end of Captain Marvel until right before the time she was blipped when she took care of Maria in the hospital. Surely she didn't join SWORD because of nepotism (because Maria was in charge) and she had to have training from somewhere before she was at SWORD. You can bring back Lashana Lynch as Maria and not have Lashana play a variant or appear via flashbacks.
3. What happened to the Howling Commandoes after World War II? Or in the case of Dum Dum Dugan, what happened to him after the events of Agent Carter Season One.
Only if he looks like he did in Tomb of Dracula. If he looks like the modem version in red and with long white hair then no thank you. I don't really want to see that version on film at all.
Doesn't Dracula have grey hair (and a mustache) in the original novel or something?

Anyway, who should they get to be the third live action Marvel Dracula after Morgan Freeman and Dominic Purcell?
I feel like there are several distinct implicit questions here:

1. If its just about the idea of a "TV Special" as a short movie one-shot, then honestly that could work for anything. I'd actually say a bunch of the upcoming announced Disney+ shows might actually work better as this, or at least work better with this kind of limited format introduction. Can Echo hold up a show off her own? Maybe, maybe not, but it probably would have been better to give her a one hour mini-movie to find out first.

2. If its about the idea of "TV Special as stylized retro format", then yeah, exploring the past of the MCU by way of period pieces is a good idea. Do a kung fu story in literal 70s kung fu movie style, do a tale of the Howling Commandos as a short WWII movie, etc.

3. However, if its more specifically "TV Special as a black and white retro horror movie", well, in some ways I think that might be the best idea. Marvel has a *lot* of horror back catalog, and making the "Marvel Special Presentation" a signature "series" that is all about telling horror stories in a limited format using stylized retro elements? Would be a really really cool way to explore that more anthology-esque side of the world. It saves budget and lets you take the 'story' whichever way you wish to go, while also leveraging the retro styling as part of the atmosphere and theme. It doesn't even always have to be the same retro styling, you could easily swing all the way from "30s Universal" to "80s Slasher" depending on the needs of the moment.
Hmm I feel like they should give it to the ones that they think can't headline a movie or a series.

As much as I prefer this straight to streaming movie format than a 4hour and a half series, a series would be more memorable simply because it ran for 6 to 9 weeks. Time will tell if future "special presentations" would be as good as Midnight by Night. WandaVision is still the best mcu series to date.
There's a lot of good ideas posted here but I'll just list a a few that I think would be neat

* A Man-Thing special details his origin (even if it's not the main focal point of the special). At the very least, I'd like them to at least reference how his origin was tied to the Super Solider serum.
* A Western special, taking place in the 1800s. Maybe something in the vein of Seven Samurai/The Magnificent Seven but with a Weird West twist. Have it feature characters like the Two-Gun Kid, Arizona Annie, Red Wolf and the Phantom Rider (and have him actually be the Ghost Rider for that time period).
* Tomb of Dracula...not sure the story you could use for this format but you can try to use other horror characters in this as well.
* Kazar and the Savage Land
* Starjammers
* I know we technically got some of the original Guardians in Vol.2 but I'd like to see a Guardians of the Galaxy special that actually takes place in the 31st Century.
Hmm I'm torn with that.

I want a Squirrel Girl movie, if not possible, then a series. A straight to streaming movie though would have less filler compare to a series, I just hope it would be longer than 52 minutes.
Potential She-Hulk spoiler
I always felt like the only interesting thing about Skaar was him being like Conan the Barbarian on an alien planet. Nothing with him on earth ever did it for me. So if Marvel is gonna insist on using him, I'd prefer to just give him an '80s style Sword and Sorcery space-Fantasy shortfilm (given that MCU Sakaar is already '80s nostalgia due to Ragnarok anyway and the Schwartzenegger Conan was '80s too). A story like that would't really warrant a full movie or show but it's the only Skaar story I'd really be interested in.
There's a lot of good ideas posted here but I'll just list a a few that I think would be neat

* A Man-Thing special details his origin (even if it's not the main focal point of the special). At the very least, I'd like them to at least reference how his origin was tied to the Super Solider serum.
* A Western special, taking place in the 1800s. Maybe something in the vein of Seven Samurai/The Magnificent Seven but with a Weird West twist. Have it feature characters like the Two-Gun Kid, Arizona Annie, Red Wolf and the Phantom Rider (and have him actually be the Ghost Rider for that time period).
* Tomb of Dracula...not sure the story you could use for this format but you can try to use other horror characters in this as well.
* Kazar and the Savage Land
* Starjammers
* I know we technically got some of the original Guardians in Vol.2 but I'd like to see a Guardians of the Galaxy special that actually takes place in the 31st Century.

Ka-Zar is a great idea. Perfect opportunity to introduce characters like Zabu, Stegron, Shanna, Gog, Klaw...

Tomb of Dracula would work too - great opportunity to introduce Blade if his feature film ends up not panning out. Also Hannibal King, Deacon Frost, Lilith, and so on...

Western Special introducing Rawhide Kid, Kid Colt, Two-Gun Kid, Apache Kid...

Golden Age Special would be awesome too - the original Human Torch and Angel, Black Marvel, Blazing Skull... no reason Namor couldn't make an appearance here too...

Or even better, how about Invaders? We need to know what Steve was up to for all those years in the past! Bucky, Jim Hammond/Human Torch, Toro, Namor...

Does Marvel still have the rights to Rom Space Knight and Micronauts? I would watch shows about either of them :D

And let's not forget Aaron Stack/Machine Man either...
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Ka-Zar is a great idea. Perfect opportunity to introduce characters like Zabu, Stegron, Shanna, Gog, Klaw...

Tomb of Dracula would work too - great opportunity to introduce Blade if his feature film ends up not panning out. Also Hannibal King, Deacon Frost, Lilith, and so on...

Western Special introducing Rawhide Kid, Kid Colt, Two-Gun Kid, Apache Kid...

Golden Age Special would be awesome too - the original Human Torch and Angel, Black Marvel, Blazing Skull... no reason Namor couldn't make an appearance here too...

Or even better, how about Invaders? We need to know what Steve was up to for all those years in the past! Bucky, Jim Hammond/Human Torch, Toro, Namor...

Does Marvel still have the rights to Rom Space Knight and Micronauts? I would watch shows about either of them :D

And let's not forget Aaron Stack/Machine Man either...
Nope never had ROM it was a tie in with the has to toys not sure about micronauts though

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