Spider-Man 4 - Lizard (Dr. Curt Connors), Kraven the Hunter, and the introduction of Roderick Kingsley who is the new owner of OsCorp and he is now studying the Green Goblin drug after he discovered Norman Osborn and Harry died from it...also Peter has been feeling way more powerful, but gets weaker right after using a bit of his strength, beginning to understand something is wrong with him...MJ finds out she is also pregnant.
Spider-Man 5 - From S-M 3, the symbiote is dying out, causing a bit of it to leave and spawns with Cletus Kassidy while he holds a bank up and planning on bombing the place, it gets on Cletus right before getting caught by Spidey and then he becomes Carnage in his cell...Hobgoblin becomes and he's more like Demogoblin with him being more evil and looking more like a monster...something Carnage did when him and Spider-Man fights and continues into OsCorp where Kinglsey is testing the drug anyways, an explosion of the place happens, causing a mix of Hobgoblin and Demogoblin to appear...the baby turns out to have similiar powers as to Pete, while Pete becomes even more weak at moments and Dr. Connors, who hasn't been Lizard from sometime reaveals to him that the spider that bit him also gave him some kind of poison that since him and MJ conceived a child, his cells are becoming to mutant, thus will make him turn into a giant spider, seen in The Animated Spider-Man series.
Spider-Man 6 - All about the Sinister Six: Doc Ock, Shocker, Rhino, Scorpion, Vulture and Sandman, he has to join it because Dr. Octopus blackmails him since he's trying to not be a criminal and trying to have a clean slate...Spider-Man turns into that giant spider and nearly kills the SS...he kills Vulture by breaking his back and then his neck, kills Shocker by using his shock absorbers to himself, breaks Rhino's neck too then tearing up his suit, and swings Scorpion around and into a building...then tries to kill Sandman, but Sandman is too strong and helps him calm down with has Spidey turn back and then Sandman and Doc Ock fight, with Ock loosing.