The Avengers What would be considered a epic threat?


Jan 25, 2009
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I think i recall Kevin Feige commenting that really liked the Transformers Dark of the Moon trailer and that he hopes that the avengers trailer has an EPIC feel to it like the dark of the moon trailer does.

so far we have seen snippets of the avengers in the seemingly cramped war room and tight shots.

but from the way things seem, it has to be Loki, The Skrulls and Thanos & the infinity gauntlet that causes the epic threat. i mean it has to be.


and iron man, thor, captain america & hulk are aided by Nick Fury, Black Widpw & and hawkeye. they lead the shield swat teams and fly the helicarrier.

it has to be a small scale invasion.
All I know is it'd be nice if the second movie can end on a grim outlook setting up the 3rd movie, ala Empire Strikes Back. If Fiege wants to bring up Transformers, I hope they don't go that route and try to make each movie self contained and always end up with the happy/cheesy ending. I think if the Fallen would've won in ROTF, and was part of Sentinel's plan in DOTM, it would've felt even more "epic". And just to answer your question, Thanos would be the perfect epic threat
I would actually prefer Loki being the earth-bound threat at the beginning, but then gets in touch of Red Skull who has Thanos with him.
The Rise and Fall of the Skrulls in the Avengers movie would definitely be epic.
An Epic Threat for the Avengers?

20th Century Fox...
the word is that avengers has a 260 mil. budget. so i now expect star war prequel level epic CGI and ILM is doing the cgi.

bug Loki, the skrulls and maybe a cameo of thanos after the credits?

i think we may see independence day level of action. we need an invasion

Interestingly Kevin Feige did Describe Avengers as a Disaster Movie

As engineered by Loki.
Hello, Rock Trolls! Hello, Frost Giants! Hello, Dark Elves! Hello, Fire Giants!
Goodbye, Midgard!
Interestingly Kevin Feige did Describe Avengers as a Disaster Movie

When did he say that?

Hmm...if that's the case, then my interest level has been seriously peaked. I was hoping for them to go this route.

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