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What would Christopher Nolan do with...

Jack O Lantern

Mad Jack
Jul 25, 2005
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I made this thread so we can discuss what Nolan would to with every other chaarcter and movie ever created or produced. He is the only guy who should ever make of have been allowed to have a made a film. In fact film should now be called "Nolan." Orson Wells would weep, much in the same way as Ceasar did when faced with the accomplishments of Alexander the Great, if he had lived to see the dawn of this new age. An age where Martin Scorsese became a foot note in history, the age in which Fellini was wiped from our memoeries by Nolanhisto, and Bergman lost a came of chess for his legacy when he met Nolan

Join me friends in this new age
I assume you are being mildly facetious with this whole post, yet I suppose I should point out how Nolan is simply the new Bryan Singer, Wakoski Brothers, Peter Jackson, etc. Every so often a film-maker will produce a great film based on an existing property or in some cases will make a film that appeals to the geeks and what not, then they become hailed as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well Superman Returns, Speed Racer, and King Kong have all proven, arguably, that these directors are from infallible and in fact are not the cinematic geniuses we once thought.

I say this time and time again, it is impossible to simply pair up a director/creative team to properties the way fanboys will do on forum. The reason being is that when you're dealing with that type of money it has very little to do with talent and all to do with the vision of the studio/director have for a project. These films are spending MILLIONS to be produce they can hire the best of the best when it comes to crews and what not. What it comes down to is the pitch given to the studio. For example, Bryan Singer made 2 great comicbook films because his vision was right for it. However, a 20 year late sequel where Superman doesn't throw a punch was not the right vision.

Time and time again, the unknowns produce great comic book films and establish directors produce mediocre adaptations and it has to do with a director given vision for a project. I'd say Nolan was great for Batman due to his infinity for gritty crime genres and film noir and coming out of the whole punk movement of Film really help to make a batman for the 21st century. However, that doesn't mean he'd be the great for all other adaptations.
Finally someone makes this thread!!!! Really honestly though he's a great dirrector and all but why does there have to be a "What would Christopher Nolan do with blah blah blah!!!

I really am tired of those threads. Dont get me wrong he's a great director but that doesnt mean he could make an awesome Punisher or Daredevil or Superman or any charecters.

So in total he's great but doesnt need to have hundred billion "What would Christopher Nolan do?"
I assume you are being mildly facetious with this whole post, yet I suppose I should point out how Nolan is simply the new Bryan Singer, Wakoski Brothers, Peter Jackson, etc. Every so often a film-maker will produce a great film based on an existing property or in some cases will make a film that appeals to the geeks and what not, then they become hailed as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well Superman Returns, Speed Racer, and King Kong have all proven, arguably, that these directors are from infallible and in fact are not the cinematic geniuses we once thought.
You did not just put "King Kong" in the same category as "Superman Returns" and "Speed Racer".
Finally someone makes this thread!!!! Really honestly though he's a great dirrector and all but why does there have to be a "What would Christopher Nolan do with blah blah blah!!!

I really am tired of those threads. Dont get me wrong he's a great director but that doesnt mean he could make an awesome Punisher or Daredevil or Superman or any charecters.

So in total he's great but doesnt need to have hundred billion "What would Christopher Nolan do?"

There has been one one the Punisher boards for weeks.
Nolan has made some pretty good movies, but it's not like he's the best director ever.

That position was filled by Kurosawa and Hitchcock.
You did not just put "King Kong" in the same category as "Superman Returns" and "Speed Racer".

I also put "arguably" to account for the fact that its merely my opinion. King Kong while beautifully shot and having quite a bit of flare is a cinematic mess, of course I did not see the director's cut. The original King Kong was a hour and a half, it was a simple but poignant story that was told in three very clean and short acts so the running time was 80 minutes. Peter Jackson elongated that to a very messy 180 minute run time filled with narrative strands that went no where and tons of spectacle with little substance. All three films are well meaning and show plenty of cinematic prowess but get lost along the way.
A couple years ago, Bryan Singer was God. Then Sam Raimi was God. Then Peter Jackson was God. Then Christopher Nolan was God. Funny thing about gods, is that we worship them until they do something against what we feel is the greater good. :o The fanboy shrine is a fickle thing.
I also put "arguably" to account for the fact that its merely my opinion. King Kong while beautifully shot and having quite a bit of flare is a cinematic mess, of course I did not see the director's cut. The original King Kong was a hour and a half, it was a simple but poignant story that was told in three very clean and short acts so the running time was 80 minutes. Peter Jackson elongated that to a very messy 180 minute run time filled with narrative strands that went no where and tons of spectacle with little substance. All three films are well meaning and show plenty of cinematic prowess but get lost along the way.
In Peter Jackson's defense, "King Kong" didn't get him into the mess that "Superman Returns" got Bryan Singer into, likewise for "Speed Racer" with the Wachowskis. Actually, the Wachowskis were being dumped on since the two Matrix sequels in '03. They gained some cred back after "V for Vendetta", but it was lost again after "Speed Racer". But if you want to talk about a director's fall from grace, look no further than George Lucas. On top of the world with "Star Wars", but I don't need to explain "Episode I".

Back on topic, I think Christopher Nolan is an exception to the rule. Sure, he may have some duds in the future. Every director does, even Spielberg. But I don't think he will be shunned by the fan community like Bryan Singer was. For one thing, Nolan just seems content with sticking with Batman. He doesn't even know if he wants to do a third one yet. Plus, another main reason why Singer pissed off the fan community was because he bailed on the X-Men series.
I just finished going off on a rant in the aforementioned Punisher thread and found this place.

I'm just going to repost the relevent part.

me said:
As for Nolan, you all are rubbing his dick now, but he'll be so creatively tired that his third outing wont gel with what the fanboys wanted, they'll suddenly and very conveniently forget about his first two great movies and treat him like he's the love child of Uwe Boll and the Strause Brothers. Just like Sam Raimi and Bryan Singer. What a fickle, fickle group of sheep the internet comprises of.

Note: I'm not referring to all those who didn't like Superman Returns and Spider-Man 3 (I personally didn't like SM3 either and while I loved SR, I truly believe that both Singer and Raimi should've taken a break after X2 and SM2, done a smaller movie and then moved onto SM3 and SR). Just those who are acting like they're the worst directors of all time, or even just plain bad directors, when history has shown that they're clearly not.

Plus, another main reason why Singer pissed off the fan community was because he bailed on the X-Men series.

How the hell is that Singer's fault? It's pretty much historical record that FOX had the choice of waiting for Singer to finish Superman.
I just finished going off on a rant in the aforementioned Punisher thread and found this place.

I'm just going to repost the relevent part.

The good thing about Nolan is that he takes one film at a time. I think that's why every film he's done has been good to great to amazing. Mementon, Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Prestige, and The Dark Knight are all great films in my opinion. A lot of that has to do with Nolan taking his time with the product and not rushing it to please studios.

So when he does a third Batman film it'll probably be great. He's already said he's not even thinking about a third one right now, and I'm sure WB isn't going to rush him or alienate him into doing it either.
John Woo + Chow Yun Fat + The Punisher = Gold

I'm just saying....
The good thing about Nolan is that he takes one film at a time. I think that's why every film he's done has been good to great to amazing. Mementon, Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Prestige, and The Dark Knight are all great films in my opinion. A lot of that has to do with Nolan taking his time with the product and not rushing it to please studios.

So when he does a third Batman film it'll probably be great. He's already said he's not even thinking about a third one right now, and I'm sure WB isn't going to rush him or alienate him into doing it either.

IMHO Nolan is just lucky becuse of how late in the game he came so he's able to follow his comrades successes and avoid their mistakes. When Batman Begins came out, the Wachowski's, Singer, Raimi and Jackson hadn't had a good night's sleep since the 1990's. For The Dark Knight he had five whole Batman movies worth of mistakes he could avoid. Now he's on top of the world and the other guys are moving on to the Oscar bait movies (Except for the Wachowski's, God knows what kind of drug ****ed misadventures they're getting into).
It kinda gets on my nerves when i see i wonder what so and so would be like with Christopher Nolan. I mean enough already.

people make him out to be steven speilberg or something.
I love Nolan but I do not believe he has spawned a "new age in film-making" if you will. Yes he is a great director but I believe the hype surrounding him is absurd. I cannot wait to see what people will do next if Nolan DOESN'T return for a third Batman. LOL, next they'll say he's a sell out and is a quiter and completely do a 360 on their feelings about Nolan.

Same thing happened to Heath when he was first casted, brokeback jokes were made and people felt "backstabbed" that he got the role and would not let it go. After the first trailer, people then stated," I'll wait to see the movie before telling if he did a great job portraying the Joker." Now look at how people react to Ledger, and his death. After his death, almost everyone had their hearts open to Heath, including me. No one said another horrid joke, or negative thing about him for the longest time. The same with Nolan, if someone says one bad thing about him everyone jumps at that person. The "In Nolan we trust" is an example of how extreme the love for Nolan was. I saw it everywhere on the boards. LOL. And I don't mean to come off in a disrespectful way to any of you, I'm just saying how I feel about Nolan and how people react towards him. :)
To be fair Nolan does deserve the praise he's received. For an unknown director to revive a franchise that was considered dead and would never be taken seriously, he truly does deserve all the praise.

Is Nolan the next Spielberg or Martin Scorsese? Who knows. But there's no denying that he's accomplished a lot and deserves to be sitting at a table with the elite directors.
Yea I have total respect for the man, and appreciate him for bringing back the one character I'll always love. But the love for him on here is over-the-top to me. But what do you expect on SHH. :)
Memento is regarded as a staple indie flick. Batman Begins is one of the better comic book films put to screen. And The Dark Knight is going to be nominated for Best Picture.

I think he deserves a lot of the praise he gets, to be honest. The man has accomplished a lot in a span of eight or nine years. The real question is: how will people react when he finally slips up?
Memento is regarded as a staple indie flick. Batman Begins is one of the better comic book films put to screen. And The Dark Knight is going to be nominated for Best Picture.

I think he deserves a lot of the praise he gets, to be honest. The man has accomplished a lot in a span of eight or nine years. The real question is: how will people react when he finally slips up?
I agree and what if he says he wont do a third?? That would suck but would be interesting to see how people would react about him.

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