What's the most plot hole-ridden movie you have seen?


Sep 2, 2009
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I'd have to say Men In Black III.

Terminator 3 is a close second.
Transformers and its sequel. Couldn't put myself through the third.
Transformers and its sequel. Couldn't put myself through the third.

Good, because the third has the most plot holes (anyone else noticing a trend here?).

I don't really remember the first one having any blaring plot holes though. ...But then I barely remember it.
The first 2 Terminators films together had a lot of plot holes, the first one is that if it was thanks to the Terminator's hand that they were creating SkyNet then that means that the events of the first film had to happen, however the events of the first film were what made the ones from T-2 happen and the Judgement Day stopped.
The first 2 Terminators films together had a lot of plot holes, the first one is that if it was thanks to the Terminator's hand that they were creating SkyNet then that means that the events of the first film had to happen, however the events of the first film were what made the ones from T-2 happen and the Judgement Day stopped.

Well that depends on how you interpret time travel rules.

It's implied that the future can be changed repeatedly.

Seriously, it's preposterous. People leave the room and then suddenly appear in the next shot. Then people wear coats then they're off then they're on again.
That's not really plot problems, more like continuity issues though...

A good continuity person on a film set is worth their weight in gold.
There's also a lack of explanation or plot threads that don't get resolved. Not a plot hole per-se, but it really annoys me.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a good example.
At the start of the movie, they show us an alien that apparently crashed at Roswell, but they never explain why / how or what it's relation to the other aliens is (who have been sitting around for thousands of years).
The Dark Knight Rises had some pretty large plot holes, here's just one...

When Batman was flying the bomb out to sea, there were mere seconds left on the counter. How the hell did his craft have enough velocity to get out six miles and with a margin which allowed him to bail out? Is that craft really capable of going 500+ miles per hour?
Just really stupid, ruined the end for me to a degree.
If there was one thing that bugged me in the Nolanverse, it was Bruce's sudden... world-class motorcycling ability. Where did that come from?

Did the League of Shadows give him a crash course in motorcycle stunts off screen?

Granted, they could have just said that he'd been riding in his spare time or something. But it's never addressed.
I guess Bruce fitted it in alongside his base jumping and spelunking!
ITT: People who doesnt know what plot holes are. Plot holes are things that hinders the movies story to go forward. Not just stuff the movie doesnt explain to the audience.
Maybe the Bat-Cycle is so high-tech is doesn't take a pro to control it
Well that depends on how you interpret time travel rules.

It's implied that the future can be changed repeatedly.
But in this case the future caused itself, this could have worked and the first film seemed to suggest this, but the presence of the future in the past ended up changing the future.
Transformers: Dark of The Moon. Ugh
I choose to answer this question in the form of a musical verse;

If you're lookin' to get the job done.
Be it murder, or rescuing ladies.
You cannot do better than old guys.
Who where popular back in the 80's.
Yes, old or prematurely bald.
The fearless fighting force called...

Yes there is a difference between continuity errors and plot holes.

Gordon knowing who Bane is even though no one mentioned his name is a plot hole.
Transformers: Dark of The Moon. Ugh
Saw worse, that movie gets a lot of hate but it has as many plot holes as any other blockbuster, even the good ones.
Yes there is a difference between continuity errors and plot holes.

Gordon knowing who Bane is even though no one mentioned his name is a plot hole.
That could easily be because of off screen dialogue between the thugs who took him:
Thug 1: What do we do with him?
Thug 2: Lets take him to Bane.

Not a plot hole.

A plot hole could be: why doesnt batman and co. attack Bane the instant he gets the cops out from the sewers, instead of waiting some hours to attack at dawn instead? This little thing greatly affects the rest of the film, hence it is a plot hole.
It's impossible for the TF movies to have plot holes.
The most obvious example is in TF1, Barricade chasing Bumblebee in the day and next scene it's night
You're basing that on the notion that TF1 has a plot.:o
That could easily be because of off screen dialogue between the thugs who took him:
Thug 1: What do we do with him?
Thug 2: Lets take him to Bane.

Not a plot hole.

A plot hole could be: why doesnt batman and co. attack Bane the instant he gets the cops out from the sewers, instead of waiting some hours to attack at dawn instead? This little thing greatly affects the rest of the film, hence it is a plot hole.

See to me that's not quite a plot hole. You are just suggesting a different way of telling the story.

And scenes that start out in daytime and suddenly change into night time are just continuity errors.

What about at the end of Ocean's 11? How did they get all those porn flyers into the vault? Even the director says he doesnt know.

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