What's wrong with this picture?


Aug 30, 2003
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So today I am at my Neice's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. And a Freind of My sister says "I need a drink"

So I'm thinking.......who can't sit through a children's birthday party without having a drink? What the hell is wrong with her....it's like 2 in the afternoon. So while I am trying to figure out what is wrong with her something even more ****ed up happened.

She got a beer. She got a beer at Chuck E. Cheese. Chuck E. Cheese serves Beer. I completely forgot about the girl drinking (Though she had 5 in 2 hours) and I was absolutely consumed with the fact that an establishment that was created to cater kids parties serves beer. The fact that it does and the fact that there is enough demant to put in in and not tak it out is sickening.

Chuck E. Cheese serves beer. That there is ****ed the hell up.
Chuck E. Cheese serves beer to adults of legal drinking age. They're not handing it out to children.
If you had to spend day after day with groups of kids you would learn the power of the afternoon drink. I don't have any kids but my mom sure did enjoy the afternoon drink.
I've never known this to happen :confused: When did they start doing this?
Chuck E. Cheese serves beer? Didn't knew that
Tsunulia said:
I've never known this to happen :confused: When did they start doing this?

You can also get heroin in the bathrooms.:o
Why is this a problem? Chuck E Cheese is the seventh circle of hell. A little beer won't hurt.
How many tickets does it take to get a beer?
Damn, I could've used one that last B-day party I attended there.
I don't see anything wrong with this. It's not like it's a bar or anything. But Chuck E. Cheese is a loud annoying place, especially with a group full of rowdy kids. Having a drink can take the edge off.

Lot's of restaurants and other "kid-friendly" places serve alcohol. Having to hang out in a noisy chuck e cheese with a bunch of screaming kids only increases the need for a beer.
And Manic is right, they don't serve it to children.
They don't have beer at the Chuckie Cheese here :confused:
Who cares, in Amsterdam you can get a beer in McDonalds. And I aint talking no paper cup, a glass of beer.
There's also weed in everything, so Amsterdam is a bad example.
Woah. I was also at Chuck E. Cheese earlier today! :eek:
here's the thing about Chuck E. Cheese's - as much as it's catered to kids, those kids wouldn't be there without adults to take them.
Master Chief said:
There's also weed in everything, so Amsterdam is a bad example.

You'd dig it the most
Nothing wrong with kids over say 16-18 drinking beer in my opinion. But i guess we're not really here to debate what the drinking age should be...
SickBoy said:
Nothing wrong with kids over say 16-18 drinking beer in my opinion. But i guess we're not really here to debate what the drinking age should be...

If a kid is at Chuck E. Cheese and he gets enough tickets he should be able to get a beer.:eek:
If I can be drafted, then I can drink regardless of the law.
Dpn't get me wrong. First time I got drunk I was 9......I started drinking regularely when I was 14.....and heavily when I was 16. The best part of all that was that could quit drinkin at 21 (Though I still get pissed from time to time)

The point is "la la la la la....I'm an adult I'll get some beer....now I'll put it down while I talk to my freinds."

"La la la la la....I'm a kid and I've been running and screaming I'm kinda thirsty...I'll go back to my Table and have some pop. Oh boy Apple juice (Or Ginger Ale)"

See the point?

Or, as I saw today.

"I'm a uslesss parent who can't admit I have a problem. Watch one beer turn into many....because I can here. Okay kiddies. hop into my van now as I drive you all home."
Many restaurants serve alcohol, as well. If Chuck E. Cheese is anything like most family-safe restaurants, they'll have a limit on how many drinks they can serve customers. A plastered adult driving kids home shouldn't be a problem.

Also, most adults I know are responsible enough to keep their beer away from small children. And most children I know are smart enough not to grab some random drink sitting on the table.
What kind of people can't sit though a kids party from noon til 2 withought a drink?

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