What's your religion ???


Nov 16, 2001
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I just to get a religious perspective on the people here.
I am muslim and I read in "MATT's" post that how ppl trash the Cristian religion and get away with it.
Sooo just thought how many different religion we have here.

Why is Ekim not up there?!?!!? What, you don't LIKE Ekim so you don't stick it up there. That hurts man, that hurts REAL bad
U should add they shouldn't post if they have something offensive to say, that is how these things get the lock.
Originally posted by ImTheWombat
Why is Ekim not up there?!?!!? What, you don't LIKE Ekim so you don't stick it up there. That hurts man, that hurts REAL bad

If it's a joke... then it's not funny...
If you're serious...
then errr... I am sorry ??? I don't know about EKIM ???
Christian.....sub heading - Baptist
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Nah, its kinda an inside thing, my friend made a religion that actually makes sense for once. Its not really much of a religion but it only has one major belief that backs all of your other beliefs. I commend him for his intelligence in this idea he has created. Its actually quite simple, other people have probably said it, but he actually truly believes it. And now i do too
There is actually a RELIGION like that... it's called


I didn't think anyone followed that... that's why didn't post it.
Christianity: Southern Bapist.
And once again the Unitarian Universalists are left out of a religious poll...:(
I worship the beer god :)
No religion. I believe in god and i respect all relgions. However i believe the real religion exists inside all of us.

"Do not follow the name of Christ. Folow his path, his actions."

That's what i do. I fight to be a great and good person everyday. I do the best i can.
I'm agnostic, I don't believe in god, but the way I see it, there's no way I can really say that there isn't one. .....but I don't think there is. :p
Originally posted by TheAlmightyFuzz
I'm agnostic, I don't believe in god, but the way I see it, there's no way I can really say that there isn't one. .....but I don't think there is. :p
Same for me.
Originally posted by Sandman138
Allah is just Arabic for god. Allah is the same G-d as Jehova and Yaweh (sp?). Allah is the same G-d that delivered the Ten Commandments to the prophet Moses, and the only big thing the three Abrahamic traditions dissagree on is whether Jesus was the Messiah and whether Muhammad was Allah's last prophet.

Interesting how most of the RELIGIOUS preacher don't know that.
BTW... by preachers I didn't mean the CHRISTIANS.

I remember I asked one our preachers that what was wrong with CHRISTIANITY since JESUS is one of the prophets in out religion.
He said CHRISTIANS don't follow the religion properly... I mean what the hell ??? They have the bible... they follow THAT... that's what they are suppose to.
They goes on about bashing the JEWS and I am like wait... isn't MOSES also one of our PROPHETS ???

He comes up with some more bullcrap and I just leave.

Most of the religious people out there ARE like that... 90% don't know that
KRISHNA from HINDU religion is also one of the prophets.

BTW... to the person who said religions don't exsit... please explain... how 3 COMPLETELY seperate religion... found in three seperate places... which had no contact with each other...
Be so damn similar and be what you would call... a continuation of the ones before ???
Ekim is basically whatever you believe in wil be what is real after you die. Its realtively simple
I sometimes wonder what would have happened had Emperor Constantine not converted to christianity. Would it be the still be dominant religion today?
Originally posted by Bapman
Interesting how most of the RELIGIOUS preacher don't know that.
BTW... by preachers I didn't mean the CHRISTIANS.

I remember I asked one our preachers that what was wrong with CHRISTIANITY since JESUS is one of the prophets in out religion.
He said CHRISTIANS don't follow the religion properly... I mean what the hell ??? They have the bible... they follow THAT... that's what they are suppose to.
They goes on about bashing the JEWS and I am like wait... isn't MOSES also one of our PROPHETS ???

He comes up with some more bullcrap and I just leave.

Most of the religious people out there ARE like that... 90% don't know that
KRISHNA from HINDU religion is also one of the prophets.

BTW... to the person who said religions don't exsit... please explain... how 3 COMPLETELY seperate religion... found in three seperate places... which had no contact with each other...
Be so damn similar and be what you would call... a continuation of the ones before ???

Yeah it's funny. I just got back from an Interfaith camp sponserd by the ADL recently. Everyone up there was able to get it (although two of the Enons (SP?) that came up were a little too close to the Nation of Islam for some people's comfort) I just don't understand why it's so hard for others to grasp. I was reading the Qu'ran last night and I reread the Calf stories. These are useually used to say that Islam is anti-semetic, however while I was reading the story it struck me that the story was not condemmning the isrealites, only the ones who worshipped false idols and thus broke covonant with Allah. It warns Muslims to not try and believe that they know more than Allah and the Qu'ran. It is written in the Qu'ran that all Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sabians, and all who do good go to heaven.

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