I don't. James Bond is a fictional person and if there is a black, Asian, female, transgendered, or Martian actor that they think would nail the role, I'm all for it.
That's very good - but again, you misunderstood... let me explain, JAMES BOND is a real person in that fictional UNIVERSE, he is not a spy (let's say called Harry Smith) handed a CODE NAME.... that's what i was getting at. That is all. I wasn't referring to anything real life. In my mind, a baby was born, given the name James Bond. He grew up became a spy and was handed the code oo7. I even tried to lighten the mood with a joke, taken out of TWINE.
Now, what ever you wanna say, or think i meant, that's down to you.
To me, James Bond is a british secret service spy.
If they want him to be transgendered, in the fictional universe... born a girl, then transitioned to a man, if they want the character to be female, or asian heritage, whatever... as long as it's a good story, staying true to what we know as bond.
If they want to hire an actress, actor of any ethnicity or anything, so be it. I don't care, but i am tired of people having to explain themselves over comments that are quite frankly, misinterpreted or read the wrong way... it's getting way too sensitive on these boards - what is wrong for someone saying they prefer James Bond in the fictional world Ian Flemming created to stay white and male?