The Dark Knight Rises Which Clayface should appear on the Silver screen?

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
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Leaving aside the issue of whether Clayface should or shouldn't appear in Batman movie, let us discuss which version of Clayface should be on the Silver Screen if he were to appear in a future Batman movie. For info on all the Clayface characters, go here:
No Clayface please - if it the character is eventually used though, I think the BTAS Clayface is by far the best version of the character.
Matt Hagen, played by Jeffrey Donovan.

Matt Hagen, played by Jeffrey Donovan.


Which Matt Hagen? Comic Hagen or BTAS Hagen?

There are way too many damn Clayfaces.
Matt Hagen, but the Matt Hagen of BTAS, I'm fairly certain that the one in BTAS was an amalgam of a few clayfaces.
cerealkiller182 said:
Matt Hagen, but the Matt Hagen of BTAS, I'm fairly certain that the one in BTAS was an amalgam of a few clayfaces.

BTAS Clayface was more or less the Basil Karlo character with Matt Hagan's name.
I think it should be Karlo but I don't ClayFace will be in a Batman movie.
The Overlord said:
BTAS Clayface was more or less the Basil Karlo character with Matt Hagan's name.

I thought Karlo was the one with the mask, and Hagen was the one with the power to morph
StorminNorman said:
Which Matt Hagen? Comic Hagen or BTAS Hagen?

There are way too many damn Clayfaces.

TAS Hagen
It would be pretty cool to see Clayface in a Bat-film. I want the BTAS version of Matt Hagen. I doubt it will happen though.
If he appears in the movies, and to keep with the tone of the film, he will probably be like Darkman. Master of disguise, very vengeful.
cerealkiller182 said:
I thought Karlo was the one with the mask, and Hagen was the one with the power to morph

Didn't you check that link I posted, Karlo injected himself with DNA fron the other Clayfaces and became a Ultimate Clayface.
The Overlord said:
Didn't you check that link I posted, Karlo injected himself with DNA fron the other Clayfaces and became a Ultimate Clayface.

Oops, I didnt even notic the link. My bad
I think that they should go with Basil Karlo and to go with the realistic motif have him do what he did in the first place. Wear the mask of the villian in the film he starred in.
not that i want him,but Basil Karlo would be best if tehy had to do him.
If they're going to bring in Clayface, the best choice is Basil Karlo. Seeing as others would be too much CGI & wouldn't be that realistc with Nolan's vision. I always think it can be scary to have a serial killer wearing a clay mask. It just the idea of a mask being a clay can make it scary depend on how it's done.
I think quick scene in one of the films of Batman capturing a serial killer holding a giant knife, dressed in a black robe, and hat wearing a clay mask, would be a cool scene.

Later one, maybe even in a different movie, they should have the shape changing Clayface.
I say Matt Hagen...but not the comics Matt Hagen...BTAS Matt Hagen because even though they chose to do the second Clayface they completely changed Hagen's origin in BTAS and sort of took Karlo's but changed it up. Karlo was not even a clay monster when he was Clayface at first...not until the 2nd and 3rd Clayface bailed him out of prison and he became the Ultimate Clayface...but Karlo was an actor gone bad/evil.

Hagen but with BTAS' origin.

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