Who has been healed in a Lazarus Pit?


Apr 30, 2004
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Which characters have successfully been dunked in Lazarus Pits in order to be reborn; healed of any diseases, wounds, etc., that had killed them (or maybe just "almost" killed them)?

Ideally, I want it to be from stories that happened "in continuity" -- or at least were supposed to be "in continuity" when they happened, as far as anyone knew at the time.

First, the three really obvious ones:
Ra's al Ghul

In addition, I'll mention one other to start the ball rolling:
Batman (according to Denny O'Neil's graphic novel, "Birth of the Demon," if we assume it is in continuity).

I can think of at least a couple of others, but I want to encourage audience participation, so I'll stop there and leave the rest to you! How many different customers have those Lazarus Pits had over the years, anyway?

P.S. I'm trying to put together a complete list before I finally post my second draft of "The Ra's al Ghul FAQ." I started it last year, posted my first draft, and then basically let it slide for several months. Now I'm trying to finish it up!
Jason Todd, Nora Fries, and Lady Shiva all have.
I had no idea that Nora Fries went into a Lazarus Pit. I'd like to read that story.
Tommy Elliot?? In what issue?

This is only Batman characters by the way right? Cause I was going to list the other superheroes too...
Black Canary. She recovered from some severe injuries, had her Canary Cry restored and regained the ability to have children.
MaskedManJRK said:
Nora Fries? When?

Also put in Cassandra Cain.
Batgirl #69 and #70. Batgirl convinced Freeze to put her in it, and she ended up becoming Lazara, the Spirit of the Lazurus Pit or something like that.
CConn said:
she ended up becoming Lazara, the Spirit of the Lazurus Pit or something like that.
Makes perfect sense.
Yeah. It was kind of stupid. Because of all of Freeze's medical tests and cryogenic freezing, Nora was infused with the lazerous fire. Basically, she could summon zombies and control them.
Wow, sounds stupid....

back to the topic....

Bane used it? Really? Wow, way more people have used it than I thought.
trustyside-kick said:
Tommy Elliot?? In what issue?

This is only Batman characters by the way right? Cause I was going to list the other superheroes too...
It's been a while since I read Hush, but didn't the Joker kill Tommy? And then he was revieved in the pit? That's what I remember anyway.
No Tommy never died. It was Clayface in disguise.
Are you sure? It's been a long while, and I'm really tired, but that's not how I remember it. Oh well, I guess I have some rereading to do :o
ToddIsDead said:
Are you sure? It's been a long while, and I'm really tired, but that's not how I remember it. Oh well, I guess I have some rereading to do :o

When Tommy was found "shot" and Joker above him it was actually Clayface and Harvey Dent from a roof top shot him. The only time the real Tommy Elliot was shot was at the very end; Harvey shot at him and he like dove into the water.
Tommy never used the Pits. He never actually died........like stated above.

Off the top of my head, Jason Todd.....Edward Nygma (Riddler)....

I'm actually very surprised to hear that Nora Fries had been thrown in. I didn't know Bane had plunged in too, although I do know that he was banging Talia for a while as he almost became Ra's heir.

And Talia too.......I'm a little surprised she's dove in b/c I never thought she actually had a reason to do so.
ChrisBaleBatman said:
And Talia too.......I'm a little surprised she's dove in b/c I never thought she actually had a reason to do so.

She didn't do it voluntarily. Nyssa shot her, threw her in, shot her again etc. about ten times in Death and The Maidens.

She did it to get Talia to side with her and forget about Batman, though I didn't really understand why killing/ressurecting her ten times would make her do that.
TheFalcon said:
She didn't do it voluntarily. Nyssa shot her, threw her in, shot her again etc. about ten times in Death and The Maidens.

She did it to get Talia to side with her and forget about Batman, though I didn't really understand why killing/ressurecting her ten times would make her do that.


Been wanting to read Death and The Maidens and now I want to even more. :)
TheFalcon said:
She didn't do it voluntarily. Nyssa shot her, threw her in, shot her again etc. about ten times in Death and The Maidens.

She did it to get Talia to side with her and forget about Batman, though I didn't really understand why killing/ressurecting her ten times would make her do that.

I think Nyssa was trying,(in a very twisted way) to imprint herself as "God" to Talia. She took away her life, and gave her back life. Over and over. Think "Lazarus Pit Brainwashing". Also Nyssa changed the fundamental flaw in the Pit that made it usable only once. Nyssa can use the same pit over and over. Fat lot of good it did her.
Nysaa go BOOM!
Interesting...and Death and The Maidens is part of Gotham Knights? Or Detective Comics or what? My brother only buys the Batman ones so I like also I do not even have all of the War Games which I still want to read when I can.
Death and the Maidens is a 9-part maxi-series. There is a story setting it up in Detective 783 as the back-up story.
Fledermaus said:
I think Nyssa was trying,(in a very twisted way) to imprint herself as "God" to Talia. She took away her life, and gave her back life. Over and over. Think "Lazarus Pit Brainwashing". Also Nyssa changed the fundamental flaw in the Pit that made it usable only once. Nyssa can use the same pit over and over. Fat lot of good it did her.
Nysaa go BOOM!

Yeah, I took it as some kind of brainwashing, but I still think it was a weird way to do it.

As for the spoiler:
Has Nyssa really died? I was really hoping they would kill her off soon and replace her with the real Ra's or Talia. When did it happen?

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