Who is Batman's most underrated villian?

Rashal Gual ( Damn how do you spell that )
Ra's Al Ghul ^^ i think thast the closet i think i came

yea hes way underated (althought he Animated series picted him alot in the series but he went campy towards his last appearance in the Batman Superman Adventures) he chracter is completely dark and morbid even in Batman Beyond he sacraficed Talia to stay alive even though he was in her body
Originally posted by Arucard
Ra's Al Ghul ^^ i think thast the closet i think i came

yea hes way underated (althought he Animated series picted him alot in the series but he went campy towards his last appearance in the Batman Superman Adventures) he chracter is completely dark and morbid even in Batman Beyond he sacraficed Talia to stay alive even though he was in her body

That guy stole Batmans secret files on the JLA and nearly killed them all. Man he needs to get more credit for his greatness as a villian.
Originally posted by Anubis

That guy stole Batmans secret files on the JLA and nearly killed them all. Man he needs to get more credit for his greatness as a villian.

yea thast why i think hes to extreme for the big screen it would give the film a R rating. (which i would love to see batman in R rated for liek hes suspose to be:mad: :mad: ;) )
Im gonna have to go with Scarecrow. I feel that he had a lot of potential to be a great villian. i just think he got the short end of the stick. $.02.
Ra's Al Ghul is to great and well known to be underrated.

Scarecrow is perhaps an underrated villan but I think Man Bat is the most underrated Batman villain.

Man Bat is a pretty cool character I think.
Killer Croc is underrated....but maybe the most underrated is Zeis...or even Firefly...
I always thought the mad hatter was underated.I've never really read a good story about him in any dc comic and the only storys I enjoyed him in were the few he showed up on in the animated series.I also think man bat and scarecrow are way underated.
Mr Zsasz! I swear I am the only fan of this guy, but I find the character so interesting. I loved the tension in the showdown between him and Batman in the Catholic girls school during the Knightfall saga!......
Ras Al Ghul isn`t that under rated. He gets quite a bit of credit.

I think the two villains that need the most credit are Zsaz and Black Mask.

the showdown in the school with Zsaz was cool. I especially liked it in the KnightFall novel.

and a really cool story arc with BlackMask was probably in BatMan issues 484 & 485. But I think only fans that enjoy a darker BatMan would like it.

They should make a movie with an opening action sequence of the catholic school girls & Zsaz and BlackMask as the main villain with Killer Croc as one of his goons. It would make sense that Killer Croc joins the false face society .

PS. all the above villains kick ass too though
I'll go with Freeze. If the animated series didn't come along this great character would be dead.
I'll say Riddler because even though he is the big 4 alot of people disrespect him
Bane is so underrated. He's been written off as a muscleheaded strong man. The guy is actually criminal overlord mastermind type who just happens to be really really really strong.

Plus he broke Batman's back. That's gotta count for something.
I'm in agreement that Ra's al Ghul is not over rated. If he were, he wouldn't be appearing in the film :o
I'd go with Zsasz. He's quite an amazing character and is painfully under-used. Black Mask also, but he's dead now.
I say the Scarecrow is the most underrated.Jonathan Crane is quite the scary individual,but he doesn't seem to turn up nearly as much as some other villains.I could do without penguin for a while.I could even stand to see the Joker take a break for a little while.(even though he IS the best in the buisness.) Bring up Scarecrows stock.
I agree that Bane is totally underrated...
He's this mastermind who is actually physically capable of taking down Batman.
And Mr. Zsasz is awsome too.

...And whoever it was that was capitalizing the letter "M" in "Batman", stop that.
Mr. Zsaz hands down for me. I love how purely psycotic and evil he is. He could play some good mind games with Batman if given the oportunity.
I have to agree and say that Mr. Freeze hasn't been used well in the comics. The cartoon made him great and the comic has made him well I'd say he's up there with clayface as a hey we need to not use a villian people see often, ---:batman: FANDAN
Originally posted by DSprangthlgnd
I say the Scarecrow is the most underrated.Jonathan Crane is quite the scary individual,but he doesn't seem to turn up nearly as much as some other villains.I could do without penguin for a while.I could even stand to see the Joker take a break for a little while.(even though he IS the best in the buisness.) Bring up Scarecrows stock.

You'll be happy to know that the next Batman arc, As the Crow Flies, features the Scarecrow.
Zsasz is horribly underrated, as is Bane.
Bane was used really well in the No Man's Land novelization by Greg Rucka (which rapes the comic series, btw) though.
Hugo Strange. Like Riddler got the big push in Hush, Hugo needs it now.
Hugo was great in the 1970's and early 1980's.When Knightfall and all the other stories came where was Hugo?
Other villians who needs more of a big push are Black Mask (What villian really stays dead in Comics??) , Mr. Zsasz, Killer Croc (Hasn't been good since the mid-1980's and recent Broken City) , Bane, and Man-Bat.

The Ceb-Man!!!
Most people know Bane is my all time Batman villain, so I obviously vote for him. Also, Mr. Zsasz is awesome. He's got the potential to be one of the greatest Batman rogues EVER.. all he needs is ONE good story...

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