World Who is the most powerful mutant in the X-Men universe?


The Dork Knight
Sep 16, 2002
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I've heard that it was Apocalypse...and then I heard other rumors that Proteus was the most powerful mutant. Does anyone know who the most powerful mutant is?
x-man? who is he? any pics?
If we're counting dead beings, how about Onslaught? Was X-Man stronger than Onslaught?
X-man was part of Onslaught technically.

Anyway Franklin Richards is the most powerful mutant in the world by far.

He was technically part of Onslaught as well though
Originally posted by nightbringer
I thought it was Magneto, before he died of course.

Nah its Franklin richards the fledgling celestial
Yeah, Franklin is a mutant, isn't he? I'd go with him then. He's basically the Beyonder with no immortality and less control over his powers.

Although X-man is dead, Cable looks to be every bit as powerful as he was these days. Maybe even more so.
mos def Xman

and yes he did die fighting off some kind of celestial string of alternat earths (dont ask me i have no idea)

and no he was not a part of onslaught he was just imprisoned in his mind for a short while with franklin

xman actually came from age of apocalypse when that reality's version of sinister took jean grey and scott summers (big surprise there im startin to think sinister is some kind of Summers/Grey perv) genetic material and combined it to create xman

He is so powerful that his powers were too powerful for his body therefore the powerful powers that the powerful xman had would eventually overpower him killing the powerful xman (whoo how many times did i say power, powers, or powerful?)
Originally posted by Spectre722
mos def Xman

and yes he did die fighting off some kind of celestial string of alternat earths (dont ask me i have no idea)

and no he was not a part of onslaught he was just imprisoned in his mind for a short while with franklin

xman actually came from age of apocalypse when that reality's version of sinister took jean grey and scott summers (big surprise there im startin to think sinister is some kind of Summers/Grey perv) genetic material and combined it to create xman

He is so powerful that his powers were too powerful for his body therefore the powerful powers that the powerful xman had would eventually overpower him killing the powerful xman (whoo how many times did i say power, powers, or powerful?)

When I say part of Onslaught I meant that with them imprisoned inside, Onslaught had full access to their powers. There fore they were a part of him.
Apocalypse is overrated. He talks big, but after 8 billion years or whatever what has he really accomplished
Well, he inadvertently created Cable, who has caused one headache after another after another after another...
I don't know much about the recent X-Men (Onslaught who?) but I'll say Bishop becuase he's badass. But I won't fight tooth and nail about it. It probably is that Franklin guy (related to Reed and Sue?)
Originally posted by incurock31
I don't know much about the recent X-Men (Onslaught who?) but I'll say Bishop becuase he's badass. But I won't fight tooth and nail about it. It probably is that Franklin guy (related to Reed and Sue?)

Wow. You really haven't read any comics for a while. Sorry, I don't mean it as a dis, but.... YEAH. Franklin FREAKIN' Richards. He's been around for about 20 years, for the luvva mike!
Originally posted by Obsidian
I've heard that it was Apocalypse...and then I heard other rumors that Proteus was the most powerful mutant. Does anyone know who the most powerful mutant is?
Originally posted by Gimili
I'd say X-man.
He's pushing up daisies.He bought the farm.He's sleeping with the fishes.He's dead as a doornail.
Originally posted by Mindworm
He's pushing up daisies.He bought the farm.He's sleeping with the fishes.He's dead as a doornail.

He's taking a dirt nap.

He bit the big one.

He bought the farm.

He's extremely sleepy.

He bought a pine condo.

Cashed in his chips.

Feeding the fishes.

He's living-impaired.

He 5hit the bed.

and finally...

He's been promoted to Subterranean Truffle Inspector
He's answered his last call. He's bit the big one. He's bought a pine condo. He's croaked. He's reached the end of the line. He's meeting his maker. He's cooking for the Kennedy's now.
Rogue!... the fact that she can steal anybodys power, ridiculous though,and i think she's the one who should have commited suicide and not colossus..she's the one with the big problem ,. i think nowaday we got a bunch of ignorant writer who don't know about psychologie...beside i never realy like that character rogue ,because we already got absorbing man,i just don like copycat specialy if they're introduced as a young female counterpart of the original...example ,i despise buffy the vampire slayer because i grow up knowing it's supposed to be blade the vampire slayer.
Arsinel... oh yeah that's me baby... ARSINEL.

That's a made up character I made. He is awesome though

But really, X-man if he were alive, MUWAHAHAHAHHA


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