why...did they destroy the avengers


Thor is thy God
Sep 6, 2005
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why is it that the avengers are soo weak. I think the only reason they brought sentry in is to make up for the teams overall weakness. The need to bring back some of the former powerhouses like she-hulk, thor, vision, at least 1 giant person, this new team doesnt even look like the avengers
i don't mind the lineup except for maybe this Ronin guy and Wolverine. and having two Spider- characters on the team who aren't partners (like antman & the wasp) is kind of pointless. and, truthfully, i'd rather see Luke Cage and Spiderwoman in a Heroes 4 Hire team. but i don't mind the lineup too much. i would suggest the following though...

- one of the spiderfolk hitting the road
- more women *cough*Carol Danvers*cough*
- Luke Cage being made as powerful as Wonderman
- less ninja
- Nick Fury becoming a mentor of sorts to the team
- a new writer (Geoff Johns, Joe Casey, or JMS preferably)
- keep McNiven
thor87 said:
why is it that the avengers are soo weak. I think the only reason they brought sentry in is to make up for the teams overall weakness. The need to bring back some of the former powerhouses like she-hulk, thor, vision, at least 1 giant person, this new team doesnt even look like the avengers

so what would your lineup look like Thor87?
To be honest, The NA could be fixed easily. They are not bad right now, I actually like the team. How about this:

Captain America (Duh)
Iron Man (double Duh)
Sentry (Powerhouse sorely needed)
Luke Cage(Powerful hand fighter)
Spider-man (Powerful, and could be helpful with his knowledge of science)
Carol Danvers (needs a woman + needs another energy wielder)
Quicksilver (Speedster)
Ronin(Ninja and stealth)

drop - Wolverine - He is an X-Man and we don't need two nearly identical characters
drop - Spider-Woman - we don't need two spider people.

Just my thoughts
My fix would be....
Captain America
Iron Man
Luke Cage
Pulsar(Photon/ Captain Marvel)
She Hulk

but you are still left with quite a few Avengers....
Avengers WestCoast
Yellow Jacket
Spiderwoman(the mutant one)
Josiah X
thor, would you stop criticizing books you' aren't even reading?
My Avengers dreamteam

Carol Danvers, Binary, whatever
Scarlet Witch
mine would be...

1. Iron Fist [temugin-level power but prefers classic kun'lun martial arts]
2. Luke Cage [Wonderman-level strength]
3. Pulsar [vying for field leadership of the team]
4. Black Knight [ash from evil dead but w/ a flying horse & elf-made armor]
5. Spiderwoman [like she was in the last 2 issues of Ostrander's series]
6. Ant-Man II [tech expert used for surveilance, infiltration, & backup]
7. Tigra [back to being someone who would be a threat to Spiderman]
Marc Spector [boss who has solo adventures in his spare time or when schizo]
The Law firm of Goodman,Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway [legal representation]

and i'd call it Heroes 4 Hire
oh, i guess i should provide an example of an Avengers team i'd like...

1. Iron Man [Avengers chairman]
2. Captain America [Avengers field leader]
3. Warbird [basically the defacto field leader if Cap isn't there]
4. Hawkeye [like he was w/ the Thunderbolts but w/ more bite]
5. Scarlet Witch [not crazy but more like her Ultimates counterpart; powerwise]
6. Vision [a black man when not looking like an android]*
7. Wonderman [NY-based actor and charity spokesperson]
GiAnt-Man [reservist & scientist]
Wasp [reservist & official avengers publicist]
* after the complaints about there being no minorities, Vision up and disappears. next time we see him, he has been living in a culturally diverse area of the city for 2 months. he will alter his "human" look alot.
I read probably 5 or less issues of the Avengers,...any of the Avenegers (West Coast included), over the past 15 years. The book never appealed to me. Only if it was involved in a crossover did I bother with it. BUT, this New Avengers book is pretty frackin' good!!! This new Sentry arch is a bit slow, but the first six issues were AMAZING. I read the hardcover at a Borders book store. I wish now I had collected the individual books. I am collecting them now.
My New Avengers team would be...

Captain America
Iron Man
The Sentry
The Falcon
Luke Cage
Wonder Man
The Wasp
The Vision

(I'm not messing with current continuity)
Elijya said:
thor, would you stop criticizing books you' aren't even reading?

Actually, i am reading this, and i have been reading avengers for a while and thats why it bothers me to see the team be degraded in such a way. Now would you explain to me why your such an ass.
Muze said:
so what would your lineup look like Thor87?

Spiderman can stay
Luke Cage can Stay
ant-man,(if he were still alive)
Black Panther(not there just to spy, but to contribute)
Hawkeye(if he were still alive)
thor87 said:
why is it that the avengers are soo weak. I think the only reason they brought sentry in is to make up for the teams overall weakness. The need to bring back some of the former powerhouses like she-hulk, thor, vision, at least 1 giant person, this new team doesnt even look like the avengers

Because you touch yourself at night!
The Avangers should be more like an armey... so they should give a communicator for each and every superhero in marvel and call on them whenever they are needed or available. Kind of like the justice league.
yes..shameless Family Guy reference
You all want to boot Wolverine and keep spiderman.

Luke cage should never be made as powerful as Wonderman he is a street hero keep him that way. Bring back heroes for Hire, the real one.

I am a Wolverine fan but I would want him gone as well.

My line up:




Ms Marvel (Frickin Warbird)


Yellow jacket

and the scarlet witch
thor87 said:
why is it that the avengers are soo weak. I think the only reason they brought sentry in is to make up for the teams overall weakness. The need to bring back some of the former powerhouses like she-hulk, thor, vision, at least 1 giant person, this new team doesnt even look like the avengers

no comment.

Nothing I could say could would change your mind.

1. We still know nothing of Ronin right? I heard somewhere that he definately wasn't DD.

2. Is Luke Cage super durable and super strong or just durable? Cuz it would be hard to power him up to Wonderman levels if he didn't have superstrength to begin with.

3. According to New Avengers, Vision is back right? He inhabited Iron Lad's armor.
He's back, but he's with the Young Avengers.

And yes, Cage does have super Strength, they have him listed at around 25 tons. But he's been seen doing s**t in the 40-45 ton range.
This is something comic book fans have been wondering since the Avengers were dissambled.Few like this new roster,and the fact that so much second class heros were now in the spotlight.

I already hear of stories to bring back Hawkeye,and Vision.However i do like Wolverine as part of the Avengers,but Power Man and Sentry should have been replaces with Thor and Ms.Marvel,everything else...i can deal with...slightly...
Colossal Spoons said:
1. We still know nothing of Ronin right? I heard somewhere that he definately wasn't DD.

but he is Matt Murdoch

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