Why I like the Avengers


Mar 13, 2006
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To start off you so called "comic book fans" don't like ANYTHING out of the ordinary. Boy, I can't imagine how much people complained when Justice League first apperared.

To start off, Avengers dissassembled obviously. But didn't Marvel comics seem, empty without them? Thats how it felt for me. When I saw the new team I was excited they brought back some old faces and new. There were also popular characters such as Spiderman and Wolverine. I always loved team-ups between those two, and then I see them on the same team. "OH, but they just did it for money!" Well, here is my question to you. Why put someone who is not popular? Why not put someone like 3-D man? "Who?" Exactly. Then we look at Justice League, putting someone like Batman. "Batman on a team!? Hes a loner!" But they made it work. So give them time.

We also have Ironman and Captain America. Two former Old Avengers. Ok, they are old so according to you guys thats good.

Then we have Luke Cage and Spiderwoman. Spiderwoman, a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Avengers like to work-aside with big organizations, so why not tie it together with a semi-popular character? Then we see a not so known guy, Luke Cage. Hes pretty cool and bring a new aspect to the team.

And marvel didn't do what DC did, bring the top most 7 characters and put them on one team. Yet, when DC did it, it became popular. But when Marvel adds one popular person you guys go beserk. But then you guys will say "Spiderman doesn't fit on teams!" Well, actually, everytime he is teamed up with people he is either the leader or works very well with them (unless its someone like the Punisher).

So all I am saying is stop complaining and just enjoy the comic. Its not your dream-team, so what? I'm sure there is at least on person on the team you like.
But the comic isn't that good. It's not The Avengers. It's a bunch of guys getting together and ifghting ninjas. The Avengers requires big, epic stuff. That ain't what the New Avengers are. As for the cast: Luke Cage is a street level hero. I like him, but he doesn't belong on The Avengers. It's just not his thing. I don't like Wolverine on it because he's ****ing EVERYWHERE! He's in three X-Men titles, New Avengers, and his own solo book. He's over exposed.

And also, I don't like Batman being on the League either.
I like the Avengers cause it is a team book with lots of Action that can showcase the non Superstar characters like She-Hulk, Wasp, Giant Man, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Vision, Wonderman, Warbird, Silver Claw, Starfox, Scarlet Witch......

I don't like New Avengers.
MajinShenron said:
To start off you so called "comic book fans" don't like ANYTHING out of the ordinary. Boy, I can't imagine how much people complained when Justice League first apperared.

To start off, Avengers dissassembled obviously. But didn't Marvel comics seem, empty without them? Thats how it felt for me. When I saw the new team I was excited they brought back some old faces and new. There were also popular characters such as Spiderman and Wolverine. I always loved team-ups between those two, and then I see them on the same team. "OH, but they just did it for money!" Well, here is my question to you. Why put someone who is not popular? Why not put someone like 3-D man? "Who?" Exactly. Then we look at Justice League, putting someone like Batman. "Batman on a team!? Hes a loner!" But they made it work. So give them time.

We also have Ironman and Captain America. Two former Old Avengers. Ok, they are old so according to you guys thats good.

Then we have Luke Cage and Spiderwoman. Spiderwoman, a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Avengers like to work-aside with big organizations, so why not tie it together with a semi-popular character? Then we see a not so known guy, Luke Cage. Hes pretty cool and bring a new aspect to the team.

And marvel didn't do what DC did, bring the top most 7 characters and put them on one team. Yet, when DC did it, it became popular. But when Marvel adds one popular person you guys go beserk. But then you guys will say "Spiderman doesn't fit on teams!" Well, actually, everytime he is teamed up with people he is either the leader or works very well with them (unless its someone like the Punisher).

So all I am saying is stop complaining and just enjoy the comic. Its not your dream-team, so what? I'm sure there is at least on person on the team you like.

I was with you up until the stop complaining part. The team is a travesty, and spits on everything the Avengers were. Might as well just take a dump on Avengers history and Roy Thomas while youre at it. Point is, this isnt the Avengers. This is just some team Cap put together out of desperation. Also its just another vehicle for bendis to put all his little onscure favorite characters in a team. Also adding useless characters like Ronin and the Sentry who by far is way too powerful for this Avengers team. If you enjoy it, thats fine, doesnt mean we all have to. And man Avengers isnt even written that well. Nothing happens, and dont get me started on that Alpha Flight issue, theres a reason why splash pages are kept to a minimum.
MajinShenron said:
To start off you so called "comic book fans" don't like ANYTHING out of the ordinary. Boy, I can't imagine how much people complained when Justice League first apperared.

To start off, Avengers dissassembled obviously. But didn't Marvel comics seem, empty without them? Thats how it felt for me. When I saw the new team I was excited they brought back some old faces and new. There were also popular characters such as Spiderman and Wolverine. I always loved team-ups between those two, and then I see them on the same team. "OH, but they just did it for money!" Well, here is my question to you. Why put someone who is not popular? Why not put someone like 3-D man? "Who?" Exactly. Then we look at Justice League, putting someone like Batman. "Batman on a team!? Hes a loner!" But they made it work. So give them time.

We also have Ironman and Captain America. Two former Old Avengers. Ok, they are old so according to you guys thats good.

Then we have Luke Cage and Spiderwoman. Spiderwoman, a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Avengers like to work-aside with big organizations, so why not tie it together with a semi-popular character? Then we see a not so known guy, Luke Cage. Hes pretty cool and bring a new aspect to the team.

And marvel didn't do what DC did, bring the top most 7 characters and put them on one team. Yet, when DC did it, it became popular. But when Marvel adds one popular person you guys go beserk. But then you guys will say "Spiderman doesn't fit on teams!" Well, actually, everytime he is teamed up with people he is either the leader or works very well with them (unless its someone like the Punisher).

So all I am saying is stop complaining and just enjoy the comic. Its not your dream-team, so what? I'm sure there is at least on person on the team you like.

I agree.

I see this as a big roiling flaming argument,....so I'm gonna try to stay out somewhat.
My only point would be to point out that Captain America, And Hawkeye were "Street-Level" heroes, and that the Avengers as written have always been about putting a team out there to handle what one guy couldn't do.

The new team qualifies - just needs better writing.

Why do folk not remember when it was Cap,Hawkeye,Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver?

Compared to the current set,.. that group was WAY underpowered,.. but they were considered Avengers,...
Varient said:
I see this as a big roiling flaming argument,....so I'm gonna try to stay out somewhat.
My only point would be to point out that Captain America, And Hawkeye were "Street-Level" heroes, and that the Avengers as written have always been about putting a team out there to handle what one guy couldn't do.

The new team qualifies - just needs better writing.

Why do folk not remember when it was Cap,Hawkeye,Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver?

Compared to the current set,.. that group was WAY underpowered,.. but they were considered Avengers,...

Its not really about power, its about balance.
But the comic isn't that good. It's not The Avengers. It's a bunch of guys getting together and ifghting ninjas. The Avengers requires big, epic stuff.

The Avengers used to be a bunch of Super Heroes with paychecks, associated with politics, and many other organizations. But Cap even said this team was not going to have paychecks, and was just going to be a bunch of heroes helping out people.

This is just some team Cap put together out of desperation. Also its just another vehicle for bendis to put all his little onscure favorite characters in a team.

Cap isn't someone to put people on a team without thinking they are qualified. Also as for the Bendis comment, this team had to be approved by Marvel.

The new team qualifies - just needs better writing.

I too think Bendis can work better. I've seen him write good Spiderman titles back in ASM. But maybe he just doesn't do well with teams. But I am willing to give him a chance, with some people don't and will not do.

I like the Avengers cause it is a team book with lots of Action that can showcase the non Superstar characters like She-Hulk, Wasp, Giant Man, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, Vision, Wonderman, Warbird, Silver Claw, Starfox, Scarlet Witch......

If a lot of people wanted them showcased then the demand would of been greate and they would have gotten their own titles.

Its not really about power, its about balance.

Ok, balance. Lets look at the X-Men. Some X-Men are way more powerful then others. But each one contributes to the team, which is the same case in the New Avengers.
Personally for the most part I think NA has been rather well written.

The first arc had some issues. The first issue of the collective arc was a miss-step but that aside i've enjoyed it.
MajinShenron said:
To start off you so called "comic book fans" don't like ANYTHING out of the ordinary.

I stopped reading your post right there. Everything else you say is irrelevant. Please read my sig, grow up and then post again.
Doc Destruction said:
I stopped reading your post right there. Everything else you say is irrelevant. Please read my sig, grow up and then post again.

Bit overly ironic their sir.
MajinShenron said:
Cap isn't someone to put people on a team without thinking they are qualified. Also as for the Bendis comment, this team had to be approved by Marvel.

Ok? Its a known fact that people buy whatever crap Bendis puts out, I dont see why marvel wouldnt allow him to do so if it means more money for them.

Ok, balance. Lets look at the X-Men. Some X-Men are way more powerful then others. But each one contributes to the team, which is the same case in the New Avengers.

Really, they dont. The Sentry could do whatever task necessary by himself. The team is deemed obsolete just by the fact The Sentry is on it. But of course, you never see The Sentry do anything on the book, so...
For the record...if you REALLY want to start intelligent conversation about a title you like, you could do the following:

1) Do a search for the FIVE MILLION other posts regarding the title you are interested in discussing.

2) Don't start your post like a bull in a china shop and expect people to marvel at your intellect.

3) Expect people to disagree with you.

Just a little FYI.
if I put a Mustang horse on a VW Beetle does that make it a Mustang????
Doc Destruction said:
For the record...if you REALLY want to start intelligent conversation about a title you like, you could do the following:

1) Do a search for the FIVE MILLION other posts regarding the title you are interested in discussing.

2) Don't start your post like a bull in a china shop and expect people to marvel at your intellect.

3) Expect people to disagree with you.

Just a little FYI.

that i can't disagree with.

I was just happy to see a postive avengers thread started.
I stopped reading your post right there. Everything else you say is irrelevant. Please read my sig, grow up and then post again.

I like how you are close-minded like that. So basically your saying the only intelligent comic book fans are when they agree with you? Nice one. And to show your close-mindedness you stopped reading my post after reading the first sentence.

Time to grow up and learn to accept other people's opinions. I don't hate people who don't read New Avengers, I made this post to express my opinions and maybe people would give the team a chance.
yet you mentioned that basicly we hate change and that is why we hate Nu Avengers
For the record, I dont care if you like the title or any title I dont enjoy. People will always have different tastes. But, dont come on here and say crap like this.

"So all I am saying is stop complaining and just enjoy the comic. Its not your dream-team, so what? I'm sure there is at least on person on the team you like."

I guess people should stop complaining about the Bush administration since we like Condoleeza Rice.
Why I don't like the New Avengers? They aren't the Avengers. The Avengers were the big epic heroes, now they've been reduced to fighting ninjas. Not to mention that I don't particularly care for the writing itself, but the stories and ideas have little to no connection with the Avengers mythology and decompression rules the book.

Heck, try and compare it to Busiek's first 17 issues. You've got a team quickly assembled, stories drawn on Avengers history without you needing to have read those stories, and some actual gosh darn character development.
This argument is so old. I was going to post my opinion but decided against it, since I've done so many times before.

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