WHY do you love The Incredible Hulk??

Dirty Harry

Jun 2, 2007
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Most folks here at SHH on this particular board mention various incarnations of Ol' Greenskin that we like / love, we talk about which 'Hulk' we were first exposed to, etc. Now tell us WHY you enjoy this character so much! What exactly is it? Do you even really know? Share you reasons.
Most, if not all, of the other superheroes have control over their identities and powers, and the Hulk doesn't. That's why he interests me.
I find the idea of a hero who doesn't want to be a hero more interesting than a guy throwing on a leotard and saving everyone.
I thought this topic would generate a much bigger response. Oh well. For me the Hulk is my favorite hero for a few reasons.

I had a rather abusive childhood and have spent many years working through those bad memories. I guess the anger and repressed rage thing were a big draw, as well as that secret desire to be able to fight back with a hundredfold strength at those who hurt me. Yet while the Hulk is a violent, reactive character, in the end he is still a hero rather than an abusive entity.

I love the physicality of the character. It really grabs me. Always has. Most other hero types run down an alley or into a broom closet and put on some tights or other uniform. The Hulk is more in the same vein as the Wolfman. Shocking, violent, painful... and completely UNwanted. I find myself attracted to heroes who have interesting transformations. Captain Marvel and He-Man are cool in this respect. I also am drawn to the flashy changes of many Japanese superheroes. Just changing into a costume is so boring - visually. And forget about the tights that need constant repair and washing to look good or eventually fall out of style. Hulk? No clotheshorse, he! Simple trousers/jeans/shorts; whatever Banner happened to be wearing.:yay:

Lastly, as mentioned by Kirmit, the Hulk is a completely reluctant superhero. His alter-ego wants nothing more than to NOT be who he is, and usually goes out of his way to avoid situations that might warrant the other half of his persona. He desires nothing but to be left alone and in peace. Not exactly your typical heroic showboating do-gooder.
why do I love Hulk?

......it's because Hulk SMASHES!:word:
1. I love the hulk because he is one of the only characters that has struggled to really gain control of his power, which has just "Kinda" happened recently in planet hulk and world war hulk.
2. I love the hulk because though he wants to be normal, he is like the punisher in the fact that he has no choice but to put people in their place by any means of brutality necessary. Number one rule to stay safe from the hulk, "Dont be a dick or ****". I think that is something that all of us have had to deal with in this crazy thing called living. Having to constantly sit by and watch people be *****, and having so many rules that we cant do anything about it. However, No one can stop the hulk from smashing, just as no one can stop the punisher from PUnishing Everything and Everyone that deserves it. The Hulk is the epitome of, "watch what you say, and dont be a dick, because karma could be staring you in the face....and he doesn't care about your feelings or your life".
3. Hulk is the strongest there is: (Lets list recent accomplishments and you tell me if there is a superhero on this level)
- DId not die when hit with the power of a million suns, multiple times!
- Hit a Villian so hard that he knocked said villian into the next stage of evolution (Onslaught)
-Hit a Villian so hard that he separated His own being, leaving banner and hulk as two separate characters (also onslaught)
-Held a planet together!
-Knocked up his girlfriend so hard that the residue of his seed survived an atomic blast (Not sure about this one, but we'll see when they finish telling the story of the red hulk lol!
-Demon Hulk (Hulk's power increases by Millions)
-Went into the future to a world where he had enslaved the entire human race and defeated HIMSELF! (Its amazing, I know!)
-GOt sent off the planet because he was recognized as someone that scared everyone on the planet, and all he wanted was to be left alone.

I mean you tell me........is there anything better. He isn't moping about dead parents, has no money but makes due, wrecks people's $#*7 without a second thought, and loves flowers LOL!
you can imagine what it's like to be superman or spidey. but EVERYONE knows what it's like to be the hulk. we can't fly or spin webs, but we all have the ability to break stuff.
you can imagine what it's like to be superman or spidey. but EVERYONE knows what it's like to be the hulk. we can't fly or spin webs, but we all have the ability to break stuff.


That is a great analogy! You're absolutely right. I think we all have our own "Hulk-Outs" from time to time in our stress-filled, hurried lives. Like you said, I can't crawl walls or fly, but I've certainly broken my share of stuff - both on purpose and accidentally - in a fit of anger. And like poor Banner, I regret it afterwards - when it's too late and the damage has already been done. *SIGH*
you can imagine what it's like to be superman or spidey. but EVERYONE knows what it's like to be the hulk. we can't fly or spin webs, but we all have the ability to break stuff.

Yep 100% agree, this is why imo banner/hulk is the most relatable hero out of all of them.
Hulk is a great character for several reasons:

The vicarious thrill of being able to SMASH whatever pisses you off, that's the meat and potatoes of the character. Total wish fulfillment. To this day my all-time favorite transformation was on the TV show when David Banner Hulked out and smashed a pay phone because he didn't have enough change to make an important call. I know the feeling, DB.

On the other hand, there is the drama of Bruce's fear of losing control of his great power and his search for a cure. The Hulk isn't a mask Bruce puts on to fight crime, it's an "aspect of his personality he can't control," and the conflict between the two halves of the same character makes the story interesting. I really hope this conflict gets its rightful due in the new movie - from both points of view.

I also like the fact that the character has been successfully re-imagined several times over (looks at avvy) and can stand up to different interpretations.
Nice Topic choice.

I like the Hulk because he's a different kind of character with many complexities. Definitely because of his unyielding determination, will and belief in himself that he can overcome anything. His fearlessness and resilience that keeps him going, until he's satisfied, that he accomplished his goal. I also like the fact that he speaks his mind and is direct and to the point. That he can take it like he dishes it. The fact that the angry monster, has high moral standards and actually is very caring and extremely sensitive, but ends up usually expressing it through anger. He is of the utmost when it comes to loyalty to all whom he calls friends. He doesn't like the strong bullying the weak. His word is gold. He's not judgmental. He knows he's not perfect and it doesn't bother him in the least.

I also like that the Banner/Hulk relationship is a metaphor of how we can be our own worst enemy.

Good feedback, guys. Another great character trait I love about the Hulk is that unlike many other heroes, when the Hulk rescues someone he doesn't spend half an hour afterwards lecturing them on the dangers of jaywalking, running with scissors, walking through the park at night, etc., etc.

He shows up, fixes the problem and leaves. NO high brow pontificating, egotistical posturing, media-basking, or glory-hogging. I love silent (or mostly silent) straight-to-the-point characters like that. Ultraman is another one of my fav heroes for those very same reasons.
Good feedback, guys. Another great character trait I love about the Hulk is that unlike many other heroes, when the Hulk rescues someone he doesn't spend half an hour afterwards lecturing them on the dangers of jaywalking, running with scissors, walking through the park at night, etc., etc.

He shows up, fixes the problem and leaves. NO high brow pontificating, egotistical posturing, media-basking, or glory-hogging. I love silent (or mostly silent) straight-to-the-point characters like that. Ultraman is another one of my fav heroes for those very same reasons.

Good point, can you imagine there being a hulk parade? :oldrazz:. Some on the reasons for loving the hulk in this thread are great, someone who doesn't know much about him should come here, read these comments and they'd soon be one of us lol.
Yep, you guys are right. Although the Banner Hulk did get a parade in the comics somewhere in issue #270 something. I love reading how other fellow Hulk fans view my favorite character.

Hulk is an out of place creature, trying to find out where he fits in a world that fears, misunderstands and hates him.
big fan of the series... i liked the '03 flick only cuz it was... different. not saying i agree with Lee's choice in story - but - i liked it. dude who directed Jet Li's UNLEASHED and THE TRANSPORTER is directing this new one... so, let's keep our fingers crossed.

i like the hulk cuz he's cool... what more can ya say!

:bh: my pants are spandex... look!
I have been fascinated by Hulk mostly for the reasons that, even though he's been attacked and viewed as a monster by a lot of the populous, even those he viewed somewhat as "friends", he still usually ended up saving the world more than once. Though Ultimate Hulk is not really the incarnation that follows this credo.
I became a fan way back during the Hulk's "child-like" persona days, and what really did it for me was the fact that he really was a gentle creature, yet always attacked and hounded by the military, or even other superheroes...

I guess as a youngster i related to him being falsely accused so often...
I always liked the misunderstood heroes and the ones who aren't total goody two shoes. Hulk means well but he still fights with heroes sometimes. And how even though Banner and Hulk hate each other, they need each other.
Something else I love about the hulk is that he has no limitations, his strength theorectically could keep going a going if he gets madder. It's not just his anger though that his strength comes from imo, like in secret wars where he kept that mountain range from crushing his friends, there was anger but this was fueled by his will to save his friends. What this says to me is that none of us have limitations, if we really want to, nothing is beyond us, like the hulk going further than he's ever gone before and keeping that mountain up.
I like him because his power astonishes me, seeing just what a being with unlimited power does. I don't read the comic, but I used to watch the cartoon. His character also appeals to me in that his weak mind reflects that of my own. I never felt smart or even strong for that matter, but I know the difference between what is right and what is wrong, and so does HULK.

I guess in short terms, it's fun to watch him get revenge or smash stuff like Jick09 said, and as well to watch him appriciate the beauty of the world that many intelligent heroes and even real people take for granted.
I'll keep this short, but I'm 16 and have been a fan of the Hulk all my life pretty much.

1. He just looks cool. Big, huge muscles and a monstrous appearance. And I've always loved the fact that he's green. It's just so much cooler than a normal skin color.

2. He's really, really strong and his base for power is rage and anger. The madder he is, the stronger he is, and nothing can stand in his way and stay alive.

3. He's a man who turns into a monster, and Banner is afraid of becoming Hulk and Hulk hates Banner. It's just cool.

4. He doesn't have some stupid name like "Angry-Man (thanks Ang Lee...)" or "Raging Monster" or "Strong-Man". The Hulk. HULK. Just a cool name. So simple yet effective.

That's just a few reasons why I love the Hulk.
I'll keep this short, but I'm 16 and have been a fan of the Hulk all my life pretty much.

1. He just looks cool. Big, huge muscles and a monstrous appearance. And I've always loved the fact that he's green. It's just so much cooler than a normal skin color.

2. He's really, really strong and his base for power is rage and anger. The madder he is, the stronger he is, and nothing can stand in his way and stay alive.

3. He's a man who turns into a monster, and Banner is afraid of becoming Hulk and Hulk hates Banner. It's just cool.

4. He doesn't have some stupid name like "Angry-Man (thanks Ang Lee...)" or "Raging Monster" or "Strong-Man". The Hulk. HULK. Just a cool name. So simple yet effective.

That's just a few reasons why I love the Hulk.

Great reasons! Another thing I love is the fact that Hulk doesn't need any fancy weapons, a souped-up car, or a goofy costume. He's not about style and gadgets. He's all about pure, raw p o w e r !!!!:bh:
Yes! Another good point.

His form of transportation is some bigass leaps.

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