I feel that for those who grew up with the first 3 Indy films had high expectations for the 4th one and as it turned out, to them it wasn't what they thought it would be and I don't blame them. Everyone has their own opinion based on their experience of viewing the films in a different light but when it comes down to Indy4, its another story.
For me, when I heard there was going to be another Indiana Jones movie, I wasn't really that excited - I mean I didnt' put too much thought into the idea cause I stayed away from spoilers and such but it didn't stop me from knowing who was returning and who wasn't.
I grew up watching the first Indiana Jones movies and my appreciation for Harrison Ford grew because of the way he defined the character and I can't see anyone else as Indy but Ford himself. Im glad he came back for KOTCS and it was a great honor to have the chance to see him as Indy for the first time since I never got to see the first 3 in theaters. I was born in 1983.
I wasn't expecting anything more, new or different regarding over the top action cause thats what the first three had and I didn't mind what the new one had. There wasn't a whole lot I was expecting to be in this movie but to me its just Indiana Jones on one of his many adventures.
Having Marion back felt I was watching an Indiana Jones movie and the moment she showed up, everything about her and her past with Indy brought back memories. :heart:
Now Im not saying KOTCS was the better of the three but is it perfect? No. The other three are't either and what movie is perfect? I am one who can see its flaws but when I watch the movies, I just look past those flaws and enjoy the movies for what they are and leave it at that.

I don't see myself wasting my time on here in a middle of a flame war. Its not worth my time and it sure as hell not any fun.
Give or take... you either love or hate it but keep in mind that not everyone will have the same mind set and agree with everything within an agrument/defence.
Nor do I expect others to read my post and agree to what I am trying to convey.
Anyway... I must shower.