The Dark Knight Rises Will Nolan's Batman suffer the curse?


movie and comic buff
May 20, 2005
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okay, regardless of personal opinion, most critical reviews of movie trilogies tends to place the THIRD movie in any trilogy as the WORST.

just check out consensus reviews... like those at

Spiderman 3
X-Men 3
Godfather 3
Matrix Revolutions
Alien 3
Batman Forever (not poorly reviewed, but marked redirection of the series)
Return of the Jedi

look at the reviews. they speak for themselves. most PART THREE in most trilogies is considered the weakest entry.

So... simple question...

Will The Dark Knight be the highlight? Will Batman 3 be the worst? Will Nolan blow it like so many other filmmakers have?

You could ad more films to that list, Bourne Ultimatum, Shrek 3, Terminator 3, the list goes on. The odds of striking gold once in film is hard enough, twice is rare, three times is almost unheard of. Not saying it can't be done, but law of averages says that more than often, the third film will not live up to its two predecessors.
considering I believe in Chris Nolan I think he has the abilities to make a great third movie (he better do it....or I'll think my fav' batvillain is cursed too:o :cmad: :woot: )!

By the way he made a great introduction to the batworld in BB, avoiding all the traps he could have fallen into !:cwink: :cwink:
Some people I think are generally more harsh on third movies in series, it isn't that they're sometimes bad it is just they may not live up to the hype and expectations because the 2nd installment was so good. Especially in the case of like Return of the Jedi for example, it is a great movie, but it followed what is still known as the greatest Star Wars film to date. A 3rd film in a franchise can be good it is just rare, because there are some examples of the 3rd film being just as good if not better than its predecessors, Lord of the Rings is one example, and in my opinion Return of the Jedi is another. I'm sure Nolan will deliver an excellent 3rd film if he comes back for one.
^ Return of the King doesn't really fit into the same category due to the nature in which it was filmed.
okay, regardless of personal opinion, most critical reviews of movie trilogies tends to place the THIRD movie in any trilogy as the WORST.

just check out consensus reviews... like those at

Spiderman 3
X-Men 3
Godfather 3
Matrix Revolutions
Alien 3
Batman Forever (not poorly reviewed, but marked redirection of the series)
Return of the Jedi

look at the reviews. they speak for themselves. most PART THREE in most trilogies is considered the weakest entry.

So... simple question...

Will The Dark Knight be the highlight? Will Batman 3 be the worst? Will Nolan blow it like so many other filmmakers have?


Terminator 3
Back to the Future 3

As far as Nolan, ive never had this must trust in a director since probably James Cameron. The way be builds the characters is unlike any other.
Oh yeah I forgot.

Shrek 3 - laughed 1 time during the whole movie.
Terminator 3

those definitely belong on the list. I quite enjoyed Bourne Ultimatum though.
Bourne Ultimatum broke the curse. It's possible Batman could as well.

Considering WB doesn't do more to screw it up than they currently are :p .
I don't think it will suffer because it will be Nolan doing it and unlike Sam Raimi, Nolan doesn't cater to fanboys
Bourne Ultimatum broke the curse. It's possible Batman could as well.

Considering WB doesn't do more to screw it up than they currently are :p .

Bourne 3 whilst good, in my opinion still wasn't equal to it predecessors, I think for a third film to brake the film three curse it has to be at the very least on par with the other movies.
as long as nolan directs and warner bros doesnt want to make the 3rd film kid friendly, the movie will be good, and if The Dark Knight turns out to be the great film that i think it will be, i dont think the 3rd one will be as good as the 2nd, but it could still be great
Bourne 3 whilst good, in my opinion still wasn't equal to it predecessors, I think for a third film to brake the film three curse it has to be at the very least on par with the other movies.

While that's your opinion, the opinion of mainstream Bourne fans, moviegoers, and critics says otherwise.

You can't argue with the results, that for the fans, Bourne Ultimatum broke the curse. In a summer of sequels, Spidey 3, Shrek 3, and Pirates 3, people left Bourne 3 with the least amount of complaints and disappointment.
It's the other 'super hero movie' curse i'm worried about!!!

No director has ever had the opportunity to direct a story about the same comic book chracter for more than 2 films. Sam Raimi is the first to break this curse but i wonder if others will be so lucky.

  • Richard Donner
  • Richard Lester
  • Tim Burton
  • Joel Schumacker
  • Bryan Singer
Even a few others who couldn't even go past one movie.

I don't care if Nolans 3rd bat-movie won't live up to its predesecers... i just want to see him have a go at it.
I feel like we got lucky everyone came back except Holmes and Goyer for this one, which if you think about it was a blessing in disguise.

I would hope at least Nolan and co. come back and finish the trilogy.
I feel like we got lucky everyone came back except Holmes and Goyer for this one, which if you think about it was a blessing in disguise.

I would hope at least Nolan and co. come back and finish the trilogy.

Well Goyer did have a hand in the story itself along with Nolan - then he simply handed it over to his brother for the screen play.

What movies has Jonah Nolan actually written? - part from some of his brothers
I feel like we got lucky everyone came back except Holmes and Goyer for this one, which if you think about it was a blessing in disguise.

I would hope at least Nolan and co. come back and finish the trilogy.

Goyer is working on this one.
While that's your opinion, the opinion of mainstream Bourne fans, moviegoers, and critics says otherwise.

You can't argue with the results, that for the fans, Bourne Ultimatum broke the curse. In a summer of sequels, Spidey 3, Shrek 3, and Pirates 3, people left Bourne 3 with the least amount of complaints and disappointment.

I couldn't agree more.

Bourne Ultimatum did break the curse. Sony and Disney need to learn from Paul Greengrass on how to make an awsome third installment. It was by far not only one of the best sequels of the year, but one of the best movies of the year period.

Of course, the curse was already broken, thanks to Return of the King.

Either way. I have faith in Nolan. He seems to know how to capture the essence of Batman well, and like someone said earlier, he doesn't cater to fanboys.
I don't know if you can count Return of the King coz of the manner in which it was filmed, it's effectively just part of one massive movie.
I'd like to see Nolan's conclusion to his run on the Batman films end with a bang while tying up loose ends in an effective and masterful way, as did the Pirates of the Caribbean storyline.

If the next two Batman flicks are anything like the last two Pirate flicks, I and many others won't be happy.
Well, as it stands now, it seems that the third movie is going to be based on Two-Face, and that is a great character to use in redeeming your third movie. There is tons to go on. I have faith that it will do better than most third installments.
Bourne Ultimatum broke the curse. It's possible Batman could as well.

Considering WB doesn't do more to screw it up than they currently are :p .
...except that there has been no threequel released since then.

Although I do worry about Batman 3 because of all the bad threequel, there are some good ones sporadically placed out there. Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban, The Return of the King, and Revenge of the Sith are perfect examples, along with Bourne Ultimatum. However, none of the three were able to break the threequel curse.

Now let me add to the list with:

Blade Trinity
Superman III
Jurassic Park III
Rocky 3 (although V was, by far, the worst)
Jaws 3-D

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