Will "SPIDER-MAN 3" be an epic?


Feb 7, 2005
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...I think that if I had to choose a superhero franchise I love more then the others, in the end, I believe I'd choose the spider-man franchise. No other superhero franchise has the action quite like spider-man. No other superhero movie's has that brilliant charm and humor.

However, I think Batman Begins & Superman Returns are true superhero epics, while (forgive me) I don't think spidey 1 nor 2 has that epic feel... They're stylish and damn near perfect, but epic??? I dont think so... Again, I would like to stress the action in spider-man 2. That train battle is the most beautiful and most badass mindblowing action sequence ever caught on film! Both spidey flicks have great story's, a great cast, and especially a great director! Everything is beautiful in the spider-man family... So WHY aren't the films epic's, like Superman and Batman Begins???

...And do you think Spidey 3 will be an epic. If so, why?
I agree that sm1 and 2 are extremely far from being epic movies but I'v had this gut feeling that sm3 will be for over 2 years.
^ I hope you're right.. I sure want it to be... I just dont want any over-the-top humor in sm-3... especially from J.Jonah... it should have humor though, but in the right places!
I most admit, the theatrical trailer for spidey 2 was better edited together then the 1'st theatrical for spidey 3!.... But I have a gut feeling that the theatrical trailer number 2 coming this febuary will be a lot more mindblowing then the first one....

AND DO YOU EVER THINK WE'LL ACTUALLY SEE THE ****ING METEOR (carrying the black alien symbiote) CRASH TO EARTH!!!?

I sure hope there's more explonation within the next trailer about that very thing... otherwice people are gonna go... just what the **** is that all about!? Some might even say that it looks lame... but if an explonation followed in the next trailer about it, then people will most likely love it.
The theatrical trailer for spider-man 2 made the film look like an epic, and while still beeing monster cool (and a flick I saw 4 times in theaters), it didn't exactly deliver that epic feel that the trailer did... that's a bit of a shame.. I just truely hope that spider-man 3 DOES!
Naite22 said:
...I think that if I had to choose a superhero franchise I love more then the others, in the end, I believe I'd choose the spider-man franchise. No other superhero franchise has the action quite like spider-man. No other superhero movie's has that brilliant charm and humor.

However, I think Batman Begins & Superman Returns are true superhero epics, while (forgive me) I don't think spidey 1 nor 2 has that epic feel... They're stylish and damn near perfect, but epic??? I dont think so... Again, I would like to stress the action in spider-man 2. That train battle is the most beautiful and most badass mindblowing action sequence ever caught on film! Both spidey flicks have great story's, a great cast, and especially a great director! Everything is beautiful in the spider-man family... So WHY aren't the films epic's, like Superman and Batman Begins???

...And do you think Spidey 3 will be an epic. If so, why?

Your question might be taken more seriously if you hadn't mentioned that you think Superman Returns is an epic. If you had said Superman: The Movie, you might have a slight point. If anything BB has an independant film feel and certainly no epic. Spider-Man 1 and 2 are epics, that is my opinion, but I have almost $2 billion in ticket sales that say I'm right.

If your idea of epic is Superman Returns I don't know what epic is in your dictionary. Superman Returns is the biggest dissapointment in the last 20 years, it did poorly because people didn't like it much. Poor story, poor continuity, no chemistry between Lois and Supeman, horrible Luthor...I could go on forever. Your love of Spider-Man is evident, so I like that, but geez, SR and BB are not in the same league as the SM franchise. If Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 are not epics, I can't imagine what is.
^ Superman returns is a ****ing epic... might be borring in many's eyes, but it's an epic... Spidey 1 and 2 are NOT epic films... they really aren't, they have non of those elliments my dear friend.
Lord of the Rings and Star Wars are epics. You have a very small view of what's epic, especially with Superman Returns/Batman Begins.
If you dont find spider-man 1 and 2 epic then dont expect to find the 3rd one epic.
Spider-Man 1 and 2 weren't all that epic really. Now from the trailers we've seen so far, Spider-Man 3 seems to have an epic feel to it and seems to be a lot darker, more serious, and more somber than the previous films.

The only way to find out for sure is to see the film on May 4th. :yay:

I just hope the battles and the emotion of it isn't anti-climatic like X3.
Spider-Man 1 and 2 were not trying to be epic. Neither is SM3, and it's going to have a much bigger impact than Superman Returns.
Okay lets put things in the right context here. First,a movie being epic doesn't mean is good, Superman returns was certainly epic, does that mean it was good? depends on your opinion and point of view. Batman begins was also epic, spiderman and sp 2 I think not. That's not a bad thing depending on how you see it, the spiderman saga so far feels smaller in many ways than SR or BB. Its that a bad thing? yes and no as I said before depends on your views. The word epic is constantly misused, epic translates to something that is big in scope, the scale of things involved in a film is what determines wether it should be considered epic or not.

So the film being epic doesn't mean is good, of course we only wish that a movie is both if its done for the better. Spiderman maybe feels a bit smaller for some people because it seems a more personal story that comes down to the love story, the rest of the elements float around that.
even the fights with the villains are about the girl more than they are about saving other people.

With that said I think SP 3 will definitely have a larger scope.
Wether that's good or bad it lies on the story and how the characters evolve.
Spider-man 3 looks the same as its previous entries. No difference in style, any added darkness to the movie is just coming from the black suit story line. Doc Ock had a dark story line in spider-man 2...this time the darkness is more focused on Peter. I'm going into Spider-man 3 expecting another Spider-Man movie, same feel, same music, same style. Maybe a bit of added darkness but probably not much...there will be a touch more action most likely but the action is very small scale, emotionally charged fights between a few characters, awesom? Yes. Epic? Not really.

Is that a bad thing? Hell no. Spider-man 2 is my fave movie.

The Spider-man series has never tried to be an epic lord of the rings kind of movie, and it never will be.
spider-man1 and spider-man2 were fantastic and very well done in every way. spider-man3 will be the best of the franchise because of what they have put in the film including the new villians, new characters, the symbiote suit, and the story. spider-man1 made $114 million opening weekend wich is highly a very good succesful start of franchise.

spider-man3 looks like an epic by what we have seen in the trailer. there is a HUGE amount of action in the film and will defenitley blow me away no matter what. the cgi in the firs two films were mind blowing and were stunning. the spider-man movies were the greatest superhero movies ever and still are. spider-man3 is a dark movie with a ton of story. these spider-man movies are amazing and will always remain amazing. spider-man3 will rule!!!.
Naite22 said:
...I think that if I had to choose a superhero franchise I love more then the others, in the end, I believe I'd choose the spider-man franchise. No other superhero franchise has the action quite like spider-man. No other superhero movie's has that brilliant charm and humor.

However, I think Batman Begins & Superman Returns are true superhero epics, while (forgive me) I don't think spidey 1 nor 2 has that epic feel... They're stylish and damn near perfect, but epic??? I dont think so... Again, I would like to stress the action in spider-man 2. That train battle is the most beautiful and most badass mindblowing action sequence ever caught on film! Both spidey flicks have great story's, a great cast, and especially a great director! Everything is beautiful in the spider-man family... So WHY aren't the films epic's, like Superman and Batman Begins???

...And do you think Spidey 3 will be an epic. If so, why?

Batman Begins and Superman Returns are not epics and Spider-man 3 will kick their f**** asses
Secret_Riddle said:
If you dont find spider-man 1 and 2 epic then dont expect to find the 3rd one epic.

Thats not entirely true at all.
Visionary said:
Spider-Man 1 and 2 were not trying to be epic. Neither is SM3, and it's going to have a much bigger impact than Superman Returns.

Well, thats not an entirely difficult task to pull off. As average as the previous spidey flicks are, their impact completely shadows sr and thats because sr was in a nutshell a movie that brought absolouly nothing new besides the obvious casting.
Mr 7000+ said:
Thats not entirely true at all.

How is it not true? The trailer for spider-man 3 makes it clear that it will be in the same style and tone of the other movies, except with a lil bit more action and a little bit more of a dark feel.

Doc Ock had a very dark story in Spidey 2...this time around the darkness is focused more on Peter.

The only thing that will be epic about Spider-man 3...and this is a big maybe, is the battle royale at the end, depending on how Raimi does it.
Visionary said:
Lord of the Rings and Star Wars are epics. You have a very small view of what's epic, especially with Superman Returns/Batman Begins.
UNbeliveable!.... Lord of the rings is epic, YES... But so is superman returns!!!... I have no doubt that spider-man 3 will have a much bigger impact on the public... but I seriously doubt that it'll be half as epic as superman returns.. anyone who can't see that SR is an epic (despite of people saying it's borring and what ever) doesn't know what epic is... I'm no the one who has a small view of what's epic here.
I believe that Spider-Man 3 has the best chance of beeing somewhat epic though; here's why!

1: You have the very personal battle between two best friends; like brothers you might say!

2: Peter must battle his inner demons!

3: There's also the personal conflict between Flint Marko and Peter Parker.

4: The movie looks to become even more serious then the previous two films!

Anyone who believes that VENOM will be the reason for the movie's success is in for one hell of a surprise!!! That I can tell ya right now.
Naite22 said:
^ Superman returns is a ****ing epic.

An epic piece of boring crap maybe. Boring plotline, boring love story, campy villain with an even campier side kick, Superman junior etc. Save from a couple of cool action sequences, the movie was as dull as ditch water.

Singer should stick to the X-Men movies, because he has no clue about how to make a decent Superman movie.
Doc Ock said:
An epic piece of boring crap maybe. Boring plotline, boring love story, campy villain with an even campier side kick, Superman junior etc. Save from a couple of cool action sequences, the movie was as dull as ditch water.

I couldn't agree more :spidey:
Naite22 said:
UNbeliveable!.... Lord of the rings is epic, YES... But so is superman returns!!!... I have no doubt that spider-man 3 will have a much bigger impact on the public... but I seriously doubt that it'll be half as epic as superman returns.. anyone who can't see that SR is an epic (despite of people saying it's borring and what ever) doesn't know what epic is... I'm no the one who has a small view of what's epic here.

Your definition of "epic" is pure crap.
Doc Ock said:
An epic piece of boring crap maybe. Boring plotline, boring love story, campy villain with an even campier side kick, Superman junior etc. Save from a couple of cool action sequences, the movie was as dull as ditch water.

Singer should stick to the X-Men movies, because he has no clue about how to make a decent Superman movie.
Ones again, it has nothing to do with the fact that you guys find the film borring.. the apearence and presents of superman is EPIC... You can't say that at all about spider-man... although I have no doubt that you have some explonation to proof me wrong... so please do so... Just know that if you answer is simply, SR is a piece of crap, all respect from my side is lost. But I guess you couldn't care less right... but still you wouldn't have given me an answer that makes sense!

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