Seeing as how most people disliked the first movie and even those that did like it had many problems with it and that Leterrier and co. have decided on what amounts to a reboot which will correct most of the problems people had with the first one, height, look, absorbing dad, etc, not to mention casting Edward friggin Norton as Banner himself....yeah I would have to say TIH will be a far superior movie to Lee's Hulk.
Based on the directors past movies it could have at least some great action, and with unleashed he showed that there can be some drama. But overall it really all depends on the script, and with Zak Penn behind it its most likely horrible.
Hmm.. Let's put it this way. Ang Lee should go back to his mountain and leave The Hulk alone! This new Hulk film will be the one we've all been waiting for!!! (*HULK SMASH PUNY ANG LEE!!!)
I don't think it could be worse than Ang Lee's attempt.
The lame comic book panels throughout the movie will be gone so that's a good start already.
I have heard they are going to try and have the sequel center around the love story between Banner and his girl. Why? I don't want to see a Hulk movie turn into a chick flick. Just have the Hulk get pissed for 2 hours.
I doubt it. With Zak Penn working on the screen play, the plot probably won't be the highlight of the film. And plot is what I usually go for when I read a Hulk comic anyway, which is why I mostly enjoyed Ang Lee's Hulk despite it's pacing problems.
First one was so over the top with character development. No real villian, the friggin ever height changin Hulk (who's idea was that ***** anyway?). Ugh, the over done panels tryin to do a live comic book. I waited too long for a Hulk movie to have it butchered. I did like the size of him at first.
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