I don't care for Ramos' art much, but the writing is pretty good; I enjoyed the last issue of WOLVERINE and feel that its good that he has a point once in a while, as well as a mission for himself OTHER than simply "endless muddling about his past", which has been overplayed at this point. Surprising is that Wolverine's really the only mainstream hero who seems to be after Nitro (save Namor, inevitably). Not even the government seems half as interested in nailing Nitro as they are in putting the screws to the superheroes and blaming Stamford on the New Warriors (and their poor team tactics & quest for ratings, a twist even for them). Hell, the Marvel media seems to be more willing to crucify the New Warriors and other heroes and has said diddly about Nitro (who, in the age of suicide bombers, is about due to kick arse and be really threatening).
Granted, that does bare some fruit of realism; plenty of people in America seemed more interested in blaming 9/11 on "intelligence failures" than actually stopping terrorists. "Blame the victim" is sort of a tried and true response for a lot of things in America (at least in some circles), so at least CW is keeping with the times, even if its unpleasant (which may be the point).