Comics Would writing MJ out of ASM.....

Im already pissed off with Spidey comics, writing MJ out of it would just drive me further away.
^^^ What he said :up: ^^^

I'm not currently picking up any 616 Spidey titles & if Peter & MJ split I definitely wouldn't be in any rush to start back up again. :down
I wish you had a fourth option:

4) It depends on how she was written out.

That's the one I would've chosen had it been available. If MJ were just kicked to the curb like yesterday's garbage, I could see myself dropping the Spidey books. I didn't like the way Harras/Machhio/Byrne/ and Mackie wrote her out of the series during the botched reboot period several years back so I quit.

That said, I do not believe MJ is an essential part of the Spider-Man comics. She doesn't have to be in Peter's life to tell good Spider-Man stories. If MJ were written out of the series or the mariage ended in a believable/plausible manner I wouldn't quit reading Spider-Man just b/c she was no longer Peter's wife.

Eye Doc
Wouldn't have an effect, as I am not reading it anymore anyway.
Since this is th' House of Dumb Ideas lately, I have no confidence in a GOOD write-out, so more than likely I'll be gone.
Although I feel that the marriage helped lead Spider-Man to ruin, axing the marriage just "fix things" by blaming a solitary scapegoat wouldn't do much.
Eye Doc said:
I wish you had a fourth option:

4) It depends on how she was written out.

That's the one I would've chosen had it been available. If MJ were just kicked to the curb like yesterday's garbage, I could see myself dropping the Spidey books. I didn't like the way Harras/Machhio/Byrne/ and Mackie wrote her out of the series during the botched reboot period several years back so I quit.

That said, I do not believe MJ is an essential part of the Spider-Man comics. She doesn't have to be in Peter's life to tell good Spider-Man stories. If MJ were written out of the series or the mariage ended in a believable/plausible manner I wouldn't quit reading Spider-Man just b/c she was no Peter's wife.

Eye Doc

I actually considered that option but the poll came from an interaction with other posters here on the site. The premise of the poll is to see, barring how well the stories are written, how many people would be "effected" just by the loss of MJ....once again, regardless of how well it was written....hope that made sense
Gregatron said:
Although I feel that the marriage helped lead Spider-Man to ruin, axing the marriage just "fix things" by blaming a solitary scapegoat wouldn't do much.

How did the marriage help lead Spider-Man to ruin then?
Happenstance said:
How did the marriage help lead Spider-Man to ruin then?

We've played this game before.

Defies core of character, led to attempts to "fix" Spider-Man (such as the Clone Saga), etc.

But it is far from being the one and only problem plaguing our hero these days.
Happenstance said:
How the hell does it defy the core of the character????

We've played this game before. Look at some other the other threads.

Really don't want a dogpile of rabid "Peter and Mary Jane-forever" fans attacking me again.
Well the other threads are way too long to go through. Im not a massive MJ fan, I like the character and I want them to stay together but defieing the core character seems like such a stupid comment.
Happenstance said:
Well the other threads are way too long to go through. Im not a massive MJ fan, I like the character and I want them to stay together but defieing the core character seems like such a stupid comment.

Shortcut: click Greg's name, go to his profile, then click find all posts by said user and you can find most of his arguments.
Gregatron said:
We've played this game before.

Defies core of character, led to attempts to "fix" Spider-Man (such as the Clone Saga), etc.

But it is far from being the one and only problem plaguing our hero these days.


I just wanted to let you know that I really liked that last sentence from your post. With all that's wrong with Spider-Man these days, Quesada sounds crazy blaming most of the character's problems on his marriage to Mary Jane.
I enjoyed reading the Essentials - a lot - and there was no marriage then... BUT, there was soap opera drama with Aunt May, friends, and loves, and that MADE the stories for me.

All that drama eventually progressed to where we are today. Peter has had a great love die tragically... he has dated those not so important to him, briefly and rather distractedly... he has fallen for the dead end fling type, and gotten out because that's NOT what he wants... and then he finally got the girl he grew to love more than anyone else to say, YES, and marry him.

Do I want to see that cycle start again, KNOWING that it will NEVER end because the writers won't let it? That it doesn't matter WHO Peter is with, she is either going to die, or end up being evil, wrong, stupid or boring and he will NEVER find happiness with her?! Not only no, but, HELL NO!

I don't think I could keep reading, at this point if they ended the marriage. I really enjoy it, for one thing. It's become part of the package. But I also don't think I could keep reading KNOWING that the writer's will just keep shoving the "doomed to fail" routine at us. :(
Shortcut: click Greg's name, go to his profile, then click find all posts by said user and you can find most of his arguments.

Wow, no insults!
Eye Doc said:

I just wanted to let you know that I really liked that last sentence from your post. With all that's wrong with Spider-Man these days, Quesada sounds crazy blaming most of the character's problems on his marriage to Mary Jane.

As I've said, I like Peter and Mary Jane as a couple, but I still feel that it was a mistake.

But really, I'd take the marriage ANY day over the Iron-Spider-Totem-Wolverine-Monster-Avenger-Guy who eats faces.
Captivated said:
I enjoyed reading the Essentials - a lot - and there was no marriage then... BUT, there was soap opera drama with Aunt May, friends, and loves, and that MADE the stories for me.

All that drama eventually progressed to where we are today. Peter has had a great love die tragically... he has dated those not so important to him, briefly and rather distractedly... he has fallen for the dead end fling type, and gotten out because that's NOT what he wants... and then he finally got the girl he grew to love more than anyone else to say, YES, and marry him.

Do I want to see that cycle start again, KNOWING that it will NEVER end because the writers won't let it? That it doesn't matter WHO Peter is with, she is either going to die, or end up being evil, wrong, stupid or boring and he will NEVER find happiness with her?! Not only no, but, HELL NO!

I don't think I could keep reading, at this point if they ended the marriage. I really enjoy it, for one thing. It's become part of the package. But I also don't think I could keep reading KNOWING that the writer's will just keep shoving the "doomed to fail" routine at us. :(

If the marriage stays, people will whine and complain. If the marriage goes, people will whine and complain.

If the marriage hadn't happened, we might not be in this mess. Consider that.
Captivated said:
I enjoyed reading the Essentials - a lot - and there was no marriage then... BUT, there was soap opera drama with Aunt May, friends, and loves, and that MADE the stories for me.

All that drama eventually progressed to where we are today. Peter has had a great love die tragically... he has dated those not so important to him, briefly and rather distractedly... he has fallen for the dead end fling type, and gotten out because that's NOT what he wants... and then he finally got the girl he grew to love more than anyone else to say, YES, and marry him.

Do I want to see that cycle start again, KNOWING that it will NEVER end because the writers won't let it? That it doesn't matter WHO Peter is with, she is either going to die, or end up being evil, wrong, stupid or boring and he will NEVER find happiness with her?! Not only no, but, HELL NO!

I don't think I could keep reading, at this point if they ended the marriage. I really enjoy it, for one thing. It's become part of the package. But I also don't think I could keep reading KNOWING that the writer's will just keep shoving the "doomed to fail" routine at us. :(

I had a discussion about this with a guy in my comic shop and we came to the same conclusion. If Peter's marriage ends solely because the powers that be don't want him married, it'll be hard to have any serious interest in a future girlfriend because we already know how the story end......they break up.

As long as Peter was single, you could tantalize the reader with new love interests because there was always the possibility that one of them would become THE GIRL. If you already know that Peter will never marry again you might as well make him gigolo, keep the relationships casual, and showcase a new girl every couple of issues.
Captivated said:
I enjoyed reading the Essentials - a lot - and there was no marriage then... BUT, there was soap opera drama with Aunt May, friends, and loves, and that MADE the stories for me.

All that drama eventually progressed to where we are today. Peter has had a great love die tragically... he has dated those not so important to him, briefly and rather distractedly... he has fallen for the dead end fling type, and gotten out because that's NOT what he wants... and then he finally got the girl he grew to love more than anyone else to say, YES, and marry him.

Do I want to see that cycle start again, KNOWING that it will NEVER end because the writers won't let it? That it doesn't matter WHO Peter is with, she is either going to die, or end up being evil, wrong, stupid or boring and he will NEVER find happiness with her?! Not only no, but, HELL NO!

I don't think I could keep reading, at this point if they ended the marriage. I really enjoy it, for one thing. It's become part of the package. But I also don't think I could keep reading KNOWING that the writer's will just keep shoving the "doomed to fail" routine at us. :(

But again- the question is, what if ending the marriage didn't entail Joe Q's rather childish approach, and whatever relationship Peter was written as being involved in was well-written?

Cause I'll say this- I can't think of alot of really well written stories that involved the marriage. It's just kind of there.

For example, their reconciliation. After all the convolutions, MJ tells Peter that she just needs to know that he needs her and Peter tells her he can't be Spider-Man without her. Both ideas are nonsense. Peter has ALWAYS shown her that he needs her, and Peter has been Spider-Man, and faced some of the absolutely worst trials of his life without her. And in fact, she's abandoned him several times.

Again; yes, the marriage can be written well. And if the writing is good, I'm cool with them staying married. But the truth is, the marriage is not essential to who Peter is.
Dragon said:
Again; yes, the marriage can be written well. And if the writing is good, I'm cool with them staying married. But the truth is, the marriage is not essential to who Peter is.

Finally, a voice of reason!
Nobody said it was essential to who Peter is! But it doesn't go against his character either.

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