Sequels X-Men Reboot


Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
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Are you for or against an entirely new interpretation of the X-Men? Would you prefer the rights be returned to Marvel first? If so, post the changes you'd like to see. If not, tell me why I'm wrong. Do you think the current series is as good as it gets for X-Men in film?

I personally would like to see a reboot. They should call it Uncanny X-Men and it should have the original team:

Prof X.
Marvel Girl

save the following characters for the first sequel:

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There Isn't going to be a reboot anytime soon.And your deluding yourself that any studio fox or marvel wouldn't put any of the more popular X-men in film.X-Men became super popular after Wolverine,storm,Colossus,and Nightcrawler were Introduced.
Oh jesus. Its not delusion its just personal preference and accuracy to the comics. If thats the case, why wasn't the Joker in Batman Begins or Green Goblin/Venom in Amazing Spider-Man? Warner Bros and Sony doing it wrong? No. They are doing it right.

Giant Size X-Men wasnt released until over a decade after the original X-Men and the comics did just fine until then.
They stoped producing new stories for 6 years because of low sales
Was Ra's al ghul and the Scarecrow In comcis before Joker?Was Ra's alghul Involved In Brue wayne's training?Did Peter Parker know Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane In High school?Did Gwen ever learn his secret Idenity in 616(which Is version Emma Stone as Gwen Isbased on) I can site you many instances warner Brothers,sony,and Marvel are different than comics.

X-Men sold decently when Stan Lee and jack Kirby were doing It.After that sales dropped and It eventully was canned and continued as a reprint book.

Giant Sized X-Men helped turn the X-Men Into best selling book the X-Men were for years.
Right but your point was that they should be using their most popular characters because it sells movies. I didn't realize that's what we were all about here on SHH. We as fans should be asking for what we want not what is most profitable to the studios.

OBVIOUSLY Fox/Marvel aren't going to put my dream team up on the screen. The goal here was to see who agreed that the X-Men film franchise is so far gone (even in its own inconsistencies) that it could do with a reboot. Maybe Nolan's Batman and the MCU have deviations from the comics, but at least they are consistent within their own universes.
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There Isn't going to be a reboot anytime soon.And your deluding yourself that any studio fox or marvel wouldn't put any of the more popular X-men in film.X-Men became super popular after Wolverine,storm,Colossus,and Nightcrawler were Introduced.

On the otherhand, First Class was heavy with less popular or even obscure characters. I dont think its to too out of the question a reboot would start with the original team and also set up other characters for sequels. It would also make sense to start Wolverine and X-Men up as separate franchises and cross them over in the sequel.
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I personally would like to see a reboot. They should call it Uncanny X-Men and it should have the original team:

Prof X.
Marvel Girl

save the following characters for the first sequel:


This is generally why I don't want a reboot with the original five and why I find most wishlists recommending their inclusion disingenuous. Why bother starting with Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman, and Marvel Girl, if you're just going to dump 5 new characters on them in the sequel? The characters are going to cannibalize each other fighting for screen time, and there is no way to do them all justice. What is the point of becoming invested in the original 5 in the first movie, if the filmmakers are just going to push them aside in the second?

X-Men (2000) had the right idea but the wrong execution, in my opinion. Allow room for the original five to exist but do not start with them, unless you’re in it for the long haul and actually want to tell their story AND follow through with it.
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Maybe because they would like to see both the original team and the characters and changes introduced in Giant-size X-Men reflected in a new series? You act like there is no context to their suggestion and its something they are pulling out of thin air. A third movie could then feature a new team made out of the best of both teams or characters in different roles or other new status quo. I personally detest in ensemble films and shows when every single character has to always have some hamfisted subplot of their own, sometimes its enough to get a taste of a character and the have them be a supporting player in the main story.
Maybe because they would like to see both the original team and the characters and changes introduced in Giant-size X-Men reflected in a new series? You act like there is no context to their suggestion and its something they are pulling out of thin air. A third movie could then feature a new team made out of the best of both teams or characters in different roles or other new status quo. I personally detest in ensemble films and shows when every single character has to always have some hamfisted subplot of their own, sometimes its enough to get a taste of a character and the have them be a supporting player in the main story.

Agreed. Even if "the best of both" here means the most popular. For instance, Angel could actually be seen leaving the team at the end of film #1 (unlike Nightcrawler in the current series who vanished without so much as a goodbye). And Banshee could be killed off or captured or leave in the second film. Providing an awesome well-rounded team with well-developed characters for film #3.
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Maybe in 20 years, I would like to see a reboot happen. I envision it to be like this

X-Men 1 cast
Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Jean Grey, Rogue, Iceman, Beast, Professor X (X-Men)
Magneto, Sabretooth, Mystique, Juggernaut, Toad (Villains)

X-Men 2 (new characters)
Colossus, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat (X-Men)
Avalanche, Pyro, Blob, (Brotherhood)

X-Men 3 (new characters)
Gambit, Bishop, Forge (X-Men)
Quicksilver, Destiny, Scarlet Witch (Brotherhood)

X-Men 4 (new characters)
Banshee, Jubilee (X-Men)
Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Selene, Shinobi Shaw (Hellfire Club)

X-Men 5 (new characters)
Havok, Polaris (X-Men)
Lilandra (Shi'ar Empire)
Dark Phoenix (villain)

X-Men 6 (new characters)
Angel, Psylocke, Sunfire (X-Men)
Apocalypse (villain)

X-Men 7 (new characters)
3 Horsemens + Archangel (villains)

X1 - X-Men VS Brotherhood
X2 - Operation: Zero Tolerance
X3 - Days of Future Past
X4 - The Phoenix Saga
X5 - The Dark Phoenix Saga
X6 - Rise of Apocalypse
X7 - Age of Apocalypse
If it went my way,

Uncanny X-Men
Prof X, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Marvel Girl, Angel
Magneto, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch
(Prof. X builds first X-Men team, Magneto threatens to do something destructive, Angel leaves, Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch both leave)

Cerebro is upgraded allowing international recruitment:
Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Banshee
Humans and the Sentinels (Appearance by Sabretooth)
(stopping magneto's plan directly influences humans taking action.
Banshee is killed)

Prof X, Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Marvel Girl, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat
Magneto, Mystique, Pyro, Avalanche, Blob, Toad, Gambit

X-Men + Brotherhood (Rogue and Havoc)


and a proper Weapon X spinoff somewhere in between.
maybe for 2020.

Fox will do a third movie after Days of future past, so taking into account that that "last" sequel comes in 2017, a reboot wont come before 2020, at the very least.
There's a lot of talk about rebooting which is a bit of a shame I reckon since we just saw Jean and Scott pop up in x-men Apocalpse. That said though, an x-men film about the trump era might be quite interesting.

The only one who should do it though is Ava Duverney
Don't care who does it, just reboot it.

Build from the Deadpool universe. Make it seperate, whatever, just make a consistently good X-Men series dammit
^ Yep, that's precisely what I'd want Fox to do too.
There's a lot of talk about rebooting which is a bit of a shame I reckon since we just saw Jean and Scott pop up in x-men Apocalpse. That said though, an x-men film about the trump era might be quite interesting.

The only one who should do it though is Ava Duverney

The reboot talk was likely misleading, especially going by the article that started it all where at no point beyond having the world "reboot" in the headline did the article mention they were rebooting.
There was an interesting theory about dr strange brining the xmen to the mcu floating around here. I wouldn't mind.
X-Men are the equivalent of Avenger's actually they should be higher than Avenger's.

Things need to be vastly changed from top to bottom.
I wouldn't want to see them ditch the young cast so quickly in favor of another brand new cast. And who knows which characters would even make the cut there. Wolverine for sure would. But I'm sick of him hogging the screen. We got a good Cyclops and Jean. Build around them. Move away from Magneto/Mystique for a while. Let the young cast take over with McAvoy anchoring. Give these guys at least one more shot. If they screw it up, for whatever reasons, then seriously consider wiping it clean. No to Marvel. Quit worrying about Deadpool. He aint the answer.
Not just yet. As said, develop this new, young cast. Build that up, and then whenever Fox wants to reboot, since they've already done a First Class film, they could maybe give us the original five plus Xavier.

Either way, the path forward begins when Simon Kinberg isn't in charge of writing.
I too wishes to see a reboot set in the MCU with the Original 5 taking on Juggernaut for starters. Start with something simple then emerge into bigger threats with subsequent films. It would be a good way for the characters to work as a team as well. Also, I do think it's time that Xavier be actually based on his origins too rather than him being English in the movies. Maybe we could learn of his actual backstory which we will also learn of Cain "Juggernaut" Marko being his step-brother and how Cain got his powers as well. There's enough story there for one movie methinks... an origin not only into the kids but for Xavier as well, how he graduated from Harvard at a young age only to meet Moira at Oxford years later.

The next film could introduce Magneto and his Brotherhood on Genosha for example. And I wouldn't object to Wanda making an appearance as well, getting to learn of her true father. I'm sure something can be written around their origins in Age of Ultron - and I wouldn't object to Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Quicksilver getting resurrected as well.

Come to think of it, could they benefit from a Charles Xavier solo origin film, or has that been spoiled already with First Class?
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I personally find the original 5 X-Men extremely boring and irrelevant in their first appearance. Same goes for Juggernaut as a villain. A guy who is strong. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I'm not here for five white people saving the world. X-Men team rosters should be a lot more diverse.
I personally find the original 5 X-Men extremely boring and irrelevant in their first appearance.

Maybe but they're still all among the best X-MEN ever created and they all deserve proper spotlight that haven't received to date
A smaller scale story reboot film which gets back to the core themes of alienation and discrimination of mutants from humans could work . The most compelling aspect of the X Men mythos for me was always the character interactions and interpersonal dynamics more than epic stories and arcs. Any reboot would have to get back to that .

It wouldn't and shouldn't imo be another superhero origin story film, i.e. how the team formed. You really wouldn't even need to feature Magneto as the villain or as a supporting character. You wouldn't even need to have sentinals, or other world ending , massive scale baddies. Just focus on a few key characters at the Xavier school with a relatively smaller team, i.e, 6 team members tops, with a character like Jubilee or Kitty Pride being the gateway character.

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