World X-men: Statues of Future Past

Dr. Remy Lebeau

The doctor is in chere!
Apr 6, 2013
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I started this thread in a different section. The earlier posts can be found here:

My fellow X-friends, I recently started a blog about my X-men statue collection. I've been ravenously collecting these for almost 4 years now and have amassed about 60+ pieces. I've managed to post about a fifth of them so far with photos and video introductions. If you're interested you can check the fun out here:

Here's a taste of the collection in a rough montage of my displays:
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It is time to give some love to one of the best Bowen statues ever produced.

You can check out the entire blog post with plenty of pics and an introduction video here:

X-men: Statues of Future Past: Colossus Statue by Bowen Designs

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Great review and pictures! Dying over the Jean statue. But why must Rob Liefeld be one of your favorite artists?!?!! Ahhhhhhhhhh
Great review and pictures! Dying over the Jean statue. But why must Rob Liefeld be one of your favorite artists?!?!! Ahhhhhhhhhh
Thanks man! Jean is a real jem!

I know, I know, what can I say. I pretty much started collecting at the time that Liefeld was at the tail end of the New Mutants run and about to start X-force vol.1. I was thirteen-ish and was in love with him, Jim Lee, and McFarlane. That love has not waivered. I get the criticisms of his work, but I think nostalgia clouds my judgement. C'est la vie!
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Fair enough, I get where you are coming from :p
It's time to give some sugah to everyone's favorite southern belle with a deadly touch. This is the first full sized Rogue statue produced by Bowen Designs in 2007. It's beautiful and has one of the most dynamic bases I've ever seen.

I've posted plenty of pics and an introductory video at my blog which you can check out by clicking here:

X-men: Statues of Future Past: Rogue Statue by Bowen Designs

It's time to reshed some light on one of the most impressive releases from early last year. This is the coolest Weapon X statue that exists! Thanks Bowen Designs!

Plenty more pics and an introductory video can be seen on my blog by clicking here:

Don't forget to voice your opinion of this statue on the poll at the end of the post.

Thanks and enjoy!

Your Doctor

Prepare to be astonished by this very cool Cyclops statue. It's another in a long line of great Cyclops statues by Bowen Designs.

If you're interested, you can check out many more pics and an introductory video on my blog by clicking here:

X-men: Statues of Future Past - Modern Cyclops Statue​


Don't forget to vote on the poll at the end of the post!

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Given that the 4th of the original X-men set is on the cusp of being released, I thought I would give some renewed attention to the pieces that have already been rolled out. I thought I would start by giving Jean the spotlight.

If you're interested in seeing more, I have pics and an introductory video on my blog which you can check out by clicking here:

Live long and prosper!
It is my pleasure to once again take a close look at the head of the Shi'ar imperial guard. This is the best Gladiator anyone has ever produced... ya hear me Ridley Scott \m/

If you'd like to take a closer look I've got more pics and an introductory video on my blog which you can see by clicking here:

X-men:Statues of Future Past - Gladiator Statue by Bowen Designs


Thanks for checking out my blog. It's much appreciated!
I thought it was proper, given that "The Wolverine" is coming out in just a few short weeks to throw some attention on this excellent representation of Wolvey in his brown costume attire that he wore on his Japanese adventure.

If you're interested in seeing more, my blog post has plenty more pics and an introductory video which you can access by clicking here:

X-men: Statues of Future Past: Wolverine - Brown Museum Statue by Bowen Designs


He's the best there is at what he does... I speak of Mr. Bowen of course who sculpted this guy himself!

This Bishop's standing at Nimrod is awesome, if Omar Sy looks like that.
I hope he looks something like that. I think Idris Elba would have been a better Bishop!

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