Ghost of all things X
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Anticipation is high as we lead in to the first old school X-over (pun intended) in several years. In attendance on the docket were C.B. Cebulski, creator, editor, and Marvel talent liaison; and Skottie Young, current artist of New X-Men.
As people were finding their seats, there were some technical difficulties as an adapter was needed to attach C.B.s computer to the projector. Skottie entertained the crowd with anecdotes and his ringtone for his girlfriend Shake your moneymaker. He then asked what panel he was at, and joked that the crazy announcement is No More X-Men at all. It was fun for a couple years, but now its just done. After some pizza talk, (yes, PIZZA talk), Skottie turned to Harry Potter, and threatened to ruin New X-Men if anyone spoiled it. Finally, Joe Quesada showed up, they hooked up an alternate laptop and got the panel started. Several Marvel staffers were absent because of cancelled flights in New York.
The first picture displayed half of the X-Men #200 cover and the promo piece Bianchi made for his Astonishing X-Men announcement. The slideshow started things off, as usual. The next slides teased the continuing back-up story Endangered Species, which runs along the backs of the X-books now. X-Men: Messiah Complex was up next, showing a David Finch cover, with the announcement that Finch will be doing all the covers for the crossover. The One-Shot by Brubaker and Silvestri was featured next, followed by a couple more Dave Finch covers from the upcoming event. A new Silvestri piece with the title The Hunt is ON came up before some talk about the upcoming Astonishing X-Men team. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan was teased, along with Wolverine and Wolverine: Origins, and that wrapped up the slideshow teases. Questions came next.
A fan asked who was following Bachalo on X-Men, and was denied an answer. A fan whos not following X-Men books asked about Messiah Complex, and got Quesadas standard, jovial response that I cant tell you the story without your money.
The Q&A quickly devolved into other, non-X topics, including:
Marko Djurdevic is doing some interior work on Daredevil #100, and another gig that cant be announced yet, but may be X-related.
What was the impetus for Scarlet Witch having the mutant population cut? asked a fan. Quesada launched into his three major things that bothered him about the Marvel U speech:
1) X-Men lost their core with so many mutants around the world- no longer special, not weird to be a mutant anymore.
The same fan followed up with Several factions from past storylines were going after mutants and we havent seen them
A: Youll see factions showing up again.
Joe assured fans that backlash from events in Astonishing X-Men will be felt in other x-books and stories. He also said the break between creative teams was designed so there wont be as many long breaks during the next story arcs.
Joe talked about the heavy Mutant on Mutant action well see in Messiah Complex, saying theyre trying to deal with things within the family of mutants. After that, they may interact more with the general world around them.
A fan asked why all the students at Xaviers arent being trained as X-Men with so few mutants left in the world. Skottie and C.B. replied that the senior class is who gets focused on, and now there is no freshman class, as Endangered Species and Messiah Complex deal with. Skottie likes bringing the JV Team of students into the mix. The focus came back to this a couple times during the panel, perhaps because of Skotties presence, but it seemed a lot of people were enjoying New X-Men.
Mutants who lost their powers, will stay depowered, and continue to be back and forth in the Marvel U and X-books.
The two main x-books have had a great year! Thanks for killing Sabretooth and for making Rogue interesting again chimed a fan, to much agreement.
Issue #100 of Exiles starts a new arc for that series, it was announced. A crossover with New Excalibur ends Claremonts run on the latter book. Fans were told to look for interesting new developments with Blink.
Paul Cornell (Wisdom) is taking over New Excalibur. The British writer who recently contributed an episode of Dr. Who was apparently accidentally drunk during a recent meeting with Marvel in England. Joe felt bad for telling the story, but went on with it anyway. Cornell said this is the book hes always wanted to write for Marvel. He does plan to change the line-up, which may happen during Messiah Complex.
Magneto may or may not be re-powered after his collision with The Collective in New Avengers. Hell be showing up sometime Soon, depending on what you mean by soon as Joe and C.B. both teased.
The Astonishing cast will probably remain the same when Ellis and Bianchi take over.
Marvel will continue to produce occasional Marc Silvestri projects, with definite plans for the next one, which was teased, but remained unannounced during this panel.
Q: Should I be worried that Juggernaut will have a villainous relapse soon?
A: You should always be worried that a villain who becomes a hero could flip flop back.
Quesada said that he would love to see the young teams to cross over and meet up sometime, but with everything going on in the Marvel U right now, it wont happen soon.
Q: Is Storm along with the X-Men teams again for the long haul?
A: The marriage between Storm and Black Panther was never meant to keep her out of the X-Men books. It adds tension in the relationships, but shell still be around.
Any plans for Gambit? Was coyly answered A couple, a few replied Joe; READ MESSIAH COMPLEX was C.B.s response.
The panel moved back to the topic of Genies in the Bottle, with Quesada pontificating on his other two at the behest of a fan. This turned the X-Men panel into a discussion about Spider-man and MJs marriage. It turned from discussion to open argument about the topic between Joe and the crowd, and went on for the better part of 25 minutes. C.B. finally brought it back to the X-Men by mentioning there is more response to the Kitty-MJ-Spidey triangle than anything else, then dropped back into Spider-Man talk.
Joe: Jean wasnt gotten rid of for that same reason, it was just a good Jean Grey story.
Why will fans crucify Joe for Messiah Complex? Just because its a daily occurrence A fan followed up with Anything to look out for? Joe: Cables a character that will be on the rise which C.B. shot him a look for saying as much.
After Messiah Complex, there will be some shake up in character teams, and much more cohesiveness in the universe, thanks to Axel Alonsos new position as Editor of the X-books.
A fan asked why extra baggage had to be added to Wolverine during the last arc. People in the crowd scoffed, and Joe politely answered that its a part of story telling. Nightcrawler was brought up next, and the creators want to bring him back into the Swashbuckling mode as C.B. said soon.
Can we see more Bob, Agent of Hydra in the Marvel Universe? Joe: No.
Will the Skrull situation affect the X-Verse? Joe: We have no effin idea.
A fan that missed Origin asked if he could read some stories about Wolverine as a child, Joe told him where.
Storms marriage adds to her character in Joes opinion, and he doesnt see the same problem arising for her character as for Spider-man.
A fan asked about why Sabretooths butt is always drawn so big, Joe surveyed the crowd and told the fan he was the only one who noticed.
The 198 is not a definite number, but 300 would be the upper limit. We will have an explanation as to why these select few still have their powers out of the millions.
Who would you pick to fight in the x-men universe, any two characters? Joe wants to see a No Holds Barred match between Kitty and Emma He then stared dreamily into space for a moment, having to shake himself out of it. C.B. wants Sunspot vs. Cannonball, and Skottie would like to see Chamber kill Wolverine, once again drawing the most applause.
The Romulus thread will be followed up in both Wolvie solo books.
Deadpool is a character that Axel has had a mad-on for, said C.B. in response to a fans question, However, hell remain tied to his book for the time being.
Fans should look to Summer 2008 for the 616 Magik to be present again.
After a couple more cursory questions and answers about general character development, the first Marvel panel of the weekend came to a close. No major announcements, a slip up about Cables status (ALIVE), and yet another discussion/argument about Spider-Man and MJs marriage closed out the panel.
As people were finding their seats, there were some technical difficulties as an adapter was needed to attach C.B.s computer to the projector. Skottie entertained the crowd with anecdotes and his ringtone for his girlfriend Shake your moneymaker. He then asked what panel he was at, and joked that the crazy announcement is No More X-Men at all. It was fun for a couple years, but now its just done. After some pizza talk, (yes, PIZZA talk), Skottie turned to Harry Potter, and threatened to ruin New X-Men if anyone spoiled it. Finally, Joe Quesada showed up, they hooked up an alternate laptop and got the panel started. Several Marvel staffers were absent because of cancelled flights in New York.
The first picture displayed half of the X-Men #200 cover and the promo piece Bianchi made for his Astonishing X-Men announcement. The slideshow started things off, as usual. The next slides teased the continuing back-up story Endangered Species, which runs along the backs of the X-books now. X-Men: Messiah Complex was up next, showing a David Finch cover, with the announcement that Finch will be doing all the covers for the crossover. The One-Shot by Brubaker and Silvestri was featured next, followed by a couple more Dave Finch covers from the upcoming event. A new Silvestri piece with the title The Hunt is ON came up before some talk about the upcoming Astonishing X-Men team. X-Men: Emperor Vulcan was teased, along with Wolverine and Wolverine: Origins, and that wrapped up the slideshow teases. Questions came next.
A fan asked who was following Bachalo on X-Men, and was denied an answer. A fan whos not following X-Men books asked about Messiah Complex, and got Quesadas standard, jovial response that I cant tell you the story without your money.
The Q&A quickly devolved into other, non-X topics, including:
Marko Djurdevic is doing some interior work on Daredevil #100, and another gig that cant be announced yet, but may be X-related.
What was the impetus for Scarlet Witch having the mutant population cut? asked a fan. Quesada launched into his three major things that bothered him about the Marvel U speech:
1) X-Men lost their core with so many mutants around the world- no longer special, not weird to be a mutant anymore.
The same fan followed up with Several factions from past storylines were going after mutants and we havent seen them
A: Youll see factions showing up again.
Joe assured fans that backlash from events in Astonishing X-Men will be felt in other x-books and stories. He also said the break between creative teams was designed so there wont be as many long breaks during the next story arcs.
Joe talked about the heavy Mutant on Mutant action well see in Messiah Complex, saying theyre trying to deal with things within the family of mutants. After that, they may interact more with the general world around them.
A fan asked why all the students at Xaviers arent being trained as X-Men with so few mutants left in the world. Skottie and C.B. replied that the senior class is who gets focused on, and now there is no freshman class, as Endangered Species and Messiah Complex deal with. Skottie likes bringing the JV Team of students into the mix. The focus came back to this a couple times during the panel, perhaps because of Skotties presence, but it seemed a lot of people were enjoying New X-Men.
Mutants who lost their powers, will stay depowered, and continue to be back and forth in the Marvel U and X-books.
The two main x-books have had a great year! Thanks for killing Sabretooth and for making Rogue interesting again chimed a fan, to much agreement.
Issue #100 of Exiles starts a new arc for that series, it was announced. A crossover with New Excalibur ends Claremonts run on the latter book. Fans were told to look for interesting new developments with Blink.
Paul Cornell (Wisdom) is taking over New Excalibur. The British writer who recently contributed an episode of Dr. Who was apparently accidentally drunk during a recent meeting with Marvel in England. Joe felt bad for telling the story, but went on with it anyway. Cornell said this is the book hes always wanted to write for Marvel. He does plan to change the line-up, which may happen during Messiah Complex.
Magneto may or may not be re-powered after his collision with The Collective in New Avengers. Hell be showing up sometime Soon, depending on what you mean by soon as Joe and C.B. both teased.
The Astonishing cast will probably remain the same when Ellis and Bianchi take over.
Marvel will continue to produce occasional Marc Silvestri projects, with definite plans for the next one, which was teased, but remained unannounced during this panel.
Q: Should I be worried that Juggernaut will have a villainous relapse soon?
A: You should always be worried that a villain who becomes a hero could flip flop back.
Quesada said that he would love to see the young teams to cross over and meet up sometime, but with everything going on in the Marvel U right now, it wont happen soon.
Q: Is Storm along with the X-Men teams again for the long haul?
A: The marriage between Storm and Black Panther was never meant to keep her out of the X-Men books. It adds tension in the relationships, but shell still be around.
Any plans for Gambit? Was coyly answered A couple, a few replied Joe; READ MESSIAH COMPLEX was C.B.s response.
The panel moved back to the topic of Genies in the Bottle, with Quesada pontificating on his other two at the behest of a fan. This turned the X-Men panel into a discussion about Spider-man and MJs marriage. It turned from discussion to open argument about the topic between Joe and the crowd, and went on for the better part of 25 minutes. C.B. finally brought it back to the X-Men by mentioning there is more response to the Kitty-MJ-Spidey triangle than anything else, then dropped back into Spider-Man talk.
Joe: Jean wasnt gotten rid of for that same reason, it was just a good Jean Grey story.
Why will fans crucify Joe for Messiah Complex? Just because its a daily occurrence A fan followed up with Anything to look out for? Joe: Cables a character that will be on the rise which C.B. shot him a look for saying as much.
After Messiah Complex, there will be some shake up in character teams, and much more cohesiveness in the universe, thanks to Axel Alonsos new position as Editor of the X-books.
A fan asked why extra baggage had to be added to Wolverine during the last arc. People in the crowd scoffed, and Joe politely answered that its a part of story telling. Nightcrawler was brought up next, and the creators want to bring him back into the Swashbuckling mode as C.B. said soon.
Can we see more Bob, Agent of Hydra in the Marvel Universe? Joe: No.
Will the Skrull situation affect the X-Verse? Joe: We have no effin idea.
A fan that missed Origin asked if he could read some stories about Wolverine as a child, Joe told him where.
Storms marriage adds to her character in Joes opinion, and he doesnt see the same problem arising for her character as for Spider-man.
A fan asked about why Sabretooths butt is always drawn so big, Joe surveyed the crowd and told the fan he was the only one who noticed.
The 198 is not a definite number, but 300 would be the upper limit. We will have an explanation as to why these select few still have their powers out of the millions.
Who would you pick to fight in the x-men universe, any two characters? Joe wants to see a No Holds Barred match between Kitty and Emma He then stared dreamily into space for a moment, having to shake himself out of it. C.B. wants Sunspot vs. Cannonball, and Skottie would like to see Chamber kill Wolverine, once again drawing the most applause.
The Romulus thread will be followed up in both Wolvie solo books.
Deadpool is a character that Axel has had a mad-on for, said C.B. in response to a fans question, However, hell remain tied to his book for the time being.
Fans should look to Summer 2008 for the 616 Magik to be present again.
After a couple more cursory questions and answers about general character development, the first Marvel panel of the weekend came to a close. No major announcements, a slip up about Cables status (ALIVE), and yet another discussion/argument about Spider-Man and MJs marriage closed out the panel.






