Guardian of Oa
You say the Outsiders (By S.E. Hinton) is your favorite book (and is one of mine), have you ever read any of her other books?
I read parts of Rumble Fish and that's it.
Did you enjoy the Outsiders movie (or any of her books turned movie)?
As a child, what was your biggest fear?
What did people say about you in High School (Or equivalent)? It depends on which year of high school:
Freshmen - That kid is weird
Sophomore - That kid is weird, but he's getting better.
Junior - He's okay.
Senior - Cool guy.
What were your favorite subjects in High School (Or equivalent)? My favorites were film and history.
How many partners have you had sexually? 4
What brand of shoe do you prefer? Any brand with good canvas shoes. I prefer them.
What size waist (in jeans) are you and what size waist (in jeans) do you actually wear? My waist is 34 is what I acutally wear
Bruce Banner
Would you end up in Raccoon City or Silent Hill?
Probably Silent hill, because I always end up in scary situations alone
Coffee or Tea?
Tea. I'm not a big fan of coffee.
What is one of your biggest fears about getting older? That I won't achieve all I wanted to achieve.
How to do you feel knowing that turning 20 is going to be a worthless birthday?
At least it'll be another step closer to 21.
It probably won't matter as I'll probably still break the law for my 20th birthday too.
What are 5 guilty pleasure movies of yours? Spider-man 3 for the action scenes
The Room
Rocky IV
It's a harsh winter in 1982. You are trapped with the SuperheroSkype crowd. Who do you think is infected? Who do you think will help fight with you? Do you have enough J&B scotch? Corey is infected. Manic, Spider-Fan and Kane will help me. twy and JP will be running around screaming. Billy's fighting it. Bamf's trying to convince the others that I need to be a necessary sacrifice. E-man going to be silent in the corner since he can't talk.
I do, if I don't have enough scotch I'll steal Manic's scotch.
Favorite pair of shoes you own? I don't own that many sneakers and shoes (I always only own one or two at time before they fall apart),
Is Robocop still teaching at Syracuse?
I don't think so. He's not on any of the class lists of teachers of the subjects he teach.
Hi my name is (Insert your username here), you might remember me on SHH for such things/threads as?
Hi, I'm Parker wayne, you might remember me on SHH for the Captain America, Thor, and James Bond threads.
Also, I ran the inaugural Official SHH movie of the year awards (Inception won the award).
What is your biggest regret and if you could relive that moment what would you have done differently?
I guess I'd work harder during high school to get into a film school like NYU or USC.
Tell the story of your first love, not necessarily your greatest love.
It was sixth grade. She was an eigth grader. She was kind and beautiful. I was shy and awkward. It was never meant to be.
Whats your biggest geek collectible?
My DC comics card collection of heroes of the golden, silver and modern ages.
If you were a celebrity, what would you demand in your dressing room? Cheez-its, and some hot women.
What was your first?
Tape/CD - Space Jam
DVD/Blu-Ray - Spider-man
Automobile - I still don't have a car
Video Game - Sonic and Knuckes for the Sega Genesis
How did you find out about the birds and the bees? Porn
Who has been your biggest influence and why? I guess my biggest influence is my family. I listen to what they told me about right and wrong, and I've been able to keep that in mind in most of my decisions.
Where is your next vacation spot?
Probably Virginia again.
If you moved tomorrow, outside of family or friends, etc. what would you miss most about the place you were living?
I guess hanging out with people. There's a bond you have with people and it'll be hard to be far away from that.
What was your favorite TV show (or Radio show depending on how old you are) when you were a child?
My favorite tv show were Power Rangers, Batman, All That, Rugrats, and Kenan and Kel.
What is the best pizza you ever had? (include location and toppings) Pepperoni Pizza from NYC.
Where is THE best place for coffee that you have had? I don't really drink coffee, so I guess Starbucks (the only place I had coffee).
What place in the world, that you have never went, would you like to go visit? Why?
I would love to go to Europe and travel there. There's so much history and intrigue there that I can't really choose one city or country.
Have you ever been to the "Happiest Place on Earth"? When and favorite thing to do and ride? Yeah, I've been there. My favorite thing to do was get a lap dance and ride a girl only named Sapphire.
Oh, wait minute, not that happy place.
Disney World was fun too. I liked traveling around and taking pictures with all the Disney characters. I also like the Indiana Jones show they used to have.
Where were you during 9/11? I was at school, and my teacher told me to turn on the tv. I didn't need the tv turned on because I could see it outside the window. It was a depressing, and disturbing day for me and it also became a metaphor for the tough years I have ahead of me.
What was your first computer? My first computer was a crappy HP laptop.
First cell phone? Some random Cingular LG phone.
What is your current cell phone? AT&T Xenon.
If you could have sex with any living or dead person, who would it be?
Grace Kelly or Marilyn Monroe. I can't choose.
If they are dead....ewwww. Would you take them out on a date first or would it be wham-bam thank you mam? Well, since I'm a gentlement I would take either one of them to a nice dinner, and then we would walk the beach in sand holding hands, and under the full moon we have a great kiss that leads to great sex on a beach. And then I'd be living the American dream.
Which superhero (villain) would you like be for a day? Joker because he always seems to have fun win or lose.
Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Bat-woman Who would you kill, marry, and screw? Kill Bat-woman because she'd reject me.
Wonder-woman I would screw
Marry Supergirl because's she my #1 heroine.
Why do birds suddenly appear when you are near? Because Alfred Hitchcock commanded them to kill me. *grabs shotgun*
You got $1 million dollars that you need to blow within 24 hours, and you can not end up with anything of value at the end of the 24 hours (car, house, toys, etc). What do you do with it? Does investing count?
If not investing then donate it to charity.
What would you do if you had the only copy of a sex tape between Emma Watson and John C Reilly? I'd keep it, admiring Emma Watson and envying John C Riley while also wanting hug the guy for being so damn awesome.
Then I'd use it as extortion for Emma Watson in exchange for a date.
Your life is made into a movie: What kind of movie will it be? Who would star in it? What would be the title? It would be called, that guy with the camera. It would be a coming-of-age story. I don't know who would star.
So what's up with the name?
It's what my mom named me.
You are sent to prison for a stupid crime. But damn those Ho Hos were good! How do you keep alive, despite the overwhelming feeling you are in trouble? Befriend the toughest guys in jail while also proving myself.
And have a shank on my the whole time.
What will be your last meal? Spaghetti
Which movie this year are you most looking forward to seeing? It was Harry Potter. Now it's Captain America.
And then The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
Which fad do you think was the worst? Nintendo Wii
Which fad do you hate to admit that you did? Yu-Gi-Oh cards
You are stuck on a deserted island, you may choose one of each of the following items to enjoy until you die:
one person to be with Emma Watson
one drink (the island has fresh water) Orange Juice
one meal Spagetti
one DVD (you have a solar powered portable DVD player that can also play CD's) Rocky
one CD Abbey Road
one board game Monopoly
one luxury item MP3 player
* However none of which that would actually help you get off the island.
If you could be any animal which one would you be and why? Cheetah because they're so fast
What is in your fridge right now? A lot of food. Fruits Vegatables, milk, oragne juice, jelly, eggs, chicken, and other stuff.
If I was going to hire you, what qualifications do you have that would make you an ideal employee? I'm trustworthy, reliable, and hard working.
Why should I fire you once I hire you?
I had sex with your secretary, wife, and your mistress.
Have you or anyone you know been affected by the economic mess?
My mom has been struggling with money problems, but she's been getting by.
How much does gasoline cost per gallon in you area?