Superman Returns 2 New billboards spotted


on the brink of sanity
Nov 25, 2001
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(Check homepage) And if you ask me, they're crap
i agreee.

plus we have an official pic thread
ROFL... Its the exact same thing people have been posting in the manips thread demanding WB do... Now people are complaining about it :o
it's the same poster for STM...just a different \S/
I'm shocked.
i don't like the streek (sp?)

looks waaaaaaaaay too 70's
Get over yourselves, people. My god, you would think with all these markreting exsperts around, we'd have a constant flow of excellent film promotional material.

It's a teaser poster, no different than the Bat Symbol from last summer. I figure people would be happy their holding so much back, instead of giving us floating heads in cluttered posters...
You guys have to remember that the general public and us fans see these boards (and the film, marketing etc.) in a very different light.

This will remind them of the old Donner films which is something this film will need to sell to the older audience.

Personally I think they look great. No one knows Routh but they all know the old famous S.
do you know how much crap I have to click through to get to the homepage. gosh, thanks a lot. grr.
I can't believe people are complaining about a teaser poster on a billboard. Like Nivek said, it's no different than the batsymbol that was displayed last summer. The tagline is cool and the streak reminds me of the Reeve film, which is also good in my opinion.

It seems Superman fans can't be pleased unless we somehow find out the Government has been hiding the fact that Superman ACTUALLY exists...........
ruhanv said:
You guys have to remember that the general public and us fans see these boards (and the film, marketing etc.) in a very different light.

This will remind them of the old Donner films which is something this film will need to sell to the older audience.

Personally I think they look great. No one knows Routh but they all know the old famous S.

:up: Well said, I think it does help, in setting that memory alive again. People see this and say, "hey, supermans coming back". I've no complaints about it, its simple and to the point and lets everyone know the release date.
I'm dissatisfied with the kid's drawing they used for a billboard, but whatever. no big deal.
Nivek said:
Get over yourselves, people. My god, you would think with all these markreting exsperts around, we'd have a constant flow of excellent film promotional material.

It's a teaser poster, no different than the Bat Symbol from last summer. I figure people would be happy their holding so much back, instead of giving us floating heads in cluttered posters...
1. there should be no teaser billboards end of april.
2. it is not the problem that we see clouds and the SR shield. the problem is that it looks cheap. it looks like some beginner in photoshop would put this together. like me. and i dont knwo much about PS. the blur effect is old. plus they used teh bright colours.
there are no bright colours on teh SR suit.

mistakes,mistakes. not the end of the world. just a bad billboard IMO. i have a feeling that the SR posters will look mega crap compared to BB posters.
well, I know Im personally getting tired of the endless complaints, whineing, and poo pooing at whatever you people are getting from WB. Theres at least 20 new posts a day about this crap. Just have some damn patience, in the long run, the movie is coming out!

Sheesh, do you open your X-mas presents on Thanksgiving?
Nivek said:
well, I know Im personally getting tired of the endless complaints, whineing, and poo pooing at whatever you people are getting from WB. Theres at least 20 new posts a day about this crap. Just have some damn patience, in the long run, the movie is coming out!

Sheesh, do you open your X-mas presents on Thanksgiving?

Well said Nivek. I want to see some new stuff as well, but all this complaining is uncalled for. We should just keep our patience and let WB handle this.
You guys are unbelievable, you really are. You complain and complain about the adverstisig campaign and then you get two huge billboards in key spots where thousands upon thousands willl see them, and you complain again.

As Milkman and Ruhanv posted above it is a great marketing ploy to give the billboard the classic look of the Reeve movies. This way it resonates with the older generations, anybody from late 20's and on. Then the \S/ logo, which is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world
Nivek said:
well, I know Im personally getting tired of the endless complaints, whineing, and poo pooing at whatever you people are getting from WB. Theres at least 20 new posts a day about this crap. Just have some damn patience, in the long run, the movie is coming out!

Sheesh, do you open your X-mas presents on Thanksgiving?
there is no wrong or right. it is only opinion. why is it wrong to compalin about sometinhg but it is not wrong to like something?

i could also say the same thing about you. i am tired of your talking about how are you tired of endless complaints.
Showtime029 said:
You guys are unbelievable, you really are. You complain and complain about the adverstisig campaign and then you get two huge billboards in key spots where thousands upon thousands willl see them, and you complain again.

As Milkman and Ruhanv posted above it is a great marketing ploy to give the billboard the classic look of the Reeve movies. This way it resonates with the older generations, anybody from late 20's and on. Then the \S/ logo, which is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world

I think it really comes down to this; can't we all just be happy that a new Superman movie is even here now. It took long enough, and many attempts and finally a good (I'm thinking) rendition is here.
About not posting a link - sorry, but I browse on my cellphone and as far as I know, there's no cut & paste :) I was just happy I was first! :p And about the complaint-I'm not saying I don't appreciate more ads or anything, just that it looks tacky, that's all. I'm all for the streak in honor of STM, but seriously, look at that! It looks very poor. If wb want to lower expectations then that's fine
the original
It is of course all opinion and that is fine if people like it or don't like it. I just want people to realize the point of the poster and the reason the art is drawn that way.
Showtime029 said:
It is of course all opinion and that is fine if people like it or don't like it. I just want people to realize the point of the poster and the reason the art is drawn that way.
its not the designe. it is how they putted it together. they could made a updated version of the old poster. but they made a cheap version IMO.
That is your opinion, I think it would probably look better in person.
Showtime029 said:
That is your opinion, I think it would probably look better in person.
am i not saying this the whole time?

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