2012 Spike VGAs

No X-Com? That's sad.
I've hardly played any of them, actually only Mass Effect 3. Need to get Dishonored soon. The list seems a bit lightweight compared to last year for eg. I'm sure ACIII is top notch but I didn't realise Walking Dead was supposed to be GOTY material. I'd heard it was good, but not that good.
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I've only heard people say good things about it but it's been quite a low profile release.
ME 3 will win it. Big whoop. Let me know if the VGA's ever become relevant.
I only watch the VGA for the new game reveals and such.
Yep. Usually what I do is watch it picture in picture and play a game most of the time, only switching to watch the trailers and announcements.
So there's likely to be new game reveals in the upcoming one? Cool, although I want to watch it anyway so I have my own opinion of the show.
I'm assuming so, they have that stuff every year.
the sales weren't high not alot of people bought it from what what was reported on game informer and joystiq.

despite praise or people buying it.

So are the VGA's based off sales, or quality? Because I wouldn't have thought sales would be a factor. If it's just sales that they're going off, everyone can tell who the winner would be well in advance -the game with the most sales.
What he means is they go off of more popular titles. The titles that always win are usually games that sell quite a lot. Even if there are games that rank higher on Metacritic ect. It is a commercial type of event, not really an award show.
Oh. Well then, what's the point? It sounds like a giant advertisement festival.

I'm not taking a jab at you guys, you understand. I just think it's silly that these awards have a bizarre criteria that sounds like "It has to have sold over X and be cool but it doesn't matter if it sold the most." I mean in reality, the game of the year is the one that sells the most -anything beyond that is just personal opinion. The VGA's would far more interesting if they broadened their horizons.
It sounds like it's a regular awards thing, just they won't let anything too small win in case it affects the popularity of the show or advertising opportunities. Well when you get a prestigious reputation after doing things right for a while (which they apparently haven't got), I don't think it does you any harm when smaller titles win. It's not like big films always win the Oscars.
Oh. Well then, what's the point? It sounds like a giant advertisement festival.

I'm not taking a jab at you guys, you understand. I just think it's silly that these awards have a bizarre criteria that sounds like "It has to have sold over X and be cool but it doesn't matter if it sold the most." I mean in reality, the game of the year is the one that sells the most -anything beyond that is just personal opinion. The VGA's would far more interesting if they broadened their horizons.

Truly the Game of the Year would be the one that ranks maybe higher on Metacritic then others if you wanted to get somewhat technical. But yes it would to a point come down to personal preference. But I would say if we are going for "most" I would say the game that ranks the highest on Metacritic for the year would be a much better measuring tool then the one that sells the most.

So agree they need to broaden their horizons. Most hate these awards (including me) because it really is just a corporate shill of a show to try to push advertising. As Soapy and others said, the only decent thing of the show is the "premieres of next years games".

And I usually just wait for those to pop up on Youtube.
more interested in new previews they'll show about already announced future games or new game reveals than the actual awards themselves

remember how Arkham City made its debut 3 years ago?
I already voted for AC3 for GOTY, and hope like hell it gets it; but it's kinda surprising that titles like Skyrim, Halo 4, Black Ops 2 and Borderlands 2 weren't nominated. Maybe Spike was just saying they wanted games that thought outside the box this year; but if that's the case, how do you explain ME3?
Skyrim won last year.

And honestly AC3 did not think "outside of the box" it was very similar to it's predecessor.
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What he means is they go off of more popular titles. The titles that always win are usually games that sell quite a lot. Even if there are games that rank higher on Metacritic ect. It is a commercial type of event, not really an award show.
yeah I should have explained that better. But that's how they go about it. I keep for getting to mention about the up coming previews. that's mostly the reason others bother with this. other wise most would just ignore it all together since it is a commercial event.

It's most likely cause of event like e3 and games con etc I just sloppily forget this event does this too . And it's odd since this is the only type of awards show that does this. Oh well. I at least remembered it last year.
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My vote will probably go to the Walking Dead, depending on how it all wraps up in episode 5.
Skyrim won last year.

And honestly AC3 did not think "outside of the box" it was very similar to it's predecessor.

....I don't recall in AC predecessors hunting animals on the frontier, Tarzan-ing through treetops, wading through chest-deep snow, using human shields, tomahawks and muskets and rope darts, hiring and xp-farming artisans on my homestead, learning "recipes" to create trade goods and utility items, and certainly not pouring grapeshot and gunpowder broadside into three-masters on a rolling sea in the middle of gale-force winds. Do you? :huh:
Those are upgrades, it at it's core is still the same game. You could say the same about a lot of sequels, even Black Ops 2 with all the new perks ect.

And those are not "outside of the box" You have been able to do many of those things for years and years and years in other games.
Bah. Sales, Metacritic and these nonsense VGA's be damned. I'll be much more interested to come on the SHH next month and see what everyone's personal Game of The Year is. I respect the opinions of the regulars here far more than I do a bunch of whoeverthehells.

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