5.20 - Fade (Spoilers)

AgentPat said:
Mmm... he didn't really say. Gotta understand, hubby isn't into the "touchy feely" stuff LOL. He rolls his eyes during those kind of scenes, but he's up close and personal when Clark rides a nuclear missile into orbit or when Lex is being particularly baaaad. Hee! Different strokes for different folks.

My husband would be exactly the same. :D

Rumpuso said:
Also, something to keep in mind, the spoilers mentioned that he broke his telescope in a jealous rage. They *could* have cut that scene in editing and when he referred to his telescope not working, he may have meant it literally.

However, I think the scene worked better figuratively, as they shot it.

I think the fact that they either cut that from the original scene or they decided not to go ahead with it, made it more reasonable to assume that it was supposed to be taken figuratively or metaphorically, whichever word you prefer.

I just watched the episode again and I knew there was something in that Clana Loft Scene that made me really angry at Lana and it was her *itchy delivery of the line that made it worse.... "I know you think you're being some kind of hero, but I dont need your protection".

Aaaaaggghhhhh! I wanted to scratch her eyes out. Meow!
"Fade" – My thoughts. (If you want them:D )

This has been a rather interesting season, has it not? There has been some bad, but mostly good ol’ Superman action, only Smallville style. FOS, Brainiac, Kryptonians, Zod, yadda yadda, we all know what the good was.

This episode had a lot of good in it, but it had some things that just plain irked me. Let’s get cracking!

First Clark saves a man about to be run down by a truck in Metropolis. (Seriously, how many bad drivers are there in the city?) We have seen this shtick before, but what we haven’t seen was Clark dealing with repercussions from saving a killer. He learned that not everyone he saves will be good like he thinks they should be, but that he still has a responsibility to save everyone, including those that are evil.

Superman doesn’t differentiate when it comes to life. He learns that valuable lesson in this episode that he uses later in life as Superman. I thought that plot was well done and well thought out.

Next, Lex: He is in one heck of a quandary in this season. His evil side has been coming out, slowly but surely. But we see a glimmer of what used to be good shine through still. He is losing the battle though. We can see this by how he is dealing with Lana. He outright lied about his knowing where Fine is. But then we see the Lex we used to know when he hears that Clark came to visit.

You can see the struggle he has been going through. But alas…he is losing.

We also see by having a gun near him, Lex is always prepared. He was calm, collected, and a little scary when the killer came back to finish the job. MR once again proves his acting merit for this show.

Now the bad that really bother me.

First, re-hashing of used ideas. Inviso-man, we have seen it before….in "Shimmer." I know when you write a show, especially episodic ones in nature, that ideas will start to run thin, but we have had several re-hashed powers this season. I don’t mind the FOW stories but this guy bugged me. The assassin angle, in their defense, worked well though.

Second, Lana. (WARNING: Lana lovers don’t keep reading.)

What has Clark really done to her to deserve to be talked to like he was? She called him untrustworthy! You’d think all the times he saved her would have amounted to something, but I guess not. I really wish they would push the story a little and have her find out. This constant angst really drags down good stories sometimes. I just think that she was totally unjustified in some of the things she said.

In all this episode really was mostly good. The end with Clark putting away the telescope held a lot of meaning in regards to the Clark/Lana relationship. It makes you really feel for Clark. Tom put in a great performance tonight, he really showed his emotions throughout. Listening for the heartbeat was just great. Why no X-Ray vision though? Oh well….3.5 out of 5.

I would watch the episode again.​
Brainiac 8 said:
"Fade" – My thoughts. (If you want them:D )​

Always welcome from me.

Next, Lex: He is in one heck of a quandary in this season. His evil side has been coming out, slowly but surely. But we see a glimmer of what used to be good shine through still. He is losing the battle though. We can see this by how he is dealing with Lana. He outright lied about his knowing where Fine is. But then we see the Lex we used to know when he hears that Clark came to visit.

Was he really touched or was it an opportunity for him to tell Lana to shove their relationship in Clark's face. I think that has been his prime motivation in wanting to be with Lana.

You can see the struggle he has been going through. But alas…he is losing.

YAY! Lets let the hero be the hero and not have the anti hero be an ambiguous hero.

He knew damn well that he didnt save Lana's life, but he said nothing.

Now the bad that really bother me.

First, re-hashing of used ideas. Inviso-man, we have seen it before….in "Shimmer." I know when you write a show, especially episodic ones in nature, that ideas will start to run thin, but we have had several re-hashed powers this season. I don’t mind the FOW stories but this guy bugged me. The assassin angle, in their defense, worked well though.

Well the guy from Shimmer wasnt really a FOW, he just used rose petals from the garden to make himself invisible. Graham could actually camouflage himself, which might explain why Clark couldnt use the x-ray vision and even if he could, I thought the super-hearing was way more cool.

Second, Lana. (WARNING: Lana lovers don’t keep reading.)

What has Clark really done to her to deserve to be talked to like he was? She called him untrustworthy! You’d think all the times he saved her would have amounted to something, but I guess not. I really wish they would push the story a little and have her find out. This constant angst really drags down good stories sometimes. I just think that she was totally unjustified in some of the things she said.

Lana lover totally agrees with you. :up:

Tom put in a great performance tonight, he really showed his emotions throughout. Listening for the heartbeat was just great. Why no X-Ray vision though? Oh well….3.5 out of 5.

I thought he was great in this episode too. He had a lot of emotions to go through, not to mention he looks really HOT in that white and blue checked shirt. I think that's my favourite. :)
avidreader said:
I think the fact that they either cut that from the original scene or they decided not to go ahead with it, made it more reasonable to assume that it was supposed to be taken figuratively or metaphorically, whichever word you prefer.

I just watched the episode again and I knew there was something in that Clana Loft Scene that made me really angry at Lana and it was her *itchy delivery of the line that made it worse.... "I know you think you're being some kind of hero, but I dont need your protection".

Aaaaaggghhhhh! I wanted to scratch her eyes out. Meow!
Whatever their initial intention, they clearly chose the right delivery with the scene as it played out last night. It was truly touching. Poor Clark. :(

And I agree with you about the final Lana/Clark loft scene. That's where I felt she showed her aggression and anger; almost as if she had an agenda to hurt him. Clearly she is not over him, or else she wouldn't be slinging the insults as she did. When she wakes up from her Lex mess, she's going to have a lot of self discovery to go through.
rumpuso said:
Whatever their initial intention, they clearly chose the right delivery with the scene as it played out last night. It was truly touching. Poor Clark. :(

Yeah it was excellent.

And I agree with you about the final Lana/Clark loft scene. That's where I felt she showed her aggression and anger; almost as if she had an agenda to hurt him.

Now maybe that's the hell hath no fury like a woman scorned that we've been told to excpect.

Clearly she is not over him, or else she wouldn't be slinging the insults as she did. When she wakes up from her Lex mess, she's going to have a lot of self discovery to go through.

The fact that she said "Lex and I have been seeing each other" and not "Lex and I are in a relationship together", more than implied that she's not over him. I dont think she ever will be.

What I think is going to be kind of ironic is that her new agressive attitude (maybe it is to deliberately hurt Clark) is probably going to enlighten Clark and make him realise that she's not the person that he thought she was and he will move on, whereas she will never be able to get over her feelings for him. In other words her plan will have backfired.
JackMercy said:
You like-ah da sauce, eh...?

Nothing has been confirmed...


...but for T.S., I'd place my bets more on Mr. J (no, not that one), than Mr. Z...in fact I think he's kind of auditioned already...
yeah, I know he's
the voice of Jor-el, I'm not a ******ed monkey, but based on my extensive knowledge of the character of Jor-El, I've always just assumed the voice wasn't his but Zods. At least if they din't want to royally mess up something else about the mythos.
avidreader said:
"I know you think you're being some kind of hero, but I don't need your protection".
The "hero" reference ties into the rest of the plot of that ep. Clark doesn't set out to be a hero; he just is. Lana and Lois still see Clark as a buttinsky into their personal affairs, but Clark is just looking out for their safety. Chloe's known it since Pariah, and while Lana *seemed* to understand that about him in Hidden, she's conveniently forgotten it, I guess.
AgentPat said:
The "hero" reference ties into the rest of the plot of that ep. Clark doesn't set out to be a hero; he just is. Lana and Lois still see Clark as a buttinsky into their personal affairs, but Clark is just looking out for their safety. Chloe's known it since Pariah, and while Lana *seemed* to understand that about him in Hidden, she's conveniently forgotten it, I guess.

Just went and did my workout at the gym, and it occurred to me while I was running the treadmill that maybe she was also saying that she knows he broke up with her because he's trying to protect her but that she's quite capable of looking after herself.

When she eventually realises why he does this, she'll have a better understanding.
Lana is so dumb, anytime she's thought she knew better than Clark about someone or something she gets royally burned. You think she'd catch on after like the 5th or 6th time....
Tony_Montana said:
Two things I hate though. I feel Clark should not be hanging out around the DP as much as he is. I also feel you need to get rid of one or the other Chloe or Lois. To me they are the same person and I just feel there is no need for both.

On the other hand I like the fact that they are making it seem like Lex is using Lana to get to Clark.

You know I don't really mind him hanging out around the Daily Planet. I know they used Chloe to get him there, but I think it sets his future up very nicely. It won't be the same Daily Planet when he begins his career. Perry will be editor and Chloe will be long gone. Lois is really the only hitch in this story line because she knows him so there won't be that tie in with the Donner film. But hey, it is Smallville (whole different enchilada) and it doesn't make it a bad story for her to already know him.....just a different one.:)
The Watchman said:
yeah, I know he's the voice of Jor-el, I'm not a ******ed monkey, but based on my extensive knowledge of the character of Jor-El, I've always just assumed the voice wasn't his but Zods. At least if they din't want to royally mess up something else about the mythos.
Brainiac 8 said:
What has Clark really done to her to deserve to be talked to like he was?
He told her he didn't love her anymore without any clues as to why..
Excluding her parents death, there is nothing in her life that could've hurt more..

People who love you the most can also hurt you more than anything else..

Sad facts of life, but umm, "good" to know.. ( <- bad choice of words :) )
BaK said:
He told her he didn't love her anymore without any clues as to why..
Excluding her parents death, there is nothing in her life that could've hurt more..

He told her that a week after he told her that I've always loved you and I always will. Which one should she believe?

And after he said that, she was the one that said it was over and went straight to Lex.

She knows Clark well enough to know when he's not telling the truth. However poor his skills were with breaking up with her she would know deep down that it would be because he cares about her so much.

People who love you the most can also hurt you more than anything else..

Which is why she said those things to him because she new how to hurt Clark with words.
avidreader said:
He told her that a week after he told her that I've always loved you and I always will. Which one should she believe?
And that's what basically caused her angry "And I can trust you!?"

He ended up so contradictory that it blew up in his face..
IMO he kind of deserved it, and thought he was prepared to deal with it and it's "consequences"..
He just didn't see Lex in the picture..
He should have read spoilers.. :)
BaK said:
And that's what basically caused her angry "And I can trust you!?"

He ended up so contradictory that it blew up in his face..

Surely she knows after all this time that he's usually always right about people and that she can trust him, Clark is a good person who tries to help people and do the right thing by them, with no self profit. Even if he sometimes says things that confuse her. And has she forgotten that he lost his father recently and that maybe he's got some issues that he is trying to deal with.

IMO he kind of deserved it, and thought he was prepared to deal with it and it's "consequences"..

I dont think he deserved it, he's been so generous and kind to Lana over the years and she's always known that he's had a secret, he's definitely made no secret of that.

He just didn't see Lex in the picture..

Right. Clark was prepared for her to move on with someone that would make her happy. Clark knows what sort of guy Lex is and he is worried for her, not jealous because he's a crazy ex-boyfriend.

Its kind of ironic that she said to Clark "I dont need you to protect me," when only hours earlier he had protected her and Lex from a bullet fired by a hitman.

He should have read spoilers.. :)

Yeah, could you drop him a line and give him the link to Ksite. :)
AgentPat said:
Crack open a comic and you'd understand what I'm saying, if you'd like a Jor-El that wants Clark to take over the earth, more power to you, it certainly is an interesting story in it's own right, it just isn't superman.
Newsflash. Smallville isnt Superman....or some kind of prequel.

Its a heavy reimagining. An Elseworlds-like tale.

It can really do anything.
avidreader said:
I dont think he deserved it, he's been so generous and kind to Lana over the years and she's always known that he's had a secret, he's definitely made no secret of that.
Of course he does not literally deserve that, that's why i used "kind of"..
Yes, we all know he saved her gazillion times, and she shouldn't be ungratefull in any kind of way.. But, there sometimes is a but..

Someone mentioned somewhere that by having vilain/Lex taking the credit for saving demsel's in distress life, (as they made her say it), they are making a classic/atchetype setup where one is to feel even more sorry for the hero, who again was the one doing the act of uncredited saving, and thus leading to the standard resolution where he gets the girl and/or everything right in the end..

So this seems like "another" act I with somewhat "predictable" act II..
How much "predictable", I am not sure..

What I am sure of is that the writers managed to "unite ununitable" - K-Site and Sweet forums in their hate for Lana character, and we know here that these sites are mostly various levels of basically insane people :D, so - draw your own conclusions.. :)
Kane said:
Newsflash. Smallville isnt Superman
Newsflash, that's the dumbest ****ing thing I've ever heard. :up:

...I'm sorry, sometimes I get mean when I drink.:( I'm off tot he bars.
Kane said:
Newsflash. Smallville isnt Superman....or some kind of prequel.
Can You tell us, oh, Enlightened One, is it maybe a sequel then?
BaK said:
Of course he does not literally deserve that, that's why i used "kind of"..
Yes, we all know he saved her gazillion times, and she shouldn't be ungratefull in any kind of way.. But, there sometimes is a but..

Someone mentioned somewhere that by having vilain/Lex taking the credit for saving demsel's in distress life, (as they made her say it), they are making a classic/atchetype setup where one is to feel even more sorry for the hero, who again was the one doing the act of uncredited saving, and thus leading to the standard resolution where he gets the girl and/or everything right in the end..

Oh, absolutely. It makes us root for Clark even more, which I'm thinking is part of the purpose of all this.
The Watchman said:
Newsflash, that's the dumbest ****ing thing I've ever heard. :up:

The dumbest f^cking thing would be expecting Smallville to be like the comics or how the Superman mythos is traditionally handled.

Jor-El is what he is on Smallville.... that's that.
BaK said:
Can You tell us, oh, Enlightened One, is it maybe a sequel then?

Its a heavy reimagining... did you miss reading that part in the earlier post?
avidreader said:
Surely she knows after all this time that he's usually always right about people and that she can trust him, Clark is a good person who tries to help people and do the right thing by them, with no self profit.
Avid, I think you hit the nail on the head with your past few posts. I just grabbed this quote to respond to, but I agree with everything you've said so far.

In the episode Thirst, Lana got a peek into Clark's heart and felt his "enormous strength and love" for her. It was one of the very few things she actually remembered from her vampire experience. But then she got all bent out of shape (no pun intended) when "a part of Clark shuts down when the spaceship comes up in conversation" in Lockdown. She carried her anger over into Reckoning, where in the loft scene take two, she decided their relationship needed a time out. This was *after* Clark hugged her tenderly and said he wanted to spend some time with her. He changed the plans about going out and wanted to stay in the loft, but instead of just going with the flow - this is Clark, after all - she accused him of lying - "don't you know I can tell when you're lying?" - and then left. And yet she seemed incapable of knowing that he was "lying" when he said he didn't love her in Hypnotic?

There's always gonna be two sides to the Clark/Lana seesaw, and admittedly, I side with Clark most of the time. He has a knack for sizing people up, and while he was off the mark initially with A.C., he's been pretty dead nuts-on with everybody else. I don't think Lana is playing Lex to get back at Clark, but at the same time, she knows about their growing rivalry. She herself was pissed at Lex for the "You owe me" BS, which the writers have apparently decided to sweep under the carpet, I guess.

Fans often complain about the haphazard way the writers try to shoehorn Lois into plots, but I sometimes wonder if they're having more problems with Lana, 'cause she can be all over the map at times.

The writers paint Lana as a character that needs to be defined by somebody else. Clark, Chloe, Lex, Pete, Lionel, even Martha (post Jonathan's death) have all gone w/o S.O.'s for long periods of time. Lana, on the other hand...

Its kind of ironic that she said to Clark "I don't need you to protect me," when only hours earlier he had protected her and Lex from a bullet fired by a hitman.
That was probably the most bittersweet scene in that ep. I think it's scenes like that that prove how much the true hero Clark really is, because any "normal" person would just say "screw it," and stop intervening in Fate's agenda. If it wasn't for Clark, Lana would have been pushing up daises a LONG time ago. She's woken up in his arms how many times? You'd *think* she would have caught on by now. :rolleyes:

The Watchman said:
Crack open a comic and you'd understand what I'm saying, if you'd like a Jor-El that wants Clark to take over the earth, more power to you, it certainly is an interesting story in it's own right, it just isn't superman.
With all due respect, I think you misunderstood my eyeroll. You may not be up on spoilers for the show, but it might help to get to know folks here before assuming they think you're a "******ed monkey." Jack's response is typical of his style of posting; he wasn't making fun of you. I also read comics fairly regularly; you'd know that about me if you read here more often. Just sayin'. And finally, I guess folks here [raises hand] get a little... I dunno... perturbed... when people say SV isn't Superman. Hello? Everything they do has the blessing of DC, and some of the SV writers pen Superman comics. It's okay to think of the show as an Elsewords story - a lot of folks do - but to patently dismiss it as not being Superman is annoying to those of us who read comics regularly, love the show, and Superman in general.

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