Homecoming A crazy idea to revive the franchise

I don't care that people are still attached to Raimi's films. They need to move on. Raimi has had his shot already. He had a great run bar Spider-Man 3. No need to bring them back, that would be awful.
I don't care that people are still attached to Raimi's films. They need to move on. Raimi has had his shot already. He had a great run bar Spider-Man 3. No need to bring them back, that would be awful.

Believe me, we're trying not to.

Anyway, anything you want in the third movie?
Believe me, we're trying not to.

Anyway, anything you want in the third movie?

Now that Gwen is dead, I want the film to focus on a well written villain and the threat of said villain, while Peter is grieving Gwen's death. Make the film darker as that would be the natural progression from TASM 2's ending, still with a quipping Spider-Man though.
Saying people need to get over the Raimi films is like saying Cleveland Cavs fans need to get over LeBron when he left.

During those 4 years we were terrible and at best supbar. How can you move on from greatness when you are receiving **** in return?
Saying people need to get over the Raimi films is like saying Cleveland Cavs fans need to get over LeBron when he left.

During those 4 years we were terrible and at best supbar. How can you move on from greatness when you are receiving **** in return?

Tobey was just bad and the raimi films can be less successful if someone made spiderman better Ike the spectacular spiderman. But anyway, Sony needs to make a great spiderman film otherwise if they screw around with the third film or anything else that comes first no one would see a spidey movie from them again
I don't care that people are still attached to Raimi's films. They need to move on. Raimi has had his shot already. He had a great run bar Spider-Man 3. No need to bring them back, that would be awful.

No one's talking about bringing Raimi back though ;)

I just think we need to remind people of how great cinematic Spidey can be by re-using elements that made SM2 so great. Alfred Molina is one of those. Tobey would be there for nostalgia reasons, GA likes him more, some fans think he's the better Peter (as compared to Andrew, who's the better Spidey).

You even have the chance to re-use J. K. Simmon's JJJ in some kinda way, which - at least for me - is the only accteptable way to have him play that role again.
Tobey was just bad and the raimi films can be less successful if someone made spiderman better Ike the spectacular spiderman. But anyway, Sony needs to make a great spiderman film otherwise if they screw around with the third film or anything else that comes first no one would see a spidey movie from them again

Tobey was bad?

Roger Ebert on Spider-Man 2:

But if Maguire hadn't returned (along with Spidey's throwaway line about his aching back), we would never have known how good he could be in this role.

Also if someone made it like a cartoon it would be better than Raimi? 2 thigns about this:

Even with Nolan's Batman films, people still like and enjoy the Burton ones and see them as successful.

How do you know that it would be successful? What works in a cartoon, doesn't work in live action.
Tobey was bad?

Roger Ebert on Spider-Man 2:

But if Maguire hadn't returned (along with Spidey's throwaway line about his aching back), we would never have known how good he could be in this role.

Also if someone made it like a cartoon it would be better than Raimi? 2 thigns about this:

Even with Nolan's Batman films, people still like and enjoy the Burton ones and see them as successful.

How do you know that it would be successful? What works in a cartoon, doesn't work in live action.

From the looks it it certainly would since the animated series is more grounded
Saying people need to get over the Raimi films is like saying Cleveland Cavs fans need to get over LeBron when he left.

During those 4 years we were terrible and at best supbar. How can you move on from greatness when you are receiving **** in return?

Raimi's films are done. Get over it.
Realistically I'd just Ignore the Internet and just sit back and enjoy the movies. While not the greatest they are far from worst.


I'm one of the few(I think)that enjoyed TASM2. Although I am glad Orci is off of the next film, I don't care where they take it anymore. If it looks entertaining I'll give it a chance.
Btw, I thought Tobey was excellent in SM2. So much better than in SM1 and SM3.
I wouldn't mind seeing it though the set back would be that so many of the villains from the Raimi-verse are dead. Another than that a character like Madame Webb would be the type to bring the two worlds together but Ock would be a better catalyst, Or you could the sinister six and Oscorp tech which would pull in both universes. The film could tie up loose ends of both franchises and serve as an official end to both. It actually reminds me of Star Trek.

You could even have Garfield meet the alternate Gwen which would compound his pain. It would be interesting to see Tobey's Peter help pull Andrew's Peter out of his depression and showing him that his life isn't over ,and that his MJ is out there somewhere.

The cast would be epic.

Tobey Macguire
Andrew Garfield
Kirsten Dunst
Emma Stone-flashbacks
Alfred Molina
James Franco-Flashbacks
Dane Dehanan
Chris Cooper
Bryce Dallas Howard
Rhys Ifans
Dylan Baker
Sally Field
Rosemary Harris
JK Simmons
That's some awesome names! DoFP-esque really, just without the Oscars
I've actually been thinking myself that a DOFP-style "Spider-Men" movie would actually work pretty well. Maguire Spider-Man gets pulled into the Webb-verse, and teams up with Garfield Spider-Man. It would;
  • Provide the Raimi series with some much-needed closure
  • Allow Spider-Maguire to give his blessing to Spider-Garfield, which may go some way towards reconciling the constant war between fans of the two series'
  • Create a massive audience-interest, because everyone loves a crossover. Hell, I hated the Raimi series but even I'd go nuts to see the two Spider-Men on screen together

I don't even think it's too necessary to have other Spider-Men like 2099 or Noir in it, just those two Spider-Men would be enough IMO.
Stringing together both franchises is a terrible idea.

Let Raimi's remain dead.
Both Spider-Mans meeting would be too good to be true. It will happen eventually, I just hope I'm alive to see it
We will see Keaton don the Bat-cowl before Maguire puts on the Spidey-threads again.
I've actually been thinking myself that a DOFP-style "Spider-Men" movie would actually work pretty well. Maguire Spider-Man gets pulled into the Webb-verse, and teams up with Garfield Spider-Man. It would;
  • Provide the Raimi series with some much-needed closure
  • Allow Spider-Maguire to give his blessing to Spider-Garfield, which may go some way towards reconciling the constant war between fans of the two series'
  • Create a massive audience-interest, because everyone loves a crossover. Hell, I hated the Raimi series but even I'd go nuts to see the two Spider-Men on screen together

I don't even think it's too necessary to have other Spider-Men like 2099 or Noir in it, just those two Spider-Men would be enough IMO.

So much this :)
I particularly like that "blessing" part :up:
Here's my only problem.

TASM1 = Copied off of Nolan's Batman films

TASM2 = Copied off of the MCU films

So instead of thinking of something different, we are just gonna copy off of Fox's X-Men film?
No one is gonna ripoff anything. Let the amazing series follow its own tone in terms of how the story plays out

What if I told you... Marvel Studios didn't invent light hearted CBMs.

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