ABC's Resurrection


Definitely Not 40
Apr 4, 2004
Reaction score
Good trailer. Hope the end result turns out the same.
Looks good but the thing that worries me is that it's on ABC. Seems like a type of show they would cancel before we get the answers.
will the whole show follow the resurrected kid or will there be a new resurrected person in each episode?
will the whole show follow the resurrected kid or will there be a new resurrected person in each episode?

Don't know if there will be a new one each ep, but I know they said that there will be more than just the boy that came back from the dead.
Did anyone else watch this last night ,I thought it was pretty good.
Did anyone else watch this last night ,I thought it was pretty good.

I watched it, and it was intriguing. The reactions of the Langstons seemed fairly realistic for something that crazy.
I watched this last night it actually was pretty good I'll keep watching.
OMG did this show break ABCs sunday night curse? It drew 13mill viewers. Didnt watch it but will be interesting to keep track of the ratings.
OMG did this show break ABCs sunday night 2013-2014 season curse? It drew 13mill viewers. Didnt watch it but will be interesting to keep track of the ratings.


And it looks like. I mean, holy ****ing ****. Those numbers likely won't stay that high, but still, after the season ABC has had this year, wow.
Are they like clones, aliens, there must be some sort of dark twist coming.:eek:
I'm not surprised. The marketing for this show has been some of the best I've seen for a television show. The concept is fresh. And it helps that they played the advertisements like crazy during the most watched Oscars ever.
Aliens seems like the most logical choice, but there is that weird guy they mentioned.

This is hardly fresh though. 4400, and Aquaman (the pilot episode) had a similar premise.
This is a lot like French Les Revenants (The Returned) in which a bunch of people return from the dead.

The kid in this isn't as creepy as the kid in the French show.



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Aliens seems like the most logical choice, but there is that weird guy they mentioned.

This is hardly fresh though. 4400, and Aquaman (the pilot episode) had a similar premise.

Other than The 4400, I can't think of any television shows that used this concept. And the Aquaman pilot never premiered on TV.
Other than The 4400, I can't think of any television shows that used this concept. And the Aquaman pilot never premiered on TV.

On June 9, 2007, Canadian television network YTV, aired the pilot as part of their "Superhero Saturday." Warner Home Video in association with Best Buy released the pilot as a promotional DVD on November 11, 2007, bundling it together with selected Smallville season sets. On February 23, 2009, Warner Bros. attached it as a bonus feature to the Blu-ray release of Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths.
It didn't premiere here in the states.
So all theories are up in the air

-Military experiment where someone is giving another chance for certain people after their loved ones have died?

Sort of "Universal Soldier" spin.
Saw it and liked it very much. Glad to hear it did well and I hope it can keep it up. That Sunday night time slot just got busier. This show, FOX's Cosmos, AMC's The Walking Dead, NBC's Believe. Thank God for DVR, On Demand and the internet.

If the whistling dad died around the same time as Jacob and his aunt. Some type of time vortex hit that town 32 years ago, swept them up and dumped them in the future. Leaving behind their corpse for their families to bury? **** it, aliens. :o


In sum, because this is confusing: Resurrection (ABC) is an adaptation of The Returned (a novel). The Returned (Sundance) is an adaptation of They Came Back (a French movie), and will soon be adapted as an English-language series that will either be called They Came Back or The Returned.

That's a bit confusing.
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I thought about checking this out, but it appears to be one of the shows ABC has randomly decided not to make available through On Demand, so I guess I won't be trying it after all.
Interesting premiere. But my Sundays are already full. So will have to watch this after it airs
I thought about checking this out, but it appears to be one of the shows ABC has randomly decided not to make available through On Demand, so I guess I won't be trying it after all.

try again later. they might be doing what FOX does with some it's shows On Demand. 7-8 days after the episode premiere.

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