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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Comic Books

And issue one of the new book has been released. I'll put my thoughts in spoiler code if anyone wants to check it out. I'll say it's a promising start.

January - Agents of SHIELD 1 by Marc Guggenheim

Agents of SHIELD #1 - The Coulson Protocols Episode One: Lola


Good story. Basically, it's two parts. The first part is a spy/action scene with Phil Coulson being interrogated. Then we go to the heart of the story, which is someone in a stolen Iron Man suit stealing from the Pentagon (I like the old-school asterisk pointing to Invincible Iron Man. It's a good job paying attention to continuity and, hopefully, people will check it out). I think it's good setup, but we'll have to see how well it is executed. In between, all the TV characters get some good scenes and sideplots. The non-TV characters less so. I don't recall Mockingbird appearing for more than a panel. Of the plots, I'm most interested in Simmons's story (poor Jemma). If the TV writers are looking for ideas, that's not a bad one. Fitz's story is surprising, since he's hitting on May!

I like the art better than Waid's book. Certainly, I think consistency will help. Tony Stark appears and looks great, but Phil Coulson and Jemma Simmons are also great. Daisy looks a lot like her TV counterpart. I did think May looked quite young, though, although that might be because of the FitzMay relationship. My one complaint is that Coulson escaping the interrogation could have been better. I almost didn't even see how at first. It's done fairly sloppily in a very tiny panel. It didn't have to be a splash page, but I thought more was needed.

Overall, I was pleased. To me, this is the book that's needed if you're going to give these characters a series.
NICE! Can't wait to read it tonight. Got a pile to go through lol
I can say that this is the first comic I've purchased the day it was for sale. I wish I could say it was something better but, like I said, I liked it.
I liked it! Great start to a new book. Was kind of hoping the other series was going to continue, but it looks like this one's taking it's place.
Agents of SHIELD #2 - The Coulson Protocols Episode Two: Dangerous Liasons


Fun second issue. It's still pretty plot-heavy. The two big characters are Phil Coulson and Leo Fitz. Some others get mentioned and some have next to no role. But it's a big cast and I get the impression that there's more to come.

First off, there was no "previously" to start the issue in the traditional sense. Instead, it was a continuation of the dialogue from last time. It effectively recapped what happened and added to the narrative. That was quite impressive. I know it was a small thing, but it's a new approach that worked well under the circumstances.

I said above there's a big cast. I feel that some of the heavy lifter comics characters don't have much to do - specifically Deathlok and Quake, but Melinda May doesn't do much and Mockingbird hasn't gotten much development. Still, Mockingbird has her own book so that might be OK.

The story focuses on Coulson and his betrayal. However, his dynamic working with Lola (the person, not the car) is fun. The TV show doesn't have any telepaths and I don't think I've ever quite seen a telepath so casually pull information. It makes for fun interrogation scenes. Fitz gets quite a bit of focus. I wonder if he's a mole. He mentioned something called "Nexus." Still, I'm liking supersmart action Fitz. But not quite action enough. It's Mockingbird that does the heavy lifting. I think Guggenheim enjoys writing Fitz a lot. It's a different take from the show, but it's still the same character. This time, he doesn't get as much attention in his personal life, but it ends on a pretty tense cliffhanger. Then everything else ends on a cliffhanger too.

I'll definitely at least buy this through the first story arc. Next month is going to eat a huge chunk out of my wallet since it ends with a teaser for ... Pleasant Hill. It's time for Standoff to begin.
I liked the 2nd issue a lot. I still want MORE, but, I wouldn't say,

Phil betrayed anyone. Lola picked his mind without his knowledge
Agents of SHIELD #3 - The Coulson Protocols Episode Three: Free Fall


This issue is a tie-in to Standoff, which (no spoilers) I've been enjoying a lot so far. I particularly liked the Prelude

story, which seemed to be predictable until the ending and just set the mood so well for everything that followed. This story is a bit slow, but I like how it balances both the current ongoing story and the Standoff story without compromising on either (I think it's more enjoyable for those who have read both, but I think you can follow along without reading Standoff if you don't mind spoilers on what's happened so far).

Speaking of which, minor spoilers for this and for Standoff as a whole so read at your own risk:

The story continues the quest to stop the leak of the Coulson Protocols. At the same time, they're also trying to hunt down Rick Jones (the man who leaked the existance of Kobik). I like how the two parallel each other pretty well. SHIELD's role comes off as pretty authoritarian. On the one hand, it seems justified in their case - they want to stop supervillains from getting the means to destroy all the superheroes. On the other hand, they're taking the same uncompromising position when it comes to Rick Jones, even when they actually seem to think he's right (or, at least, Maria Hill is completely wrong). But I appreciate that. The fact that it is SHIELD makes this book stand out from superhero books. The "hero" here is Big Brother.

The non-Standoff storyline is slow here. It's not entirely Marc Guggenheim's fault since he's gotta write the other story and I appreciate him continuing it slightly. On the other hand, the entire plot could be summed up as "the team sneaks into the place where the meeting is being held" (and I don't think it takes up many more panels than that description took either). On the other hand, there's an intriguing moment (BIG SPOILER) when you see a young Wolverine there. I'm curious where that goes (since it's the main plot, I suspect it's not a Cosmic Cube plot either).

Character Watch: With Fitz, I've defended a slightly different take on the character. However, the opening here just felt like an entirely different one. He's a very outgoing character but he's also quite juvenile. He's far closer to Chris Pratt than Iain De Caestecker. I do like the new Deathlok, though. He gets a lot of time in this issue, which I appreciate. He is a heavy-hitter, but he is also a tech guy, so he serves a useful role (unlike May, who is kind of overshadowed by Mockingbird). Not to spoil it, but there's a cool moment with Simmons and Rick Jones.

Overall, worth it more for the Standoff tie-in. If you're just going for the overall plot, keep in mind it continues the story but is still quite light. It might be worth waiting for a trade if you're trying to save money.
New Avengers #8 which continues the Agents of SHIELD tie-off for Standoff is out today. It features Daisy, Jemma and Deathlok – though as enemies towards the New Avengers team, so they get beaten up. But there is a interesting moment concerning Jemma that could have impact in the future.
Wow totally forgot to check! I've got some reading to do!
New Avengers #8 which continues the Agents of SHIELD tie-off for Standoff is out today. It features Daisy, Jemma and Deathlok – though as enemies towards the New Avengers team, so they get beaten up. But there is a interesting moment concerning Jemma that could have impact in the future.

I'm late to the party, but I agree with that completely. I'd actually argue they used the characters better than Guggenheim's story.
Nice, I've got to read the last 3 issues of Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. as well. Man I got behind!!
I want to add that I read the final issue of Howling Commandos (the Standoff tie-in). I can't say I was a fan (it may be my least favorite tie-in so far). It may be because I'm unfamiliar with the characters. But it didn't feel like a good final issue.

Anyway, the next issue of Agents of SHIELD is out:

Agents of SHIELD #4 - The Coulson Protocols Episode Four: Reversals of Fortune


This is also another Standoff tie-in, paired with New Avengers for the most part (I really liked those tie-ins so far). How is this? I honestly forgot to buy it. :o

I'll try to pick it up tomorrow and give my review.
My review:

Another Standoff tie-in. In this case, I liked the progression of the other story (a bit more spy stuff that worked OK).

If you're reading New Avengers, a lot of this issue should be familiar (and, by familiar, I mean the same thing). Still, it's the same fight from a different angle. Each writer and artist team has a different approach and there's a choice on what to emphasize. In this case, Daisy gets a bit more of a focus. I got used to this during the Infinity arc because I was following along with Captain Marvel. I thought it worked well, although it's always an awkward situation.

On the main front, I think the biggest question continues to be Fitz. I'm starting to suspect he's a mole. I liked the twist with who this Wolverine is. In addition, with Stark-tech being stolen, it's kind of hard who to trust.

Overall, it's solid. I'd say it's worth checking out this first arc to see if you like it. But it doesn't look like it'll ever be a comic that will wow me or be particularly deep.
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I was quite surprised about the "double storytelling" which seems to happen due to New Avengers shipping twice a month and AoS only once.
Apparently Ewing scripted the scenes, and I agree with Mike on that he used the characters better than Guggenheim – but, well, it's Ewing. He's probably one of the best scribes that Marvel has at the moment.

[spoil]About Fitz being a mole, one should check out All-New All-Different Marvel Point One... An anthology book that has a introduction story to our current team. He certainly has secrets, this version of Fitz...[/spoil]

But it doesn't look like it'll ever be a comic that will wow me or be particularly deep.
Yeah, I also don't think so. Guggenheim will keep it focussed on spy stuff, probably including a few double-bluffs (Mockingbird is in this, she surely must be undercover while already being undercover, right? :oldrazz:)
FYI, for spoiler code, you have to write out spoiler, not just spoil.

I wonder if the Point One is on Marvel Unlimited. I wanted to check it out for Daredevil, so I'll gladly check it here.
Agents of SHIELD #5 - The Coulson Protocols Episode Five: Shanghaied


I haven't read it yet, but I figure I'd post the synopsis since this one is big news!

Coulson captive! Simmons dying! The Amazing Spider-Man marked for death! And if that wasn’t enough… the Marvel Comics Universe debut of GRANT WARD.

ETA: Fixed the cover. I like this cover, particularly the new Spider-Man.
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I thought this was a much-improved issue, probably the best so far. I'll definitely recommend it:

This had a good introduction to Ward. It set up a mutual rivalry/dislike between Coulson and Ward. There's no point in hiding the twist that Ward is a traitor, but this helps explain why (and I like that he's the guy in the Iron Man suit, so he can be a power-player in this story). There's also a great flashback to Hickman's SHIELD days with Gorgon. I think Gorgon has some ability to see into people's souls or something like that to see deception. I could be wrong about that, but it could help show that Gorgon was never really fooled (assuming Ward was changed bad as opposed to always being that way). There's a lot to wait for next month to find out exactly how it plays out.

Good use of many of the characters. I'm definitely worried about Simmons. Fitz was fine this time. I really like the new Deathlok. If I had a complaint, it's there isn't a lot of room for Mockingbird, Quake, and Melinda May. I'd probably drop Bobbi since she's in at least two other books. Minor nitpick: I don't think Spidey had any Spider-Sense.

I do love the art in this book. It's very high-quality. I also think the likeness of the characters is better. There's also a really nifty set of panels featuring Spider-Man in a cool action sequence. I don't recall him using that specific move before. There's also a cameo flashback of another superhero. The style and color really fits the mood for that character.
I haven't read it yet myself. Can't wait tho
Agents of SHIELD # 6 - The Coulson Protocols - Episode Six: Unintended Consequences


"The Coulson Protocols" concludes! Coulson's strategies could kill every super-hero in the Marvel Universe... unless the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have something to say about it. Guest starring as many super-heroes as we cram into 20 pages. Plus: The moment you've been waiting for: Coulson vs. Ward!

What did I think? No clue. The comic shop I went to didn't have it in stock. I'll try and get it tomorrow.
Coulson's strategies could kill every super-hero in the Marvel Universe... unless the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have something to say about it.

Wait...is Coulson no longer SHIELD?
He is. I'd probably suggest reading it to find out. Or just click below. ;)

That's just marketing speak to mean "the team." Coulson is the ultimate fanboy so he thought of ways to beat every superhero. A telepath working for DOD took those ideas from his brain. Now Grant Ward stole that information and Coulson's team is trying desperately to get it back.
As it turns out... spoilers for the issue:

Coulson also had strategies/contingencies for his team, too. They're not amused.
^ Yep. Definitely looking forward to seeing how that will play out.

I liked this issue a lot. The story works well when they pick up the pace and make it more action-heavy. No spoilers, but it's a very good use of superheroes (unlike the Mark Waid version, where they were creative but seemed to be distracting except in a few circumstances, I think this served the story very well and helped make it seem larger than it was). The ending was very good at making me interested in where this will go. Like Season One of the show, it's a rough start, but this series has improved dramatically in quality.

The only thing I'll say is it feels weird reading this after Civil War II #1. It definitely takes place prior.
Man, I need to get to the comic shop lol
^ Yep. Definitely looking forward to seeing how that will play out.

I liked this issue a lot. The story works well when they pick up the pace and make it more action-heavy. No spoilers, but it's a very good use of superheroes (unlike the Mark Waid version, where they were creative but seemed to be distracting except in a few circumstances, I think this served the story very well and helped make it seem larger than it was). The ending was very good at making me interested in where this will go. Like Season One of the show, it's a rough start, but this series has improved dramatically in quality.

The only thing I'll say is it feels weird reading this after Civil War II #1. It definitely takes place prior.
Have issues 7-12 been confirmed?

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