The Dark Knight Rises Am I the only one that feels like TDKR prevents Nolan's trilogy from being perfect?

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lol, no. I mean, yeah, if you really hate the film through and through, sure. But even though I feel TDK is the best one in the trilogy, TDKR surpassed a lot of things from the first two entries, IMO.

The fight sequences were a huge step-up. Bane vs Batman part I truly exceeded my expectations, and I'm actually a fan of the way Nolan films/constructs his hand to hand combat.

The whole angle on Blake(Robin) being Bruce's successor really tied the trilogy together. In BB Bruce wants to inspire people to stand up and fight the good fight. In TDK he ends up inspiring a possible hero with a face in Harvey Dent, but unfortunately, Dent wasn't strong enough and succumbed to madness. In TDKR everything comes back to Bruce's speech on the plane in BB, about being more than a man, a symbol.

We can all agree that Anne Hathaway was the leading lady we deserved from day one as Selina Kyle. Not much else to say about her marvelous performance. I wish we had more from Talia after her initial reveal, but everything up until that point I enjoyed very much.

All the stuff with Bruce in the pit and his gradual return as Batman was phenomenal. I just watched the scenes of him trying to escape the pit and his eventual "Rise" from it and man it's extremely powerful stuff.

I still need to see the film again to finally say where I feel it stands in the trilogy, but for now it's definitely a few pegs behind TDK, even if it improved on a few things.
Well,yes and no.I think TDKR is the weakest of the trilogy,but TDK wasn't flawless by any means.BB was the best,IMO.
Deffo the worst Nolan movie and worst Nolan Batman movie. Not enough Batman in it. Too much John Blake. Bruce Wayne is like crippled on a cane or with a broken back for most of it. Bane's plan was dumb. Hated Marion Cottiard's dull character.

Anne Hathaway was the best thing in it.
I don't see how anyone can thank this series is perfect.

Rachel Dawes. That is all.
After watching all three of the movies together, it becomes apparent how small Nolan made this world. I mean he had the whole DC universe to play with and allude to, and he does nothing with it, not even with the football teams in TDKR.

Then there's Batman, who going by the timeline of the films was only around for a year/year and a half before quitting, and he was kinda terrible at it too. He really wasn't much of a detective, there was like a scene of detective work shown out of all three of the movies. And he seemed to engage in a lot wanton destruction of property.

So go ahead give me ****, and poke holes in my dislikes. But the Nolan films weren't perfect.
I feel like TDKR makes it a more well-rounded trilogy. Saying that TDKR alone prevents perfect trilogy status implies that films 1 and 2 were perfect, which I don't agree with.

I don't know if I could call TDKR the "best" of the three, but I do know that I love the whole package of Nolan movies even more than I previously did as a result of it. It only made my appreciation for the whole story go up.
Imo, The Dark Knight Rises, while obviously not flawless, is the best of the trilogy and definitely breaks the third CBM curse as well as being the monumental ending to a great trilogy.

Now, were there things that even I would've changed in TDKR? Of course, but I think TDKR was a great ending to already a great trilogy and will be remembered among the ranks of the original Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, et cetera.

You should at least give your reasons of why you think such instead of just telling everyone to discuss, lol.

Deffo the worst Nolan movie

Insomnia says hi :funny:

Then there's Batman, who going by the timeline of the films was only around for a year/year and a half before quitting, and he was kinda terrible at it too. He really wasn't much of a detective, there was like a scene of detective work shown out of all three of the movies. And he seemed to engage in a lot wanton destruction of property.

So because of there not being much detective work in the trilogy, it means Batman was terrible at his job? Even if Batman was only around for a year and a half or so, he still took out the League of Shadows at that time, was majorly responsible of taking out the mobs and took down a little known psychotic named Joker who is Batman's greatest enemy in the comics or anything.
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The only problem for me with TDKR was that there was no Gothamite voice (a common issue looking at these boards) but everything else is lovely to me. Bane's plan makes more sense when I think about it, Talia is also an issue I have but not a huge one like it seems to be for others.

For me Nolan's trilogy is MY trilogy. Some had Star Wars, some had Lord of the Rings, Nolan has given The Dark Knight Trilogy. And I don't think any other trilogy will come close the story throughout the trilogy is just brilliant.

The only way TDKR was gonna affect my feelings in a poor way was if it somehow made the previous films weaker. But for me TDKR makes BB and TDK stronger. TDKR wraps it all up beautifully, ties up the point made clear in the first film and throughout the second. Each film leads wonderfully into the next and each story and the direction they go just seem logical. It is not perfect but its as close as anything has ever gotten and it will be a mighty hard task for anything else to get close.

For many Blake has ruined these films for them but that a non win situation he HAD to have lots of screentime otherwise we'd all be crying "why has that side character got to wear the suit he's not worthy!" by the end of the film if there was anyone who would be worthy of the mantle throughout the trilogy it would be Blake IMO.

Each film has its pros and cons, each film has great moments and poor moments. They are just as strong/weak/good/bad as one another. To claim TDKR lets down the other is saying that the other two are better which just isn't the case. I will never have a solid answer to the question "What's your favourite film in the Batman trilogy?" because I simply could not choose.
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Insomnia says hi :funny:.

Surely it would be Following?

All of Nolan's other films fit into my top ten films of all time :woot: It was only after TDK that I found out Memento, BB and The Prestige were Directed by the same guy so it seems Nolan really makes the films I want to see.
I've got a lot of problems with TDKR. It's not a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it did not live up to the high standard set by the previous two movies, especially TDK.

It doesn't stop the trilogy from being a good trilogy, and Nolan definitely broke the superhero trilogy curse, but the movie is not nearly as good as it could have been. A lot of wasted potential.
Surely it would be Following?

All of Nolan's other films fit into my top ten films of all time :woot: It was only after TDK that I found out Memento, BB and The Prestige were Directed by the same guy so it seems Nolan really makes the films I want to see.

God no. I LOVED Following so much, haha. Insomnia is definitely my least enjoyable Nolan film. And The Prestige would still have to be my favorite from Nolan.
God no. I LOVED Following so much, haha. Insomnia is definitely my least enjoyable Nolan film. And The Prestige would still have to be my favorite from Nolan.

I've only seen Following once. All I remember was a great ending but not much else. Insomnia sometimes is a struggle to get into but other times I watch it I love it. I think its just weird cause it isn't witten by Nolan (although I do believe he slightly helped in some rewrites) and to me that is really noticable.

All his others are awesome. If I had to rate as individual films I'd probably go -

1 - Memento
2 - The Dark Knight
3 - Batman Begins
4 - Inception
5 - The Dark Knight Rises

But there is such a fine line between them that if you asked me next week that order would completely change (Inception and TDKR especially)

However, if anyone asked me the best stuff Nolan has done I'd put the Batman trilogy right on top as I view as one long story/film.
The only way TDKR was gonna affect my feelings in a poor way was if it somehow made the previous films weaker. But for me TDKR makes BB and TDK stronger. TDKR wraps it all up beautifully, ties up the point made clear in the first film and throughout the second. Each film leads wonderfully into the next and each story and the direction they go just seem logical. It is not perfect but its as close as anything has ever gotten and it will be a mighty hard task for anything else to get close.

My feelings exactly. I know some feel differently about this. But right after I saw TDKR, I had the urge to go back and re-watch Batman Begins and I just loved it more than ever and saw many things in a bit of a different light. It made the movie really 'pop' for me again. To me, that's always the mark of a great trilogy. And TDK feels even more special and unique since BB and TDKR are kinda like cousins. I think that's as it should be.
My feelings exactly. I know some feel differently about this. But right after I saw TDKR, I had the urge to go back and re-watch Batman Begins and I just loved it more than ever and saw many things in a bit of a different light. It made the movie really 'pop' for me again. To me, that's always the mark of a great trilogy. And TDK feels even more special and unique since BB and TDKR are kinda like cousins. I think that's as it should be.
Definitely felt the same way as both you guys on this one. Not a perfect film, but still such a grand presentation of Batman that enhances both other films.
My feelings exactly. I know some feel differently about this. But right after I saw TDKR, I had the urge to go back and re-watch Batman Begins and I just loved it more than ever and saw many things in a bit of a different light. It made the movie really 'pop' for me again. To me, that's always the mark of a great trilogy. And TDK feels even more special and unique since BB and TDKR are kinda like cousins. I think that's as it should be.

Yeah I watched BB and TDK for the first time since I saw TDKR last week and they just felt fresh and new again like TDKR breathed new life into them. I knew where this story was all heading and I had zero issues with its outcome. It really is a sign of a great trilogy to feel that way it would have greatly annoyed if I had been put off rewatching the other two after TDKR, like the TV show Chuck which I adored all the way until its final 4 episodes which IMO ruined the previous 4 and a half seasons and I have never really felt the urge to rewatch the show since as I know how it all ends and I hate it!
The dark knight trilogy is perfect to ME because now I have a complete on screen journey of bruce wayne. I mean we dont have to watch him fight all the popular villians from the comics and grow old and die. It was about what villians would make bruce learn and grow. He got to complete his goals as batman. The whole point of batman is bring gotham to a time where gotham doesnt need a batman. That was done in this trilogy. I never thought I would see bruce wayne complete his goals and live a happy life and I have now.
I hate compound questions.
A) Very few things in life are perfect. This trilogy is not one of them.
B) You are probably not the only one who has issues with the film.
C) The Dark Knight Rises does not prevent the Trilogy from being great or wonderful, in fact, it in no way detracts from the Trilogy as a whole, at least to me personally.
Glad to see others who feel the same. One more thing I'll add is, I know people are always going to wonder what would have happened if Ledger lived and the "you and I can do this forever" line is always going to be bittersweet because of that...BUT..I think, in the context of a finite trilogy, it works extremely well to have The Joker as the proverbial atom bomb that goes off in the second act that pretty much rips Bruce's life apart in a real and lasting way. This Batman may not have battled the Joker endlessly, but Joker still made his mark in the short amount of time he had the stage for. Which I think is awesome.
I've got a lot of problems with TDKR. It's not a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it did not live up to the high standard set by the previous two movies, especially TDK.

It doesn't stop the trilogy from being a good trilogy, and Nolan definitely broke the superhero trilogy curse, but the movie is not nearly as good as it could have been. A lot of wasted potential.

Once again you and I agree.
The trilogy was not perfect before Rises. It was strengthened as a series because of the film, making it more coherent and congruent. It is as much of an ending as Begins was a beginning and without it the overarching story would not be complete. But it still isn't perfect.
yet again

to those who concern

mud pies intend to throw at TDKR,will also hits in TDK's head

all three pieces of N's trilogy are sitting on same boat with strings attach to each other,one got dragged under the water,others follow.(so try not slap your own cheek)

TDKR is the crucial stone of N's trilogy ---Three in One(and perfectly represents one of the fundamental substances of Dark Knight trilogy )
After watching all three of the movies together, it becomes apparent how small Nolan made this world. I mean he had the whole DC universe to play with and allude to, and he does nothing with it, not even with the football teams in TDKR.

Then there's Batman, who going by the timeline of the films was only around for a year/year and a half before quitting, and he was kinda terrible at it too. He really wasn't much of a detective, there was like a scene of detective work shown out of all three of the movies. And he seemed to engage in a lot wanton destruction of property.

So go ahead give me ****, and poke holes in my dislikes. But the Nolan films weren't perfect.

Ya can thank Rises for the short Batman career by doing that stupid 8 year time gap.

Insomnia says hi

The Dark Knight Rises says hello back.

yet again

to those who concern

mud pies intend to throw at TDKR,will also hits in TDK's head

all three pieces of N's trilogy are sitting on same boat with strings attach to each other,one got dragged under the water,others follow.(so try not slap your own cheek)

TDKR is the crucial stone of N's trilogy ---Three in One(and perfectly represents one of the fundamental substances of Dark Knight trilogy )

HA! What is this nonsense? Just because one movie is bad doesn't make the others bad because they're sequels to it. X-Men 1 and 2 ain't crap because X-Men 3 is. Neither is Spider-Man 1 and 2 lame because the third one was either.
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Yes and no. The Dark Knight Rises is underwhelming after the first two, I don't particularly care for the setting, and the plot largely doesn't make sense, the voice of Gotham was overlooked, and Bruce's experience in the Pit should have mirrored Gotham's occupation by Bane. But I think Batman Begins and The Dark Knight also prevent the trilogy from being considered "perfect". It's the best superhero trilogy, as of yet. But can be surpassed.
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