Comics Amazing #550 (Spoilers)

spider greg

Sep 2, 2000
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I'm getting the issue today so I can't comment yet, but figured we should have a thread on it. yay or nay discuss away.
I gotta admit, I'm curious what the deal is with Menace.
Just read it... it's all good...

I know people will complain about how we've seen it all before, but it feels "old" yet "new" at the same time... the mysteries, the story's pacing, the cliffhangers, it's all good... when Spidey leaps over the Blue Shield's kick, it looked very sweet...

I'm a very excited 40 year old feeling like he's 12 again.

And the way they fit this story into modern continuity certainly does a lot of good where my continuity bruises are...

As I said in the Brand New Day thread, I really thought this Issue was awesome. I can't wait to see what happens with Menace.
I loved it.

I thought this whole storyline thus far, not only Menace, but with the spider tracers being at 5 killings, is really good.
So Jackpot is not Mary Jane.

The stupid thing that I can't believe I didn't think of CAN'T be a mystery. Aren't ALL registered superheros' identities open to the public?
So Jackpot is not Mary Jane.

The stupid thing that I can't believe I didn't think of CAN'T be a mystery. Aren't ALL registered superheros' identities open to the public?

No, they are not necessarily accessible to the public... just to the SHRA (government & S.H.I.E.L.D.). The heroes that revealed themselves publically did so to show support for the Registration Act, and to help convince other heroes who might have been on the fence. (At least that's why I believe they did so)

Spidey told Jackpot that he was Flash Thompson... so why would we assume that "Sarah Ehret" would be Jackpot's real name?

:huh: :huh: :huh:

So Jackpot is not Mary Jane.

The stupid thing that I can't believe I didn't think of CAN'T be a mystery. Aren't ALL registered superheros' identities open to the public?

Don't be so quick to jump to that conclusion. There was that little "..." before she gave her name as Sara Ehret, and Peter had already claimed to be Flash Thompson. If Jackpot really is MJ (which is the only logical outcome), then that answer would have probably tipped her off to his identity and she could have answered his evasive answer in kind. Also, registered heroes' identities are supposed to be secret (for their protection, only the government knows).

Of course, I don't understand how Peter wouldn't automatically recognize MJ's voice, not to mention the fact that Jackpot's mask doesn't exactly cover much of her face. I'm seriously torn on this. Half of me wants it to be MJ because it makes absolutely no sense for it to be anyone else, and the other half wants it to be someone else so that we aren't back in the days of Clark Kent putting on a pair of glasses to hide his identity. I know it's a comic, but they can try to make it a BIT realistic.
As odd as it is for me to say, I hope that it is Mary Jane...

And Spidey is back to his red'n blues in New Avengers, and Danny mentions to Spidey that he has his own room (one could assume for privacy), so it's a minor indication that while he's still on the team, they have forgotten his identity.
As odd as it is for me to say, I hope that it is Mary Jane...


Same here.

I won't lie. I'm interested in Jackpot. I'm just aching for any sought of Peter/MJ relationship to return. ANYTHING AT ALL. The issue was good though.

I swear, it's like I hate how we got here and I hate some of the ideas that are going on but, I am interested to see how things turn out. I guess...I'm a diehard Spider-man fan and I have to try and make the best out of this situation cause we will be stuck with it for a while.

All in all though, I'll put my OMD and some of my BND hate aside and just say the issue was good.
Don't be so quick to jump to that conclusion. There was that little "..." before she gave her name as Sara Ehret, and Peter had already claimed to be Flash Thompson. If Jackpot really is MJ (which is the only logical outcome), then that answer would have probably tipped her off to his identity and she could have answered his evasive answer in kind. Also, registered heroes' identities are supposed to be secret (for their protection, only the government knows).

Of course, I don't understand how Peter wouldn't automatically recognize MJ's voice, not to mention the fact that Jackpot's mask doesn't exactly cover much of her face. I'm seriously torn on this. Half of me wants it to be MJ because it makes absolutely no sense for it to be anyone else, and the other half wants it to be someone else so that we aren't back in the days of Clark Kent putting on a pair of glasses to hide his identity. I know it's a comic, but they can try to make it a BIT realistic.

I don't think Spidey's fooled in the slightest, if it is her. He keeps asking if it's her, and making references.

I think the only two possibilities are Jackpot being MJ or Mephisto. I mean, how the hell else would she keep saying things like "Tiger?"
I don't think Spidey's fooled in the slightest, if it is her. He keeps asking if it's her, and making references.

I think the only two possibilities are Jackpot being MJ or Mephisto. I mean, how the hell else would she keep saying things like "Tiger?"

It's MJ.

We all know that cause nothing else makes any type of logical sense. All the constant references and the name "Jackpot" are about as obvious as one can get. Unfortunately, I doubt that Marvel is going to go the route of simply saying its "MJ" and she's looking out for Peter. I have a feeling that Marvel is going to throw in some ridiculous twist that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever....

Ah well...

Next issue will probably be the issue where I decide if I'm going to follow along with this title or not.
Jackpot is Chronic, the long lost sister of MJ :oldrazz:

lame joke/10 :hyper:
Oh dope, hoping I could have edited it before anyone could have responded lol oh well
Hey i was just thinking, doesn't MJ have a younger sister? That character has never been used except in flashbacks to mary jane's past. Maybe Jackpot is her. It would explain why she keeps saying "Tiger". Maybe its a word that MJ and her sister used frequently. And of course naturally they would look alike. That would be a nice twist. That would be very interesting seeing Spidey get involved in MJ's sister. Just a thought tho.
so any theory on who menace really is? my theory?
ben reilly :eek:
Hey i was just thinking, doesn't MJ have a younger sister? That character has never been used except in flashbacks to mary jane's past. Maybe Jackpot is her. It would explain why she keeps saying "Tiger". Maybe its a word that MJ and her sister used frequently. And of course naturally they would look alike. That would be a nice twist. That would be very interesting seeing Spidey get involved in MJ's sister. Just a thought tho.

No offense...

But that's interesting?:csad:
she is ben reilys father, who begat mary janes sister who then gave birth to mephisto...
easy as that^^

the new goblin looks mutated. i doubt once can make a mask like this...
Also, registered heroes' identities are supposed to be secret (for their protection, only the government knows).
That did cross my mind. I just wasn't sure how it all worked out.

Of course, I don't understand how Peter wouldn't automatically recognize MJ's voice, not to mention the fact that Jackpot's mask doesn't exactly cover much of her face.
This ALSO crossed my mind, and came across as ricockulously stupid.

I'm pretty sure I would recognise my girlfriend if she dressed up in that costume.
Hey i was just thinking, doesn't MJ have a younger sister? That character has never been used except in flashbacks to mary jane's past. Maybe Jackpot is her. It would explain why she keeps saying "Tiger". Maybe its a word that MJ and her sister used frequently. And of course naturally they would look alike. That would be a nice twist. That would be very interesting seeing Spidey get involved in MJ's sister. Just a thought tho.

MJ does have a sister, but she was pretty much the opposite of MJ. She also has her niece Kristy that looks a good deal like her and always had a crush on Pete.

Sara Ehret is the name of two different characters in Guggheim's TV shows, so the name is simply a red herring without too much double meaning.

I still say menance is ned leeds back from the dead.
MJ does have a sister, but she was pretty much the opposite of MJ. She also has her niece Kristy that looks a good deal like her and always had a crush on Pete.

Sara Ehret is the name of two different characters in Guggheim's TV shows, so the name is simply a red herring without too much double meaning.

I still say menance is ned leeds back from the dead.

Yeah, I had to laugh when I googled it and saw that someone had generated 1000 anagrams for it.
So Jackpot is not Mary Jane.

The stupid thing that I can't believe I didn't think of CAN'T be a mystery. Aren't ALL registered superheros' identities open to the public?

Nope. The identities of registered heroes are only known to "you, God, and Tony Stark."
I just finished it and I loved it, I liked the first issue but this was much better. I thought it was kind of interesting that the spider tracers found on the body were older ones. The only person I could think of who could possibly get their hands on them is Harry. Maybe when they lived together?:huh: *shrugs shoulders* I dunno.
I liked the "bad luck with Captains" reference.:up:

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