Arrow An Innocent Man - Rate and Review thread


You Are My World
Apr 7, 2004
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What did you think?

Us in the UK have to wait a few more weeks for this to air unfortunately
So far so good. I was pleasantly surprised that Digg swung at Oliver. Laurel just got another point on her badass license, I'm liking it.
Once again Dinah Laurel Lance was made the damsel in distress. What happened to her nifty martial arts from last week?
Hate the fake voice. Is lance going to find out his ID so soon?

Edit: guess so.
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The sister & Laurel sucks. They are hot but they suck. The computer chick is where its at
Good ep.

I'll give Det. Laurel credit for not being stupid. Clark always had the blurred image on security video to help.

I actually liked Thea and Laurel's scenes this week, but I still wish they'd let Laurel do something not about GA.

Moira has the Queeen's Gambit? What was the point of that. (Reminded me of Lex having his car from the accident in that room).

Once again Dinah Laurel Lance was made the damsel in distress. What happened to her nifty martial arts from last week?

Like I said last week. Kidney punching some rich boy who can't fight and taking down a 250 plus bruiser or being fired at aren't the same.

At least she knows how to use a gun, too.
That epi was awesome. Very surprised at Ollie getting found out, how will he get out of this? Also how will the mother react? The sister? What will the stepfather do with his newfound knowledge of his wife? Great stuff man.
lol his voice was dreadful
Him wearing green eye shadow as a mask is even stupider so the voice wasn't too bad for me. At least it wasn't the Bale route.

Kind of feels like someone will imitate him which will set him free. Or something that will prove its not him.
how is Oliver gonna get outta this one...didn't see him getting arrested like that this soon
Diggle will pose as Arrow and free Ollie. Seems obvious to me, I'm interested to see how the lingering suspicion will affect the family.
Diggle will pose as Arrow and free Ollie. Seems obvious to me, I'm interested to see how the lingering suspicion will affect the family.

they have footage of Oliver...changing into a police uniform with his bow and arrow. then he just casually walks out with the rest of the cops lol
This ep was the first kinda lame one for me, but they saved themselves with a well planned cliff hanger.

The voice thing was great, unlike nolan the producers wrote around the issue in the most acceptable way.
they have footage of Oliver...changing into a police uniform with his bow and arrow. then he just casually walks out with the rest of the cops lol

They can come up with some lame excuse like. Oliver is a fan of Arrow & he was drunk & pretending to be him or some **** like that
My theory:

The footage was of when he grabbed his outfit to fight DeadShot, not of the Prision (unless the writers are lazy and used the same footage and are going to pass it off as the Prision footage).

It was Ollie grabbing the bag, not actually changing into GA, so the police don't have concrete evidence. In the episode preview Ollie volunteers for a lie detector so I'm assuming he's been trained to be able to beat one and be able to lie his way out of the issue.
The footage was certainly from the previous episode, its even said by the tech guy. He's not always in his outfit.

The whole ski mask thing had me laughing, the cops just someone looking like that walk out of there.
The footage was of when he grabbed his outfit to fight DeadShot, not of the Prision (unless the writers are lazy and used the same footage and are going to pass it off as the Prision footage).

I don't think that would be a writing issue.
Does anybody else feel like they can totally cut out Dinah's coworker and nothing about the show would be any different?
Well sure but who else is Dinah gonna talk about boys with.
The footage was certainly from the previous episode, its even said by the tech guy.

I didn't catch that. I thought it was weird that Lance went from the prison, which has plenty of cameras, straight to the Deadshot location.
Well sure but who else is Dinah gonna talk about boys with.

The footage was certainly from the previous episode, its even said by the tech guy. He's not always in his outfit.

The whole ski mask thing had me laughing, the cops just someone looking like that walk out of there.

I missed that... I dont know if its just me, but i tend to miss a lot of little tid bits in this show lol.

and the ski mask hahaha... he also had his bow and **** right?
Yes he walked right out carrying his bow and wearing a ski mask while they are saying area is secured.
Even then, the dialogues on the whole were a step up from last week.

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